Strawberry Portola

Many gardeners have favorite varieties when growing strawberries. But it is impossible to pass by the new products. One of these amazingly tasty beauties is the Portola strawberry.

The most important thing that gardeners need to know is the characteristics of the variety. "Portola" is a remontant strawberry of neutral daylight hours. What this means, novice gardeners can learn from the description of Portola strawberries, photos and reviews of those who grow this variety.

Description of characteristics

Portola strawberries are the work of Californian breeders. Saplings Cal 97.93-7 x Cal 97.209-1 served as parent varieties. Many people call the Portola strawberry variety an improved version of the famous Albion, which it surpassed with its yield and taste. Portola produces fruits on each inflorescence, so the yield of the variety is 35% higher than that of Albion.

The main characteristics of Portola, which make the strawberry novelty very popular:

  • Fruiting type - repairing. Ordinary varieties please with a harvest for a relatively short time, maximum, 2-3 weeks. But this is not enough for strawberry lovers. Therefore, they often choose remontant varieties that differ in the duration of fruiting. Strawberry remontant "Portola" lays fruit buds with a day of light lasting 16-17 hours. This time is from late May to mid-July. Gardeners get their main harvest in the fall.
  • Photoperiodic reaction type - neutral day strawberry variety. This characteristic suggests that Portola lays fruit buds every 6 weeks. The duration of daylight hours and temperature have no particular effect on this process, therefore the variety gives off the berry before frost. Fruiting is continuous, on one bush there are flowers, ripe and ripening berries at the same time.
  • Large-fruited. Repair strawberry this type pampers owners with gorgeous fruits, but requires more attention and care. She needs fertile soil, regular nutrition and watering, and enough room to grow.
  • Berries - the most basic characteristic for which gardeners make many sacrifices of their time and energy.

    One Portola strawberry weighs about 35 g, has a surprisingly pleasant aroma and sweet harmonious taste. The core of the berries is homogeneous and elastic, so they are not afraid of transportation. The variety is transported and stored very well, which allows it to be grown for sale. When stored at 0 .. + 3 ° C, it does not lose its qualities for three days.
  • Yield is 1-2 kg from one bush.
  • It is necessary to mention one more advantage of Portola strawberries. Large-fruited elastic berries do not crunch while eating... Gardeners love this feature. The shape of the berries is a wide cone, the color is red.
  • Ripening period... In the description of the variety, the Portola strawberry is declared as a medium-late ripening berry. Begins to bear fruit in mid-June, in the middle lane a few days later.

Video report about the variety:

To make the description as complete as possible, we note some of the disadvantages of Portola strawberries that gardeners share in their reviews:

  1. Dependence of fruit sugar content on weather conditions. Decreases in cloudy weather.
  2. Grinding berries without intensive feeding and strict adherence to the requirements of agricultural technology.
  3. Deterioration of taste and decrease in juiciness of berries during periods of extreme heat.
  4. Poor rooting of seedlings during elevated ambient temperatures.
  5. Susceptibility to spotting, chlorosis, some viral and fungal infections.

Despite the decrease in the size of the fruit, the "Portola" variety of remontant strawberries retains its decorative effect until late autumn.Many gardeners use this feature by immediately planting bushes in flower pots or flowerpots. It turns out an excellent decoration for a balcony or gazebo.

Planting a remontant variety

Landing begins with the preparation of the site. For the "Portola" variety, you need to allocate a sunny place with fertile soil.

Important! In place of the strawberry bed, water should not stagnate.

According to the description, Portola strawberry prefers loam or sandy loam with a slightly acidic or neutral reaction. If the site is peaty or sod-podzolic soil, then it is not suitable for a remontant variety. You need to either look for another place, or bring in suitable soil.

Seedlings can be purchased at a specialized nursery. Another option is to propagate the variety yourself by dividing the bush or using a mustache.

You can plant Portola strawberry seedlings in spring or late summer (mid-August - late September). But in their reviews, gardeners are more inclined towards the autumn planting of Portola strawberries. If the bushes are planted in the spring, then the harvest can be removed the next year. And seedlings that successfully overwinter without the invasion of pests and diseases will begin to bear fruit in the summer.

