Fertilizers for repairing strawberries

Repaired strawberries allow you to enjoy delicious berries throughout the summer season. Such varieties bear fruit in 2 stages or continuously, in small portions from early spring to late autumn. Having decided grow on their land plot remontant strawberries, it is necessary to know the peculiarities of caring for plants in order for them to fully show their advantageous qualities. So, in addition to pruning, weeding and watering, it is very important feeding remontant strawberries... Giving a large amount of berries, the plants are quickly depleted, they begin to form low-quality fruits: small, ugly, sour. It is possible to correct the situation and endow the culture with a sufficient amount of strength for long-term fruiting with the help of various fertilizers and dressings, which must be used repeatedly during the season. Learn how to do it right care for remont strawberries and what fertilizers to use at different stages vegetation can be found below in the article provided.

Features of remontant strawberries

Agrarians distinguish 3 types of remontant strawberries, depending on the conditions for laying a fruit bud:

  • Ordinary varieties prepare for fruiting next year only with a short daylight hours, that is, in the second half of summer - early autumn.
  • Repaired varieties ("Lyubava", "Geneva", "Brighton") are able to lay a fruit bud with a long daylight hours (16 hours a day). So, the first buds of a remontant plant begin to lay in mid-May, the second stage of laying occurs at the end of summer. Such strawberries bear fruit twice per season: in summer and at the beginning of autumn.
  • Repairing strawberries of neutral daylight hours ("Queen Elizabeth II", "Diammant", "Referent") lays fruit buds constantly, regardless of the illumination mode. The growing process of such strawberries is cyclical: berries ripen and new flowers form every 6 weeks. Strawberries of these varieties delight with their taste from mid-spring to late autumn.

The advantage of remontant strawberries, in addition to a long fruiting period, is a high yield. For the season, up to 3.5 kg of berries can be harvested from each bush. However, to obtain such a high result, it is necessary to properly care for the crop, ensuring regular watering and feeding. With insufficient care, it will not be possible to obtain a high yield rate. At the same time, having given all their strength to the formation and ripening of fruits, remontant strawberries at the end of the season may die altogether.

Important! Strawberries with long daylight hours bear fruit for 2-3 years, strawberries of continuous fruiting "live" for only one season.

Many gardeners argue that remontant strawberries, as the harvest yields, bears small berries with a low taste quality, often suffers from diseases and pests. In order to prevent such a result, it is necessary to carefully study the characteristics of a particular type of remontant culture and take care of the plants properly. For example, some remontant varieties are resistant to ailments, consistently bear large berries of high taste characteristics.It is also worth paying attention to the ability of remontant plants to form whiskers. This will allow strawberries with a relatively short life cycle to propagate without much hassle.

Cultivation methods

If desired, strawberries can be grown year-round in an apartment. True, in this case, one cannot count on a large amount of harvest. Growing strawberries in greenhouses has long been practiced in the west. That is why sometimes, even in the middle of winter, you can see attractive, fresh berries on store shelves. In domestic latitudes, strawberries are often grown in open areas of land. For this, ridges are formed and young bushes are planted in a checkerboard pattern, observing certain distances. This widespread technology has one significant drawback: the berries, in contact with damp soil, often rot. For pests, this environment is also an excellent "springboard" for existence and parasitism.

The most advanced technology is growing strawberries under plastic. For this, the formed ridge is covered with geotextile or polyethylene. Holes are made in the coating, into which young remontant plants are subsequently planted. Thus, the mature crop will not come into contact with the soil, the whiskers that form can be easily removed, and you can completely forget about weeding the ridges.

This growing technology is described in detail in the video:

In practice, there is another technology for hanging strawberry cultivation. For this, seedlings of remontant plants are planted in containers filled with soil, and suspended according to the pots principle. This method allows you to get a small amount of berries and a pot with high decorative qualities.

Cultivation stages

Repair strawberry requires a lot of attention and care, from the moment of preparing the soil for planting plants to the end of their life cycle. That is why, having decided to grow remontant berries, it is necessary to stock up on patience and knowledge that will help to timely and correctly carry out all the necessary measures to get a decent harvest.

Fertilizing the soil

To grow strawberries, you need to choose a sunny plot of land, without flooding. Strawberries cannot stand high humidity and standing water. In such conditions, its roots and fruits begin to rot.

As with any crop, there are good and bad predecessors for strawberries. For example, farmers recommend growing garden strawberries after onions, garlic, radishes, carrots, legumes.

Warning! It is not recommended to grow strawberries in the place where nightshade crops, cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage used to grow, because in this case remontant plants can "pick up" diseases and pests from their predecessors.

Strawberries can grow on any type of soil, however, it is preferable to grow them on nutritious soil. To create a good substrate, it is necessary to add compost or rotted manure to the soil 4-6 kg / m2... It will be useful to sprinkle the soil with wood ash. In the soil mixture, its share should not exceed 10%. In the presence of sawdust, they can also be applied to the soil, in an amount of 20%. This soil composition will contain the necessary amount of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus for the normal growth of strawberries after planting in the ground.

