Why do clematis leaves turn yellow and dry: what to do

Luxurious and non-capricious clematis is gaining more and more recognition from flower growers, but, unfortunately, like all living things, the flower sometimes gets sick, and the first alarm signal is that the leaves of clematis turn yellow. To correct the situation and save your pet, you need to understand what happened to the flower, and how to help him, so that he will continue to delight with bright colors. Indeed, even when the flowering stage is over, clematis continues to perform a decorative function, thanks to the dense green foliage.

The reasons why clematis turns yellow

There may be several reasons why clematis is uncomfortable:

  • Violation of the rules for planting a flower.
  • Failure to comply with watering norms.
  • Nutrient problems.
  • Diseases.
  • Pests.

It happens that they combine in various combinations, and together attack the flower, but there is no need to despair, everything is fixable and curable. By adhering to simple rules, clematis can be quickly cured of ailments.

Violation of the rules of landing and leaving

If clematis turns yellow, first of all you need to make sure that no gross mistakes were made when planting the flower, or that there were no changes in the surrounding conditions over time. Planting is done in mid-spring or early fall, in a carefully selected location. Merciless sun rays, however, like an unnecessarily thick shadow, are unfavorable for clematis. If there is a spring planting of a flower, it is imperative to install a support nearby, because clematis is a climbing plant. During the autumn planting, it must be covered with foliage or other insulating materials to protect it from frost.

Important! The planting site must be protected from drafts and gusts of strong winds, which are detrimental to the flower.

Everything was done correctly, they safely got rid of the unwanted neighborhood creating shade, but the problem remained - the leaves of clematis also turn yellow. Perhaps it's a matter of moisture, its excess, as well as a lack, can harm the flower. Most of all, clematis needs watering in spring, when new shoots appear on the flower, and in summer, because it needs strength for growth and flowering.

Due to the lack of the right amount of water, foliage overheats, which leads to starvation and weakening of the flower, and it cannot resist diseases. Then the tips of the leaves dry out in clematis, the size of the flowers decreases, and their number is greatly reduced. In the middle lane, the watering rate is considered once a week, in the southern territories - much more often.

Loosening is another important technique in flower care. In order for moisture to remain in the ground, and to prevent its rapid evaporation, the topsoil must be loosened, which will reduce the number of irrigations.

And do not forget about mulching, that is, applying a protective layer of material to the surface of the earth above the root system of the flower. Semi-rotten manure sprinkled with peat is best suited. You can also use a mixture of sand and ash, in proportions of 10: 1. This prevents the possible spread of fungus in the ground.

Advice! You need to be careful when choosing the material, if you choose fallen leaves or straw as mulch, this can attract rodents that can damage the roots and stems of the flower.

Lack of fertilizer

Despite the right place and care, the situation has not improved, and clematis are still not pleasing to the eye, and the leaves still turn yellow? Then you need to think about feeding the flower. After all, clematis renews shoots every year, and spends a lot of energy on long flowering. For this, fertilization with mineral fertilizers is recommended.

The flower is in need of replenishment with 16 elements, but those that make you wonder why the leaves of clematis dry, less - only seven:

  • Magnesium.
  • Sulfur.
  • Nitrogen.
  • Iron.
  • Manganese.
  • Zinc.
  • Copper.

The lack of magnesium provokes the appearance of small spots at first, as they grow, the tips of the leaves dry out and curl upward in clematis. This happens if the bush grows on sandy soil, at the end of summer after flowering, weakening the flower. To avoid this, magnesium sulfate is used for prevention, which helps a lot, even if the leaves of clematis are already drying.

When young leaves begin to turn yellow, and spots appear closer to the edges, this signals that clematis is deficient in sulfur, which is easily replenished if calcium sulfate or ammonium is used to feed the flower.

Do not forget about fertilization with peat, humus, manure, thanks to which the flower receives enough nitrogen. Without it, the leaves become yellow, with a slight reddish tint. In spring, clematis can be fertilized calcium or ammonium nitrate. They also resort to a remedy such as urea.

Important! The use of ammonium chloride is not recommended. It is undesirable for the flower to come into contact with chlorine.

When yellowing begins from the top of the clematis and gradually drops below, while leaving dark green veins on the leaves, this is a signal of iron deficiency. If this happens, then the flower is located on soil, which contains a large amount of calcium.

Sometimes this can be observed in the spring, when the root system of clematis, due to insufficiently warm temperature, weakly performs its functions. In this case, it can be expected that the phenomenon will pass by itself as the soil warms up, and, accordingly, the roots of the flower. This also happens on limestone soil.

To remedy the situation, fertilizers are introduced that acidify the earth. You can use a sulfuric acid solution, dilute ten milligrams in ten liters of water, or use an iron chelate.

Similar symptoms appear when clematis feels a lack of manganese, only the foliage on the flower turns yellow at the same time. In this case, manganese sulfate will help.

