Salted Peking Cabbage Recipe

Peking cabbage is used for making salads or side dishes. If you use the recipe for salting Peking cabbage, you can get delicious and healthy homemade preparations. Peking cabbage tastes like white cabbage, and its leaves resemble salad. Today it is successfully grown on the territory of Russia, so salting recipes are gaining more and more popularity.

Features of Chinese cabbage

Chinese cabbage contains acids, vitamins, minerals and fiber. By salting, you can preserve the beneficial properties of this vegetable for a long time.

Advice! Take cabbage with caution if you have problems with the digestive system.

"Peking" strengthens the immune system, saves from vitamin deficiency, helps to cleanse the body and normalize metabolism. It is included in the diet in the fight against excess weight, with diseases of the nervous system and heart, hormonal disorders. The calorie content of such a snack is 15 kcal per 0.1 kg of product.

To cook Chinese cabbage, you need to observe some nuances:

  • when cooking vegetables are not subjected to long-term processing;
  • it takes a long time for salting, from several days to one month;
  • it is not recommended to serve the snack with dairy products, so as not to cause an upset stomach.

Peking cabbage pickling recipes

For salting, you will need Chinese cabbage and other vegetables (hot or sweet peppers, pears, etc.). Salt and spices are always used. For a spicier snack, add ginger or chili.

A simple recipe

For the simplest salting method, you only need cabbage and salt. The cooking process in this case includes the following steps:

  1. Several heads of Peking cabbage with a total weight of 10 kg are cut in any convenient way. If a large container is used for salting, then it is enough to cut them into four parts. When using cans, you need to chop it into strips.
  2. Sliced ​​vegetables are placed in a saucepan or jar in layers, between which salt is poured. The specified amount of cabbage will require 0.7 kg of salt.
  3. Then boiled water is poured so that the vegetables are completely underneath.
  4. Cover the vegetables with gauze and put oppression on top. The container remains in a cool place so that the cabbage does not sour.
  5. The gauze is changed every few days. After 3 weeks, the vegetables will be salted, then they can be transferred to jars.

Salting for the winter

For salting Peking cabbage for the winter, in addition to the main ingredients, you will need spices. The recipe is very simple and consists of the following steps:

  1. Cabbage (1 kg) is finely chopped.
  2. Salt (0.1 kg), bay leaves and cloves (2 pcs.) And allspice (4 pcs.) Are added to the chopped vegetables.
  3. The vegetable mass is mixed and tamped into a glass jar.
  4. On top of the vegetables are covered with a piece of cloth or gauze, after which a load is placed in the form of a small stone or a bottle of water.
  5. The jar is removed to a dark place where the temperature is kept low.
  6. After a month, the snack can be added to your diet.

Pickled with pear

Cabbage goes well with fruit. If you add a pear when salting, then you can get tasty and healthy blanks. The recipe requires green pears that are not ripe enough. Otherwise, the pieces of fruit will fall apart during the cooking process.

  1. Cabbage (1 pc.) Is cut into strips. The procedure is performed with a knife or grater.
  2. Pears (2 pcs.) Are cut, seeds are removed and finely chopped.
  3. Mix vegetables and remove a little by hand. Add 4 tbsp to the resulting mass. l. salt.
  4. Then the vegetables are placed in a saucepan or jar, where 0.2 l of water is added.
  5. The container is placed in the refrigerator overnight.
  6. In the morning, the resulting brine is poured into a separate jar.
  7. Grated ginger root (no more than 3 cm), chopped garlic (3 cloves) and red ground pepper (2 pinches) are added to the vegetable mass.
  8. Vegetables are poured with the brine obtained earlier. Now the workpieces are left for 3 days in a warm place.
  9. After the fermentation process is completed, pickled cabbage is rolled up in jars and stored.

Korean salting

In the national Korean cuisine, there is a method of salting Peking cabbage using hot spices. This appetizer is an addition to side dishes, and is also used for colds.

Salt Chinese cabbage for the winter in Korean, the following recipe will help:

  1. "Peking" with a total weight of 1 kg should be divided into 4 parts.
  2. A saucepan is placed on the stove, where 2 liters of water and 6 tbsp. l. salt. The liquid is brought to a boil.
  3. Vegetables must be completely filled with marinade and placed in a warm place.
  4. Chopped chili peppers (4 tablespoons) are mixed with garlic (7 cloves), which is preliminarily passed through a garlic press. The components are mixed with the addition of water so that the mixture acquires the consistency of sour cream. The mass is left in the refrigerator for a day.
  5. The brine is drained from the cabbage and each leaf is smeared with a mixture of pepper and garlic. Ready vegetables are placed in a warm place for 2 days. You need to put a load on top of the vegetables.
  6. Ready pickles are removed in a cool place.