You can also fertilize the soil for growing remontant strawberries with the help of mineral fertilizers. For every 1m2 add 6-8 g of ammonium nitrate or urea to the soil, as well as 30 g of superphosphate and 10 g of potassium chloride. You can replace such a composition with the AgroPrirost complex fertilizer. Fertilizer consumption can reach 3 kg / m2.

Growing methods and feeding seedlings

Before you start planting strawberries in the ground, you need to get planting material. The most difficult way is to grow strawberry seedlings from seeds.Grains can be bought or harvested from ripe remontant berries. For storage, they must be thoroughly dried, and before planting, soak in water or a nutrient solution, a growth stimulator. To do this, you can use "Epin", "Ovary" or another biological preparation. You can grow seedlings in soil, the composition of which is similar to the above. Conditions for growing seedlings assume a temperature of + 20- + 220With and very high humidity - up to 85%. Seedlings should be fertilized with the appearance of the first leaves. "Bio Master" or "Uniflor-Rost" can be used as a complex mineral fertilizer for remontant strawberries during this period. This method of obtaining planting material is relevant for varieties that do not form a mustache.

You can see a good example of growing strawberries from seeds in the video:

If a variety of remontant strawberries in the process of growing gives a certain amount of whiskers, then they can be safely removed from the bush and planted on the so-called mother garden. This will allow the existing, fruiting remontant strawberry bushes to devote all their strength to the ripening of the crop, without providing nutrients to the formed whiskers. On the mother's bed, the planted sockets should gain enough strength, after which they can be transplanted to the main bed.

In addition to the above methods, strawberries can be propagated by dividing the roots of already mature bushes. Also, seedlings can be purchased at agricultural fairs and markets.

Important! Before planting in the ground, strawberry seedlings must be hardened.

Planting seedlings in the ground

You can plant young plants in the ground in mid-autumn or early spring. To do this, holes are made on the formed ridges according to a certain pattern. It is preferable to place seedlings on beds in 2-3 rows in a checkerboard pattern, observing the distance between the bushes of 30-35 cm. Planting seedlings according to this scheme will protect repair plants from pests and diseases, and ensure normal air circulation. Each bush with this arrangement will receive a sufficient amount of light.

Important! It is necessary to plant strawberry seedlings in the ground with the onset of stable warm weather. As a rule, such conditions are typical for mid-May.

If mineral fertilizers (superphosphate, potassium chloride) were not used during the digging of the soil, then they can be added to the holes immediately before planting the plants. Strawberry seedlings from the cups must be removed while preserving the soil on the vine. Strawberry roots over 10 cm in length should be pruned. The planting hole should be deep enough so that the roots of the remontant plant in it can be positioned vertically without bending. The root collar of the bush should be placed above the ground. After planting the plants, the holes with remontant strawberries should be watered and mulched.

Important! Planting seedlings remontant strawberries in spring, you can wait for the harvest only by the end of summer or next year.

This nuance is forcing more and more gardeners to plant strawberries in the fall, in September. These plantings will have time to take root and get stronger by the winter season. The whiskers blown up by plants should be removed. For the winter, it is recommended to cover the ridges with remontant strawberries with protective material and mulch.

Basic care

The remontant culture requires a special attitude towards itself. She is ready to give a rich berry harvest only in return for competent, painstaking and regular care. It consists of several main activities:


Watering repair plants is necessary often and abundantly. Better to do this early in the morning. Before the strawberries begin to bloom, you can water them with a watering can by sprinkling. With the onset of flowering, watering must be done carefully at the root. Drop of water on the berries can cause them to rot.

The number of fruits and their juiciness largely depends on watering, therefore, during the flowering period, for every 1m2 the soil should have at least 10 liters of water. The temperature of the liquid should be approximately +200C. Watering with cold water will significantly slow down plant growth.


Caring for beds with remontant strawberries, including regular weeding. It is necessary to remove varietal herbs carefully so as not to damage the plant roots. Weeding should be combined with loosening and mulching. Loosening will allow the roots to get the oxygen they need, while mulching will keep moisture in the soil. As mulch, you can use straw, coniferous branches. When cleaning the ridges, you should also remove debris, red and dry leaves.

Feeding remontant strawberries

If you water, weed, loosen remontant strawberries regularly, as needed, then you need to fertilize and feed remontant plants, depending on the stage of vegetation, strictly according to the schedule. This will allow them to constantly receive the necessary nutrients and replenish their strength for the new stage of fruiting.

With proper feeding, remontant berries will differ in their mass, size, juiciness, excellent taste throughout the entire fruiting period.

Top dressing in spring

The first spring feeding should be taken care of immediately after the snow melts. At this time, you need to cut off the bushes and apply nitrogen fertilizer, which will help the remontant strawberry grow the required amount of fresh leaves.