In order not to puzzle over why clematis dries up, it needs to be fed with zinc sulfate. After all, the lack of this important element, which takes part in photosynthesis, leads to yellowing of the leaves of the flower. This happens with excessive liming of the soil.

The lack of copper, which appears when using excessive doses of humus or fresh manure, also adversely affects the growth of clematis. The flower begins to turn yellow due to metabolic disorders, in order to establish it, they use copper sulfate.

Important! The excess, as well as the absence, of micro and macro elements disrupts the normal growth of clematis.

Fungal diseases of the flower

The main enemies of the flower, often answering the perplexed question of a caring gardener, why clematis has dried up, are fungal diseases. They are varied, they act in different ways, but the result is the same. Despite watering, top dressing, various fertilizers, clematis withers, the leaves turn yellow. And if the cause is not recognized in time, the flower dies.

There are several types of diseases provoked by fungi:

  • Rust.
  • Spots on the leaves.
  • Necrosis.
  • Wilt.

Rust on clematis

Yellow-brown spots and growths on clematis leaves can be seen in early spring. Gradually, they dry up, while new leaves grow, undergoing the sad fate of their predecessors. Rust does not kill clematis immediately, it can overwinter, and in the spring disease will spread and destroy the flower.

To save him from such a fate, in the fall, the stems are cut to the very root. Of course, this leads to the fact that next year there will be no flowering, but it is better to wait a little, and, after a year, enjoy beautiful flowers again than to let the clematis die. Together with diseased shoots, you need to remove the surrounding flower weeds, as they can then become a source of infection. The collected raw materials are incinerated.

It's good when the disease is noticed on time. This makes it possible to cure the plant faster. As soon as the first spots appear, the parts of the clematis on which they arose are cut off and destroyed, and the flower is treated with oxychom, polychoma, 2% solution of Bordeaux liquid or copper oxychloride.

Spots on the leaves

If the leaves of clematis dry up, the process begins with the appearance of small spots that quickly spread throughout the flower - this is the fault of the causative agents of fungal diseases. There are many types of them, and it is not always possible to recognize the culprit. Sometimes they join forces, and parasitize on clematis together. Fungi cause the appearance of spots of various shapes at different times of the year, but this does not change the essence of the matter.

There are several types of them, they are recognized by color:

  • Ascochitis. The appearance of dark brown spots on the surface of the leaves.
  • Cylindrosporium. The ocher-yellow color of the spots.
  • Septoria. Greyish spots with reddish edging.

There is only one thing that pleases me in this situation, they die from the same preparations containing copper. For prophylaxis in the fall and early spring, clematis is treated with a 1% solution of copper or iron sulfate, and in the summer, Bordeaux liquid and its analogues are used for this purpose.

Important! As soon as leaves infected with fungi begin to appear on clematis, they must be cut off and burned to prevent spreading throughout the flower.


This disease is also caused by a fungus. Its name is saprotroph, it belongs to the genus Alternaria. It is quite harmless, appears in the fall, lives on old, dying leaves of a flower. But sometimes it is overly activated, then young leaves and shoots dry up in clematis and the question arises - what to do? You just need to stop it in time, for this the affected parts of clematis are torn off (which you should not forget to burn), and the flower is treated with means containing copper.

Withering of clematis (wilt)

Another disease that is caused by a harmful soil fungus. There are several types of them, and they parasitize on the roots of clematis. The fungus, belonging to the genus Verticillium and Fusarium, appear in approximately the same way. Making their way from the soil to the root system, they block the access of juices to the flower stems. Another cousin from the genus konyotirum, acting by the same method, but located on the ground part of clematis, on the shoots, just above the ground.

Sharp winter temperature drops can lead to the same unhappy result. As soon as the first signs of clematis wilting appear, you need to pour a 0.2% foundationol solution a couple of times under the very root of the flower. To prevent the disease, such watering is done in autumn and spring.

Viral disease (yellow mosaic)

A rare viral disease transmitted by insects such as caterpillars, ticks, aphids. There is no cure for the disease. It is necessary to cut off the diseased parts of clematis in time and treat the flower with pest remedies - colloidal sulfur, karbofos, potassium soap. Phlox, delphinium, peony, hosta, bulbous, aquilegia, sweet peas should not grow nearby, they are also susceptible to infection. Better to avoid unwanted neighborhoods.


Another reason why clematis dries is a spider mite, which sucks juices out of it. White dots on the leaves speak of its appearance, and when it takes root, it is difficult not to notice the entangling cobwebs on them.

Insectoaricides and acaricides help to get rid of the invasion. It happens that they use improvised materials - dishwashing liquid diluted with water to the state of a soap solution.For best results, after processing, wrap the flower with plastic wrap for two days.

The author of the video will share with you about some of the reasons that cause yellowing of foliage in clematis.


Now it is clear why clematis dries up, and what to do with this trouble. The main thing is to carefully observe the flower in order not to miss the first signs of the disease, and to take the necessary measures in a timely manner. With proper care, attention and care, it will delight you with magnificent flowering for a long time.

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