The garden bed is prepared in advance. For spring planting, site preparation is done in autumn, for autumn planting - in spring. In any case, the soil is dug up with a pitchfork, plant residues are removed and weeds, contribute to 1 sq. m organic matter (1 bucket) and wood ash (5 kg). A month before the scheduled date, it is necessary to add 20 g of potassium sulfate and 40 g of superphosphate per 1 sq. m area. You can replace both substances with 1 tbsp. spoon "Kaliyphos" on the same area. The planting scheme for Portola strawberries is kept 80 cm x 40 cm, strawberries need enough space.

Strawberries are planted on a cloudy day. The holes are first watered, then the seedling is placed and the roots are carefully laid. It is important to ensure that they do not bend upwards. After filling the hole with earth, the hearts should be above the soil surface. So that voids do not form between the roots, the ground around the bushes is squeezed and planted plants are watered and immediately mulched. Before winter, all the flowers that appear on the bush are cut off to ensure good fruiting for the next year.


The basic care measures do not differ from those that are performed for conventional strawberry varieties.

But, according to the reviews and description of the variety, Portola strawberries require a lot of attention. If some points are ignored, then the berries will be small and not sweet. It is important to remember that the variety does not tolerate temperature extremes. Actions that gardeners need to prepare for from the start of the season:

Watering. If strawberries are grown on an industrial scale, then it will not be easy without drip irrigation. Therefore, belt irrigation is preferable.

Top dressing. In early spring, the bushes are cleaned of old leaves and fed with ammonium nitrate. Nitrogen feeding is reintroduced at the end of May. During the budding period, “Master” (balanced) or “Rostkontsentrat” works well. When the fruit is ovary, potassium nutrition is necessary.

Gardeners' recommendations for growing Portola strawberries:

  1. The peduncles of the first wave are removed, then the second wave will be more powerful.
  2. The variety demonstrates good production and fruiting only with intensive agricultural technology and favorable growing conditions.
  3. The peak of the variety's yield coincides with the time of the decline in fruiting in species with a medium early ripening period. It will be optimal to combine such varieties on the site to ensure continuous fruiting.
  4. Propagated by "Portola" mustache, dividing the bush and seeds. The latter method is the most laborious, but experienced gardeners often use it. This strawberry variety gives a little mustache.
  5. Be sure to mulch the beds. The variety is picky about watering, and this technique will help keep moisture longer.

In regions with a cool climate, Portola grows very successfully in greenhouses, even in a greenhouse:

The first harvest is obtained earlier and the berry has time to prepare for winter.

In the fall, it is necessary to cover the ridges so that the strawberries do not freeze. A layer of straw or dry leaves is enough.

"Portola" has good resistance to powdery mildew, crown rot, powder mold and wilting... But it is necessary to take measures from rotting fruits, spotting and burns of leaves. In order to prevent fungal infection (spotting), it is necessary to treat the area with "Fitosporin" in the spring. Treatment is carried out with copper chloride during the period of leaf regrowth, again - before flowering and after harvesting. You can replace the drug with Bordeaux mixture. It is important to keep the ridges clean so that the bushes do not overgrow and overgrow with weeds.


The description of the Portola strawberry variety, supplemented by reviews and photos of the plant, gives a complete picture of acquaintance.

Elena, Belgorod
I love this strawberry variety. I like Portola for its ideal berry shape. You need to take care of any plant. Therefore, if a gardener chooses only unpretentious varieties, he will not be able to appreciate some of the raisins of the culture. I grow a variety in a greenhouse, it also bears fruit in winter. The only caveat is that I often change the bushes. I don't keep it for more than 3 years, otherwise the berry becomes small, and the harvest is weak.
Victor, Krasnodar
A berry with a controversial taste. Some of my friends prefer to choose a different variety. I am satisfied with Portola with its yield and ability to transport. For a farmer, this is an ideal characteristic. The berry does not crumple, the presentation is excellent, the implementation is always on top. I used to grow it without drip irrigation, it was worse. Now band irrigation was carried out, and the yield increased immediately.
Comments (1)
  1. The berry is simply not tasty, even with proper care. Therefore, it is good for farmers who produce for sale (fruitful, beautiful, transportable) to breed on the site for themselves

    09/21/2019 at 11:09
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