Pumpkin Pastila Champagne: variety description

Pumpkin Pastila Champagne was created by breeders on the basis of the agricultural firm "Biotekhnika". The main direction in hybridization was the creation of a crop that yields a harvest regardless of weather conditions. The cultivar is grown in the temperate climate of the Moscow region, the Urals, Siberia in unprotected soil.

Description of pumpkin Pastila Champagne

Pumpkin of the Pastila Champagne variety is of medium late ripening, the fruits reach biological ripeness in 3 months. The plant is compact, with medium shoots. To save space on the site, it is recommended to install a support, tie lashes and fruits.

External characteristics of the pumpkin variety Pastila Champagne:

  1. The culture is a tall, indeterminate type, it needs height adjustment and the formation of a bush. Shoots are thick with a ribbed structure, finely pubescent, light green. The mustache is long and thick; when installing the tapestry, they are completely removed.
  2. Leaves are rounded, five-lobed, fixed on thick, short cuttings. The leaf plate is bright green, slightly dissected, the veins are clearly defined, one tone darker than the leaf. Leaves are opposite, average foliage.
  3. The flowers are large, bright yellow, bisexual.

Pumpkin marshmallow Champagne is self-fertile, no pollinators are required.

Description of fruits

Pumpkin of the Pastila Champagne variety has an unusual shape and color of fruit. It is appreciated among vegetable growers for its gastronomic merits.

Description of Pastila Champagne fruits:

  • the shape of an elongated ellipse, weight - 2.5-3.5 kg;
  • the surface is even, divided vertically into several segments, pink color with small white fragments, reticular;
  • the peel is tough, thin;
  • the pulp is orange, dense, juicy;
  • the seed sections are deep, located along the entire length of the fruit, the seeds are white, flat, small.

The pumpkin of the Pastila Champagne variety is sweet with a vanilla aroma. Fruit of universal use, consumed fresh. They are processed into juice, puree. The pumpkin is stewed, baked, cooked in a steam bath, used to make rice or millet porridge.

They grow pumpkin varieties in the country, in a personal plot, suitable for commercial cultivation in large farm areas. Well tolerates long distance transportation.

Important! Pumpkin of the Pastila Champagne variety, after harvest, remains until May, does not lose its taste and weight.

Variety characteristics

Pumpkin Pastila Champagne is specially designed for growing in temperate climates. Herbaceous plant does not stop growing at +160 C. The indicator speaks of the frost resistance of the variety. The pumpkin is planted on the site when there is no threat of frost, young shoots are rarely damaged by frost. In the case of freezing of young shoots, the culture is well restored, the negative impact is not reflected in the timing and level of fruiting. The fruits ripen at the same time, have a leveled shape, the harvest is carried out in late August or mid-September.

Pumpkin Pastila Champagne is a heat-loving plant; an excess of ultraviolet radiation is required for the growing season. In a shaded area, the pumpkin stops blooming, the ovaries crumble, and productivity is low. A place with exposure to the north wind is not suitable for culture. The drought resistance of the pumpkin is average, the plant needs watering. At the same time, it does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil, the root system is superficial, prone to decay. Prefers neutral soil, fertile, without stagnant water.The best option for cultivation is drained sandy loam soils.

A bush of the Pastila Champagne variety is formed by two shoots - the main and the first stepson. The lateral processes are removed as they form. 5 ovaries are left on one bush, they are distributed between the stems, the rest of the flowers and fruits are removed. Thus, the plant is unloaded. All nutrients are directed towards the ripening of the fruit. 1 m2 2-3 plants are planted, the average yield is about 20 kg.

Pest and disease resistance

The most common pest on the Champagne Pastila pumpkin is aphid. It appears in the middle of summer, the main place of localization of insects is the lower part of the leaf and flowers. The leaves at the site of the accumulation of aphids turn yellow and curl, the flowers fall off. To get rid of the pest, make a solution. Ingredients are calculated for 10 liters of water:

  • minced onion –200 g;
  • red pepper - 4 tbsp. l;
  • wood ash - 50 g;
  • liquid soap (laundry) - 50 g.

The substance is filtered, the bush is treated, after 5 days the procedure is repeated.

If the method does not give a positive result, the culture is sprayed with the preparation Fitoverm or Iskra, diluted according to the instructions for the product.

Advice! After processing, it is recommended to cover the pumpkin with a film at night, until the morning the aphid will die.

The whitefly parasitizes less often, the "Commander" will help get rid of it.

With waterlogged soil and thickened planting, bacterial rot of fruits develops. It affects the plant at any stage of the growing season, the stalk darkens, then the fruit falls off. To eliminate bacterial infection, watering is reduced, infected areas are removed, and treated with "Hom".

