Fungicide Skor

Fungal diseases affect fruit trees, berries, vegetables and flowers. To protect plantings from such lesions, the fungicide Skor is used. Correct use of the fungicide presupposes adherence to safety precautions and the prescribed dosages.

Features of the fungicide

Skor is produced in Switzerland. Its full analogs of domestic production are Discor, Keeper, Chistotsvet.

The speed is used alternately with Horus fungicides and Topazbecause they have different active ingredients. As a result, the pathogenic fungus does not have time to adapt to the drug.

Fungicide Skor has the form of an emulsion, packaged in containers of various volumes from 1.6 ml to 1 liter. The active ingredient is difenoconazole, which belongs to the class of triazoles.

The drug penetrates into plant tissues and inhibits the vital activity of the fungus. Skor has a good performance, blocks the reproduction of the fungus already 2 hours after use.

The scope of Scor's use includes pre-sowing seed treatment and preventive spraying against fungal diseases. The product is effective for protecting vegetables, fruit trees, berry gardens and flower beds.


The use of the fungicide Skor has the following advantages:

  • there is no accumulation of harmful substances in the fruits;
  • acts on various types of mushrooms;
  • effective against young and mature mycelium;
  • suppresses sporulation;
  • shows the greatest efficiency at temperatures from +14 ° С to +25 ° С;
  • after spraying, the plants lay more flower buds, the number of shoots and leaves increases;
  • suitable for seed treatment before sowing;
  • compatible with insecticides certified in the Russian Federation;
  • decomposes into simple components in soil;
  • does not oxidize in air;
  • Skor can be used for 6 years in a row, after which it should be abandoned for one year.


When using the drug Skor, its disadvantages are taken into account:

  • no more than 3 treatments are allowed per season;
  • over time, the fungus acquires resistance to the active substance;
  • processing is not carried out during the flowering period and the formation of ovaries;
  • does not rid plants of rust, downy mildew;
  • at temperatures below +12 ° C and above +25 ° C, the effectiveness of the solution decreases;
  • high price.

Instructions for use

To prepare a solution of the drug Skor, a container is required, which is filled by ¼ of its volume with water. With constant stirring, an emulsion is introduced, then water is added to the required rate. Spraying is carried out through a fine spray.

Fruit trees

The preparation Skor is effective against alternaria, scab and powdery mildew that appear on apple and pear trees. Spraying helps to protect cherries, sweet cherries, plums, apricots and peaches from coccomycosis, clusterosporiosis and leaf curl.

Important! Fungicide Skor is not used against moniliosis. When its signs appear, additional processing by Horus is required.

For spraying, a working solution is prepared, consisting of 2 ml of suspension in a 10-liter bucket of water. To process a young tree, you need 2 liters of solution. For an adult tree, 5 liters are prepared.

Up to 3 treatments are performed per season: before bud formation and after harvesting. The tool lasts 2-3 weeks.


The vineyard is treated with the fungicide Skor to protect against powdery mildew, black rot and rubella.For spraying, 4 ml of suspension is required, which is diluted in 10 liters of water.

The consumption rate is controlled visually. According to the instructions, 1 liter of Skor fungicide solution is enough for spraying 1 sq. m. During the season, the procedure is carried out 2-3 times.

The drug works for 7-10 days. Re-processing is allowed after 2 weeks.

Berry bushes

Raspberries, gooseberries, currants, blackberries and other berry bushes are prone to spotting and powdery mildew.

When dark spots appear on the leaves, the planting is treated with a solution consisting of 3 ml of suspension per 10 liters of water. To get rid of powdery mildew, one ampoule with a capacity of 2 ml is enough.

Advice! From powdery mildew on berry fields, the use of Skor is alternated with Topaz.

The shrubs are treated with the resulting solution on the sheet. For 1 sq. m of sheet surface consume 1 liter of the prepared solution. The consumption rate is assessed visually.

By instructions for the action of the fungicide The speed lasts for 14 days. If signs of the disease persist, the treatment is repeated 21 days after the first spraying.


Tomatoes, potatoes, beets, and carrots often suffer from spotting caused by pathogenic fungi. To protect plants, a solution is prepared containing 3 ml of the Skor preparation per 10 liters of water.

