Fungicide Consento

Throughout the growing season, vegetable crops can be affected by various fungal diseases. To preserve the harvest and save the plants, gardeners use various methods and means. Spraying vegetables with agrochemicals is one of the most effective ways to protect crops and destroy pathogenic microorganisms.

Consento is a new fungicide that has low toxicity and high efficiency. We will study its features, instructions for use, analogues and reviews.

Features of the drug

Fungicide Consento is an innovative drug that protects vegetables from fungal infections and has a double effect: systemic and translaminar. The tool activates the growth of plants, protects them from various infections and has a healing effect.

Purpose and form of release

The modern fungicide Consento has a wide spectrum of action and is effective against the following fungal diseases:

  • Late blight (brown rot) on potatoes and tomatoes;
  • Alternaria (dry spot) on tomatoes and potatoes;
  • Peronosporosis (downy mildew) on cucumbers and onions;
  • Alternaria, gray and white rot on sunflower.

The drug can be purchased as a cream-colored suspension concentrate. For small summer cottages, bottles of 10, 20, 60 and 100 ml are offered. For large agricultural producers, plastic bottles of 0.5 and 1 liter are intended, as well as cans of 5 liters.

Attention! Fungicide is used for both prevention and treatment of diseases at various stages of development.

Mechanism of action

Conseto is highly effective due to its two active ingredients:

  • Propamocarb hydrochloride - concentration 37.5% or 375 g of substance per 1 liter of suspension. Belongs to the class of carbamates, prevents the synthesis of various acids and phospholipids in fungal cells and blocks the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Fenamidone - concentration of 7.5% or 75 g of substance per 1 liter of suspension. Violates the vital processes of the parasitic fungus. It helps to slow down mitochondrial respiration and stop sporulation.

Depending on the weather, the protective effect of the fungicide can last from 7 to 15 days.


Consento is a promising drug that has a number of positive aspects:

  • is effective at various stages of the disease;
  • can be used at all stages of plant growth and development;
  • due to the versatile effect, the likelihood of addiction of pathogens to the fungicide is minimal;
  • helps both prevent infection and suppress the development of an already existing fungus;
  • heat resistant (up to +55 ABOUTC) and to precipitation, is not washed off during watering and rainy weather;
  • convenient container, which is often accompanied by a dispensing cap;
  • activates the growth and development of a cultivated plant;
  • gives a quick and lasting effect.

The advantages of the fungicide completely override its disadvantages, which are not so many.


Many gardeners are not satisfied with the cost of the drug. The average price per liter of concentrate can reach 1800 rubles. Also, do not forget that this is an agrochemical that should be used only when necessary. If you follow the instructions and safety rules when working with the Consento fungicide, then undesirable consequences can be avoided.

Features of the preparation of the solution

It is recommended to process vegetable beds in calm weather, in the morning or in the evening. Since bright sunlight can cause rapid evaporation of the drug, which does not have time to act. Preventive spraying with Consento fungicide is carried out at an early stage of plant development. In total, from 3 to 4 treatments are carried out with an interval of 10-15 days.

The working fluid is prepared at the rate of 40 ml of suspension per 10 liters of water. 100 m2 5 liters of solution are consumed, and 400 liters per hectare. Before mixing it, the spray bottle should be thoroughly rinsed and cleaned. Pour some water into it, add the required amount of suspension and stir until smooth. Then add the remaining water to the container.

Important! The crop can be harvested 21 days after the last spraying of the crop.


Fungicide Consento effectively prevents the appearance of late blight and Alternaria on potatoes. Diseases slow down the growth and development of the plant, reduce the yield several times.

For potato processing prepare a standard solution of the fungicide (20 ml of suspension per 5 l of water) and spray it evenly onto the tops using a spray bottle. In total, 4 treatments are carried out and, depending on the degree of infection, the interval between them should be from 8 to 15 days.

Attention! Spraying the potatoes before harvesting protects the tubers from brown rot during storage.


The most dangerous diseases of tomatoes are late blight and alternaria, which affect the entire plant: foliage, stems, fruits. They are characterized by the appearance of dark spots and the withering away of the tops. Average yield losses from Alternaria are 10%, and from late blight - 25%.

Fungicide Consento will help prevent these troubles. The working fluid of the drug is prepared from 20 ml of concentrate (one bottle) and 5 liters of settled water. According to the instructions, the plant is sprayed four times with an interval of 1-2 weeks. The fruit can be eaten 21 days after the last treatment.


When growing cucumbers, gardeners may encounter peronosporosis. Small, yellow spots form on the foliage, on the back of which a black-brown bloom appears. The fruits are not affected, but their development is slowed down. If the cucumbers are not treated, fruiting ceases, and over time the plant dies.

To protect the plantings of cucumbers from peronosporosis, they should be treated with the Consento fungicide. The working solution of the drug is mixed according to the instructions and preventive measures are started at the beginning of the growing season. The beds are sprayed 4 times with an interval of 8-15 days.

Important! Before you start spraying an infected crop, you need to remove the affected parts of the plant.


Peronosporosis of onions or downy mildew is the misfortune of many summer residents. Yellow spots and gray spores begin to appear on green shoots. Infection of bulbs and seeds leads to loss of yield and death of the plant.

Preventive use of the Consento fungicide minimizes the risk of disease. Preparation of working fluid: Stir 20 ml of concentrate in 5 liters of water. Treat the onion beds with the resulting solution 4 times with an interval of 8-14 days.


