Pumpkin Winter Sweet: description and photo

Sweet Winter Pumpkin appeared in vegetable gardens relatively recently, but has already managed to fall in love with summer residents and consumers. It's all about unpretentiousness, long shelf life and excellent taste. Description, characteristics, photos and reviews of those who have already been involved in culture will be presented in the article.

Description of pumpkin variety Winter Sweet

The pumpkin of the Winter Sladkaya variety was bred by the Kuban breeders of the Research Institute at their experimental station in 1995.

The crop was recommended for cultivation in the Southern regions, where there is not enough rainfall. Over time, the geography of the variety has expanded significantly, now the Winter Sweet pumpkin is grown even in Siberia through seedlings.

The plant is distinguished by large dark green leaves. They have the shape of a pentagon, the notch is poorly expressed. The lashes are long - up to 3 m, rather thick, juicy, fleshy. The flowers are large, bright yellow.

Description of fruits

Pumpkin Winter Sweet refers to table varieties, has large round-shaped fruits, strongly flattened, on the sides. The variety is late ripening, the growing season lasts from 130 to 140 days.

The weight of one fruit is 6-12 kg. The pumpkin is covered with a dense and hard gray skin on top, which allows you to keep the fruits for 1-2 years. The surface is divided into well-defined lobules. In addition, there are small, wart-like growths on the peel with subtle dark or light spots.

Attention! Unripe pumpkins of this variety have a dark green skin.

The inner part of the pumpkin of the Sweet Winter variety is orange or egg-yellow in color, it is juicy. The middle part is loose, seeds are located in it. They are oval or round, large. On pumpkin seeds Winter Sweet skin is very hard. Each 1000 pieces weigh about 400 g.

The fruits are sugary, aromatic, have a large amount of vitamins and microelements. Despite the sweetness, pumpkin of the Sweet Winter variety is a low-calorie product, therefore it is recommended by nutritionists when losing weight.

There is a lot of juice in the fruits, which is why a vitamin drink is obtained from the orange mass, mashed potatoes are prepared. Some housewives use a vegetable for making jam, compotes.

Warning! The presence of a large amount of glucose in pumpkin makes it unsuitable for diabetics.

Variety characteristics

Like any cultivated plant, the pumpkin of the Winter Sweet variety, according to the description and photo, has its own characteristic features:

  • differs in large fruits;
  • good keeping quality;
  • the plant is drought-resistant, tolerates cold weather well;
  • climbing ability is average;
  • from 1 sq. m with proper care, up to 30 kg of fruits are harvested.

Pest and disease resistance

Pumpkin variety Winter Sweet is resistant to many diseases, but sometimes suffers from:

  • white mosaic;
  • fusarium;
  • gray rot.

To prevent diseases, experienced gardeners recommend dusting the foliage with wood ash. If the disease cannot be stopped in time, you can use pesticides. It is advisable to simply remove and burn heavily affected pumpkin bushes.

Comment! Disease and pest control chemicals can be used, but no later than 30 days before harvesting.

If we talk about harmful insects, then the Winter Sweet variety can suffer from spider mites, aphids, whiteflies. You can cope with the problem with folk remedies.Spray bushes:

  • infusion of onion peel;
  • infusion of crushed garlic;
  • infusion of tobacco.
Important! To prevent the funds from rolling off the leaves, laundry soap or dishwashing liquid is added to the solutions.

In case of a serious pest infestation, you can use:

  • Aktellikom;
  • Fundazol;
  • "Aktaroy".

Spraying should be carried out in dry weather without wind.

Advantages and disadvantages

Breeders, creating new varieties of cultivated plants, try to give them as many positive qualities as possible. First you need to find out the advantages of the Sweet Winter variety:

  • stable and high yield;
  • excellent taste, a wide range of uses in cooking;
  • high rate of transportability and keeping quality;
  • drought-resistant plant;
  • resistance to anthracnose and powdery mildew.

According to gardeners, the Sweet Winter pumpkin has no drawbacks if it is grown in the south or in the temperate zone. But in Siberia or the Urals, it does not always ripen, so you have to grow seedlings.

Growing technology

Any soil is suitable for growing pumpkin of the Winter Sweet variety, but it does not hurt to fertilize it. From organic matter, peat or compost is used. If there is a lot of sand in the soil, then you need to add black soil, humus.

Pumpkin gives a good harvest on neutral or slightly alkaline soils. If the soil has a high acidity, then you need to add wood ash or dolomite flour (from 200 to 600 g per 1 sq. M, depending on the acidity).

You just need to remember that a large amount of nutrients negatively affects the quality (nitrates accumulate) and keeping quality.

The beds are located on the south side of the site, preferably along the fence.

It is best to plant a pumpkin after:

  • carrots;
  • potatoes;
  • cabbage;
  • legumes;
  • tomatoes;
  • onions and garlic.