If powdery mildew has appeared on vegetable crops, then according to the instructions for use, add 2 ml of the fungicide Skor to a large bucket of water.

10 sq. m of beds consume 1 liter of solution. The remedy continues to work for 1-3 weeks. During the season, 2 treatments are enough with an interval of 3 weeks.


In cold and humid weather, the roses show signs of mottling or powdery mildew. As a result, the decorative properties of the flower are lost and its development slows down. If you do not take timely measures, then the bush will die.

To treat a rose from spotting, 5 ml of suspension is required in a large bucket of water. 2 ml is sufficient against powdery mildew. Consumption rate - 1 liter per 1 sq. m of leaf surface. The consumption is assessed visually.

Roses are processed twice per season. The protective effect of the fungicide is up to 3 weeks, then you can re-spray.


Perennial and annual flowers suffer from powdery mildew and gray mold. To get rid of powdery mildew, according to reviews and instructions for use, 2 ml of the fungicide Skor is required. A solution containing 4 ml of concentrate per 10 liters of water is effective against gray rot.

The flower garden is treated by spraying. Leaf processing is carried out 2-3 times per season. Fungicide Skor works for 3 weeks.

Seed treatment

Disinfecting seeds before planting reduces the risk of many diseases. To 1 liter of water add 1.6 ml of the preparation Skor. The seeds of tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, cucumbers and other crops are dipped into the resulting solution.

The planting material is immersed in the solution for 6-36 hours. Skor protects both seeds and young plants from the spread of the fungus. After treatment, the seeds are washed with clean water and planted in the ground.

Safety engineering

Fungicide Scor refers to substances of the 3rd hazard class for humans. The active ingredient is deadly to bees, fish and aquatic organisms.

Processing is carried out in a protective suit, be sure to wear a respirator. During the work period, smoking, eating and drinking are prohibited. The maximum period of interaction with the solution is 4 hours. People without protective equipment and animals are removed from the spraying site.

Spraying is carried out in dry weather early in the morning or in the evening. Permissible wind speed - no more than 5 m / s.

It is important not to allow the drug Skor to come into contact with the skin and mucous membranes. If signs of discomfort appear, the treatment should be discontinued. In case of poisoning, you need to drink 2 glasses of water and 3 tablets of activated carbon, induce vomiting. Be sure to see a doctor.

Important! Fungicide Skor is stored in a non-residential area, away from children, animals, food.

It is allowed to carry out processing at home on a balcony or loggia. The door to the living quarters is closed, the cracks are sealed with a piece of cloth. After spraying, the balcony is kept closed for 3 hours, then ventilated for 4 hours. After a day, it is allowed to bring the plants into the room.

Gardeners reviews

Evgeniy, 36 years old, Rostov-on-Don
Fungicide Skor is an effective remedy against fungal diseases. I use it to treat fruit trees immediately after flowering. I try to alternate different means so that pathogens do not have time to adapt to them. Several years ago, the pear suffered from scab. Every year I spray the trees with Skor, there were no more warning signs. Before starting work, I put on a long-sleeved shirt, plastic glasses and a hat.

Valentina, 58 years old, Krasnodar city
For several years now I have been using the Skor preparation for treating my garden. With his help, she freed apple trees from scab, rose from powdery mildew. When signs of illness appear, I prepare a spray solution. The solution has a strong odor, so it is best to use a respirator. After treatment, the disease recedes, and the plants begin to actively develop. In the spring, I process trees until the buds bloom. In addition, I spray in the fall before leaf fall.

Love, 40 years old, Kursk
Fungicide Scor is one of the best antifungal agents. For 10 liters of water, 2 ml of suspension is enough. Its disadvantages are toxicity and a waiting time of up to 30 days. The product protects peaches and nectarines from leaf curl. To do this, I spray the planting before flowering. I process apples and pears when ovaries appear. In the future, I turn to biological agents. According to the instructions for use and reviews, the fungicide Skor requires additional protection. Be sure to use a respirator that protects the eyes and respiratory system.


The drug Skor is an effective remedy that relieves plants from fungal diseases. It is used to treat trees, shrubs, vegetables, garden and indoor flowers. For spraying, a solution is prepared containing a certain concentration of the fungicide. When interacting with a chemical, observe safety precautions.

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