Fungicide Consento is also effective against Alternaria, gray and white rot on sunflowers, which can affect the entire basket. You can lose up to 50% of the crop.

For sunflower treatment, a standard fungicide solution is used (20 ml of suspension per 5 liters of water). The basket and stem of the plant are sprayed three times with an interval of 10-14 days according to the instructions.

Analogs and compatibility with other drugs

Fungicide Consento can be added to tank mixes with many insecticides and fungicides. But before that, each drug should be checked for compatibility with Consento. If after mixing a sediment appears at the bottom of the container or the mixture is heated, the substances cannot be combined.

To prevent resistance, the fungicide can be alternated with drugs of different chemical groups, for example, Infinito.

Consento can be replaced with Previkur Energy, Infinito, Quadris and Acrobat. They have similar effects and properties.

Attention! An effective way of plant protection is the alternation of contact and systemic drugs.

Safety regulations

Fungicide Consento belongs to the third hazard class (compound with low toxicity) for humans and mammals. Despite this, while working with the substance, you must adhere to the standard safety measures:

  • wear tight clothing, gloves and a mask;
  • do not eat, drink or smoke;
  • after processing the beds, wash your hands and face with soap;
  • dispose of the fungicide packaging.

The drug has a second hazard class in terms of resistance to soil. Therefore, thoughtless use of the fungicide will lead to soil contamination.

Any spraying must be carried out without exceeding the indicated dosage, otherwise the result may be the opposite.

Reviews of summer residents

Artem, 36 years old, Saratov
I bought the fungicide Consento, as its sellers praised it very much and said that it was the best. I tested the drug on potatoes and tomatoes and did not notice anything special in it. The fungicide protects against late blight, but its action is usual, and the cost is high. The treatment must be repeated every two weeks. Don't trust sellers and don't overpay.

Nadezhda, 25 years old, Ufa
On my backyard, I faced the problem of late blight on potatoes. There are many drugs available to combat this disease, but I am using a new product - the Consento fungicide from Bayer. I process not only potatoes with it, but also onions. The result pleases me - the plants are healthy and strong, and the yield is high.


Fungicide Consento is a new and promising drug that effectively fights against many fungal diseases of vegetable crops. Unlike other similar products, it has an additional property - it promotes the growth and development of the plant. It is better to use a fungicide at the slightest threat of infection of a vegetable crop with a fungus, since it will be more difficult to cure the disease later.

Comments (1)
  1. This is the first remedy that effectively helped to protect potato tubers from being damaged by late blight during storage. Initially I decided to use the remedy for preventive purposes, but in the end it turned out to be such a gorgeous effect. This year I want to check how this drug will show itself when processing tomatoes in a greenhouse. Glad to have discovered this remedy.

    03/01/2020 at 03:03
  2. Thanks to this article and Consento, I was able to save this year's harvest. Until last year, everything was fine, but last year, at the beginning of August, cucumbers began to wither, then tomatoes and eggplants began to blacken. Every day there were more and more black spots. As a result, I harvested 3 times less fruit than usual. This year I hoped that it would, but in July I saw that there were spots on the tomatoes. She frantically began to look for the reason. It turned out to be a disease, rather late blight. Consento KS chose as the safest drug, since I still feed my children and grandchildren with vegetables. This year I processed it, neither tomatoes nor cucumbers got sick. The harvest was excellent.

    08/22/2019 at 02:08
  3. We have very strong cucumbers and tomatoes suffer from powdery mildew, the so-called. at the same time, everything is fine with zucchini and onions.And this is somehow annoying, perhaps)) I am not a supporter of disinfectants, fertilizers. But last year we were practically without tomatoes. Half a bucket was ripe by force. The whole crop turned black. This year, they decided to process it anyway, they took what the seller in the store advised - Consento. We did everything as it is written in the instructions and, it seems. working. It is now the middle of August, and the whole plants are already ripening on the bushes, although the weather is not favorable. I will continue to observe until there are even a lot of flowers.

    08/14/2019 at 11:08
  4. Can Consento be used in greenhouses?
    Everywhere we are talking about open ground.

    06/11/2019 at 01:06
    1. Good day!
      Consento is a relatively new fungicide, so there are currently no reviews of its use in greenhouse conditions. Given that the Consento fungicide is designed exclusively for outdoor use, greenhouse conditions may require specialist assistance. This is due to the fact that when used in a greenhouse, it is necessary to reduce the concentration of the solution. Only a specialist in this field can calculate the exact dosage. The manufacturer strongly advises to adhere to the instructions for this drug. If you change the concentration, there is a possibility that the effect of the drug will be reduced.
      We advise you either to contact the manufacturer directly with this question, perhaps he will tell you the exact dosage for using Consento in greenhouse conditions. Or treat a small area of ​​planting to evaluate the effect of the fungicide.
      We wish you high yields!

      06/13/2019 at 05:06
      Alena Valerievna
  5. Since the end of August, our tomatoes begin to turn black, if we do not process them, we really do not have time to harvest (((Once the mother-in-law bought some kind of poison, so we could not eat tomatoes, they became with a nasty taste. Last year, a neighbor advised Consento. A huge plus, that within a day after processing you can eat vegetables. Excellent remedy, finally we had a good harvest of tomatoes!

    05/16/2019 at 02:05
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