Nitrogen can be obtained from organic or mineral fertilizers:

  • Mullein can become an organic source of the substance. Half a liter of cow cakes infusion should be diluted in a bucket of water. Watering the remontant strawberry bushes with the resulting solution should be 1 liter at the root.
  • The complex mixture "Nitroammofosku" can be used as a mineral fertilizer. To prepare a nutrient solution, dilute 1 spoon of the substance in a bucket of water. Each strawberry bush should have no more than 500 ml of the resulting fertilizer.
  • Natural organic fertilizer for strawberries can be infusion of nettle. To do this, pour the chopped greens with water and leave for 3-4 days. The infusion can be used as root feeding, when diluted with water 1:10 or as foliar feeding, reducing the concentration of the original solution by 20 times.

In addition to the above fertilizers, for feeding remontant strawberries in early spring, you can use an infusion of chicken manure. Before flowering with nitrogen fertilizers, you need to feed the plants twice.

Top dressing during flowering

Since mid-May, strawberries begin to bloom profusely... During this period, remontant plants need potassium. A sufficient amount of this mineral makes the berries especially tasty and sweet. Their appearance and portability are also improved by the influence of potassium.

You can provide potassium to strawberry bushes in the form of root and foliar feeding:

  • Watering under the root of the plant can be done with a solution of potassium nitrate. A teaspoon of this substance is dissolved in 10 liters of water. Fertilizer consumption should be no more than 500 ml for each bush.
  • It is recommended to spray strawberries during flowering with a solution of zinc sulfate. The concentration of the solution should not exceed 0.02% (2 g per 10 l of water).
  • Spraying of remontant strawberry bushes with boric acid (5 g per 10 l of water) shows high efficiency.

Different types of feeding cannot be combined. The interval between their use should be 7-10 days. At the end of flowering, during the ripening of the fruits, it is not recommended to use fertilizing with mineral fertilizers, since substances can accumulate in large quantities in the berries.

After harvesting the first wave of the harvest, the feeding of remontant plants can be repeated cyclically, this will improve the quality of the berries of the second stage of ripening.

Feeding strawberries after the end of fruiting

Having collected the harvest of remontant strawberries twice, do not forget about making additional fertilizing, because it is in the fall that the plants lay the fruit bud for the next year. Nitrogen fertilizers should not be used after the end of fruiting, as this will cause active growth of remontant bushes, as a result of which they will not be able to properly prepare for wintering.

After collecting the second wave of the crop, you need to feed the crop with potash fertilizers. To do this, you can use potassium sulfate or potassium nitrate. However, natural, folk dressing in this case is the best option.

Top dressing with wood ash

Wood ash contains a ton of micronutrients. It is added to the soil when planting crops, and is also used to fertilize strawberries. To do this, ash is scattered in the root circle of the plant, embedding it in the soil by loosening.

For feeding remontant strawberries, you can use an ash infusion prepared by adding 1 liter of ash to a bucket of water. The solution is insisted for several days, after which it is additionally diluted with water until a light gray liquid is obtained.

Important! If decay is detected, remontant strawberry bushes should be powdered with wood ash.

Using yeast

Mineral dressing for remontant strawberries can be made from yeast or yeast bread:

  • Yeast is added to warm water (1 kg per 5 l). A spoonful of sugar will help speed up fermentation. The resulting solution is additionally diluted with water 1:20 and used for watering plants at the root.
  • Soak the bread crusts in warm water and insist the solution for a week, then put the gruel on the ground along the perimeter of the plant roots and seal it in the ground by loosening.

During fermentation yeast emit gases, heat, make the beneficial microflora intensify its activity, decomposing organic matter in the soil.

Important! For remontant strawberries during fruiting, you can safely use natural fertilizers such as yeast or ash.

Iodine - protection against pests

Iodine helps protect strawberries from pests and diseases. It must be used as a preventive measure every 10 days. To do this, 8-10 drops of iodine are added to a bucket of water and the bushes of remontant strawberries are sprayed with the resulting liquid.

Important! Exceeding the dosage of iodine is fraught with leaf burns.

A full range of measures for the care of remontant strawberries should include at least 7-8 dressings per season. Depending on the stage of the growing season, substances with the necessary microelement complex should be chosen. Some other points related to caring for remontant strawberries can be highlighted from the video:


Delicious, juicy remontant strawberries that ripen throughout the summer are the result of the gardener's hard work. Healthy planting material, properly prepared nutrient soil and adherence to the planting scheme are the basis for the successful growth of plants. As strawberries grow and develop, they deplete the soil more and more and require additional fertilization. You can feed the culture with mineral fertilizers, organic matter or other available products. With regular feeding, the plants will not lack trace elements. In combination with abundant watering, timely weeding and loosening, top dressing will give an excellent result in the form of an abundant harvest of berries of excellent taste.

Comments (1)
  1. Everything is intelligible and understandable. Thank. I would like to know about the features of growing garden strawberries of a neutral day in a winter greenhouse

    30.01.2018 at 05:01
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