The development of a fungal disease is possible - powdery mildew. It manifests itself as white spots on the leaves, these places dry out, the leaves die off. Colloidal sulfur, Topaz, is used against the fungus.

Advantages and disadvantages

According to vegetable growers, the Pastila Champagne pumpkin has proven itself only from the good side for many years of cultivation:

  • frost-resistant, yield is not affected by a decrease in temperature;
  • manages to mature in a short summer and in regions with a temperate climate;
  • does not require special care;
  • can be grown with or without a trellis;
  • fruits have an exotic appearance;
  • universal application;
  • keeps its presentation for a long time;
  • suitable for commercial cultivation;
  • has a good taste and aroma;
  • gives a full-fledged planting material.

The disadvantages include the fact that the pumpkin is intolerant of waterlogging. Resistance to pests and diseases is average. It is necessary to change the seeds every 3 years.

Growing technology

The culture of the Pastila Champagne variety is bred on the site by direct planting of seeds into the ground. Plants do not root well after transplanting. The seedling method is used in regions with colder climates than, for example, in Central Russia, as well as with short summers. The seedling method will help to shorten the ripening period. To plant seeds for seedlings, they are pre-germinated. Wrapped in a wet cloth and left in a warm place. After 4-5 days, sprouts will appear. Follow-up work:

  1. Fertile soil is poured into plastic or peat glasses.
  2. Make a depression of 3 cm.
  3. Carefully, so as not to damage the sprout, place a seed with the calculation of 1 seed per 1 container.
  4. Watered, placed in a box or container, covered with foil.
  5. Tucked into a lighted room.

After the appearance of the overgrowth, the film is removed. Planting is carried out in early April.

A pumpkin is planted on the site at the end of May on the condition that the ground warms up to +160 C, the timing is the same for seedlings and direct planting. Before direct planting, the seeds are selected, placed in the refrigerator for 10 days, then germinated.

Planting works:

  1. The site is being dug up.
  2. Remove grass residues.
  3. Organic and urea are introduced.
  4. Ash and a seed are placed in each recess, watered, and covered.

Layout: row spacing - 1.5 m, distance between pumpkins - 75 cm.

Follow-up care:

  1. The plant is watered every evening with a small amount of water until the fruits form. The volume of fluid increases as it grows. After the first garter of plants, watering is reduced to 2 times a week, the root circle is mulched with straw or compost.
  2. Side shoots, whiskers and dry leaves are removed, formed with two stems.
  3. The bush is tied up, the extra ovaries are removed.
  4. The culture of the Pastila Champagne variety is fed with organic matter, phosphate, potassium is added a month before harvesting. Organic matter can be added without restriction, there will be no excess harm to the pumpkin.
  5. Weeding and loosening are carried out as they grow weeds.

For preventive purposes, planting varieties are sprayed with an antifungal drug. Harvest in September. When the stalk dries up, pluck the pumpkin along with it. With the stalk, the fruits are stored longer. After harvesting, the pumpkin is placed in a room with good ventilation, air humidity - 85%, temperature - + 5-100 C.


Pumpkin Pastila Champagne is a frost-resistant medium-late ripening variety. A culture was created for open ground, grown in the European, central part of Russia. The fruits are versatile in use, have a sweet banana flavor and a delicate vanilla aroma. The pumpkin is suitable for growing in large and small areas. The hallmark of the variety is the unusual shape and color of the fruit.

Reviews about pumpkin Pastila Champagne

Taras Kotov, 51 years old, Ulyanovsk
Friends treated them to Pastila Champagne with baked pumpkin, then I looked at the photos, read the reviews about the variety, and decided to breed the culture at home. The taste is unusual, fruits with a delicate aroma, sweet, juicy and soft after cooking. Growing up is not difficult. The main thing is a well-lit garden bed and a timely garter. Friends grow a pumpkin without support, the summer was rainy at the place where the fruit came into contact with the ground, dark spots formed. Therefore, I recommend the tapestry method to everyone.
Natalia Sutulina, 42 years old, Volgograd region
Pastilla Champagne, the favorite pumpkin of the whole family. I tried many varieties, none of them compare in taste. It is rare when a pumpkin can be eaten raw, but Pastila Champagne pumpkin is sweet, with a pleasant aroma, goes well in a salad. Does not crumble when baked, dry substances in the required proportion. It is unpretentious in care, fruits of a convenient shape and mass with an exotic color. The only negative is that you need to change the seeds every 2-3 years, the culture is prone to degeneration.
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