Salted with spices

The use of various types of pepper and spices gives the workpieces a spicy taste. This is one of the fastest pickling methods. The cooking recipe is as follows:

  1. A head of cabbage weighing 1.5 kg is cut at the base, after which the leaves are separated.
  2. Rub each sheet with salt (0.5 kg), after which they are placed in a container and left for 12 hours. You can start cooking in the evening and leave the cabbage to salt overnight.
  3. The leaves are washed with water to rinse off excess salt. The leaves have already absorbed the required amount of salt, so there is no need for it anymore.
  4. Then moving on to the preparation of the spices. Garlic (1 head) must be peeled and chopped in any suitable way. Hot peppers (2 pcs.) And sweet peppers (0.15 kg) are processed in a similar way, from which seeds and stalks are removed.
  5. At the next stage, you can add dry spices to the dressing: ginger (1 tablespoon), ground pepper (1 g), coriander (1 tablespoon). You can add a little water and dilute the dry mixture to help spread the spices over the vegetables.
  6. Cabbage leaves are coated on each side with the resulting mixture, then they are placed in a storage container.
  7. For several days, the blanks are left in a warm place, for the winter they need to be removed to a cool place.

Spicy salting

A spicy snack called chamcha is a traditional Korean dish. Cooking requires spices and bell peppers.

The cooking recipe includes several stages:

  1. The saucepan is filled with 1.5 l of water, 40 g of salt are added. The liquid must be heated to a boil.
  2. Peking cabbage (1 kg) is cut into strips 3 cm wide.
  3. The resulting brine is poured into chopped vegetables, put the load and leave them in a cool place to cool.
  4. After cooling the vegetables, the oppression is removed, after which the vegetables are left in brine for 2 days.
  5. After a specified time, the brine is drained, and the cabbage is squeezed by hand.
  6. Chili peppers (4 pcs.) Are peeled from seeds, add one clove of garlic and grind in a blender.
  7. Sweet peppers (0.3 kg) must be cut into strips.
  8. The vegetables are mixed in one container with the addition of soy sauce (10 ml), coriander (5 g), ginger (10 g) and black pepper (5 g).
  9. The resulting mass is left for 15 minutes.
  10. Then it can be put into jars for storage.

Salting with vinegar

For the winter, you can pickle Chinese cabbage with vinegar to extend its storage time. How to pickle vegetables is indicated by the following recipe:

  1. 1.2 L of water is poured into a saucepan, salt (40 g) and sugar (100 g) are added.
  2. When the water boils, add 0.1L of apple cider vinegar to the saucepan.The brine is left to boil for another 15 minutes.
  3. The head of cabbage is cut into large pieces.
  4. Bell peppers (0.5 kg) are cut into strips.
  5. Onions (0.5 kg) must be cut into rings.
  6. Hot peppers (1 pc.) Are cleaned of seeds and finely chopped.
  7. All vegetables are thoroughly mixed and laid out in jars.
  8. Hot brine is poured into each jar.
  9. Then you need to roll up the cans and place them in a cool place for the winter.

Vegetable salting

Peking cabbage goes well with peppers, carrots, daikon and other vegetables. The result is a healthy snack packed with vitamins.

The following recipe is used for salting vegetables:

  1. A head of cabbage weighing 1 kg is cut into four parts.
  2. Cabbage leaves are rubbed with salt, after which they are placed under the load for 7 hours.
  3. Pour 0.4 l of water into a saucepan, add rice flour (30 g) and sugar (40 g). The mixture is put on low heat and cooked until a thick consistency is obtained.
  4. Then they move on to cooking spicy pasta. Garlic (1 head), chili pepper (1 pc.), Ginger (30 g) and onion (50 g) are chopped in a separate container.
  5. Grate the daikon (250 g) and carrots (120 g) on ​​a grater, then place them in the filling, where you need to add 30 ml of soy sauce.
  6. Salted cabbage is washed with water, after which each leaf is coated with a sharp paste and placed in a saucepan where the filling is located.
  7. The container is closed with a lid and put on low heat.
  8. After boiling, the snack is laid out in jars.


Peking cabbage is cooked in combination with carrots, peppers, pears, and various spices. After salting, a healthy and tasty snack is obtained, which has a long shelf life. The workpieces are stored in a cellar, refrigerator or other place with a constant low temperature.

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