The pumpkin can be placed in the garden after 5-6 years.

Preparing for landing

Pumpkin Winter Sweet, according to gardeners, can be grown in seedlings (pictured below is a seedling ready for planting) or sown seeds directly into open ground. Growing seedlings is recommended in the Northern regions so that the fruits have time to ripen.

Growing seedlings

Seeds for seedlings are sown in late March or early April. As a rule, pumpkin crops do not tolerate transplanting well, therefore it is recommended to grow Winter Sweet Pumpkin in separate containers. These can be plastic cups or made from paper yourself. Tea or milk bags will do.

You can take the soil ready-made or prepare it yourself. For every 1 kg of soil, add 1 tsp. nitrophosphate and 2-3 tbsp. l. wood ash. The soil is spilled with boiling water, to which several crystals of potassium permanganate are added.

Pumpkin seeds have a strong skin, so they are soaked before planting, wrapped in cloth or moss. But first, the seed must be disinfected against fungal diseases. To do this, it is treated in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or in "Fitosporin".

The seeds are buried 1.5-2 cm, covered with foil to speed up the germination process. The containers are exposed to a warm, well-lit window. After 1-2 weeks, shoots will appear, the film is removed. Water as needed. As for feeding, the seedlings are watered with an extract of wood ash or a solution of potassium permanganate.

Before planting seedlings in a permanent place, it must be hardened.

Planting seedlings in the ground

Seedlings are planted in open ground when the threat of frost disappears, and the soil at a depth of 10 cm warms up to 12 degrees. By this time, the plants will have a height of 15-20 cm and 4-5 true leaves. The holes are dug at a distance of 80-100 cm, since the large-fruited pumpkin of the Winter Sweet variety needs a lot of space. 2 bushes are planted in each hole.

On heavy loamy soils, seedlings are planted on ridges 6 cm high.Immediately after planting, the plants are well shed.

Sowing with seeds

Sowing with seeds is carried out at a soil temperature of about 12 degrees. 3-4 seeds are placed in the hole.When the plants sprout, I leave 2 of the strongest sprouts in the hole, the rest are removed.


It is not difficult to take care of the pumpkin of the Winter Sweet variety, since the description says about the unpretentiousness of the plant, this is noted in the reviews and gardeners. All events are standard.


Weeds should not be allowed to grow, since they are the breeding grounds for diseases and pests. They must be removed as they grow at the same time as loosening the soil. In the aisles, this operation is performed before watering, in the holes - after.

Important! Weed removal and loosening is stopped when the leaves cover the soil.


Pumpkins of all varieties are demanding on moisture. Do not allow the soil to dry out. Watering is carried out with warm, settled water. Especially plants need irrigation when the fruit is being poured.

Top dressing

Pumpkin of the Winter Sweet variety needs to be fed in a timely manner, since a large amount of nutrients is spent on the development of a large fruit.

For feeding, you can use:

  • nitrophosphate - 10 g per plant;
  • wood ash - 1 tbsp. on the bush;
  • infusions of mullein or chicken droppings - one bucket of diluted infusion is poured under 6 pumpkins;
  • infusion of green herbs;
  • complex mineral fertilizers - according to the instructions.


The pumpkin needs hilling. This procedure is carried out when the first flowers appear. The fact is that the root system is quickly exposed. At the same time, you need to pinch the tops of the lashes and regulate the number of fruits on each stem.

Advice! If you need to grow large pumpkins, no more than 3 ovaries are left on each plant.

It is necessary to put cardboard or straw under the growing pumpkins so that the fruits do not rot.


Pumpkin Winter Sweet is popular. Large juicy fruits are perfectly stored. The pulp of the variety is distinguished by useful properties, it has diuretic, antipyretic and analgesic effects.

Reviews about pumpkin Winter Sweet

Seredina Maria Viktorovna, 45 years old, Moscow region.
I live in the countryside, I raise goats, chickens, rabbits. I saw the seeds of a large-fruited pumpkin variety Winter Sweet in the store and decided to try it. I liked the plant with its taste and size. The food for my animals was quite enough not only for the fall, but also for the winter. Pumpkin juice and compote for the winter were prepared from the fruits. The pieces were often baked in the oven. She took the harvest to the cellar. I left one pumpkin on purpose to check how long it can be stored. Withstood 15 months, did not dare further. So I will continue to plant.
Malysheva Olga Sergeevna, 56 years old, Trans-Baikal Territory.
I have been growing a pumpkin of the Winter Sweet variety for several years. I plant 3 bushes on the site, enough for my family. From juicy sweet fruits I prepare compote, candied fruits, juice for the winter. And what a delicious marmalade turns out, you will lick your fingers. Grandchildren, as soon as the fruits begin to ripen, chew them raw or ask to bake them. The only inconvenience is that we have a short summer in Transbaikalia, we have to grow seedlings. But this is not a problem, so I will not give up culture.
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