Tomato Casanova: characteristics and description of the variety

Everyone associates the word tomato with a rounded, red-colored vegetable. Indeed, the first tomatoes brought to us from America in the distant 16th century were just like that. Thanks to the development of genetics and the associated selection work, varieties have appeared that are completely different from our usual ideas about this berry. Don't be surprised, botanically, a tomato is a berry, just like a watermelon. Not only the appearance of the fruits has changed - the unprecedented colors of tomatoes have appeared: yellow, orange, brown, blue and even almost black. There are tomatoes that remain green even in full ripeness, while their taste does not suffer at all.

Important! Yellow-colored tomatoes contain more carotene, and the beneficial anthocyanins give them the blue color.

Today we want to introduce you to a tomato variety that is distinguished by an unusual, one might even say, spicy fruit shape. Its name - Casanova - is quite consistent with it.

To understand what this original is, we will draw up a detailed description and characteristics of the Casanova tomato variety. Here he is in the photo in all his glory.

Description and characteristics

The Casanova tomato variety was included in the State Register of Agricultural Achievements in 2017. Its originator and patent holder is Vladimir Nikolaevich Dederko. Produces and sells Casanova tomato seeds agrofirma Siberian garden, which is located in Novosibirsk. What are the features of this tomato variety?

  • Casanova is a mid-season variety. When sown in March for seedlings, the first fruits ripen in July.
  • The variety belongs to indeterminate, that is, it does not stop its growth on its own. The gardener needs to form it. In practice, the height of the bush is about 2 m.
  • Casanova is recommended for growing in all regions, but outdoors it can only be planted in the south. To the north, this tomato variety is planted in a greenhouse.
  • The best results are obtained from a tomato of the Casanova variety when formed into one or two trunks. All other stepsons need to be cut off.
  • The fruit of Casanova has an unusual elongated shape with an original bifurcation at the end. The length is not small - up to 20 cm. The weight is also quite good - up to 200 g. Up to 5 fruits can be set in a brush.
  • The color of the fruit is bright red when fully ripe. The skin and flesh are dense, there are almost no seeds. The tomato has an excellent taste with a noticeable sweetness.
  • The originator positions the Casanova tomato variety as salad, but, according to consumer reviews, it is very good pickled. The dense skin does not crack when poured with boiling water, and the tomatoes themselves, due to their shape, fit very tightly into the jars. It is also suitable for other blanks, but the fleshy fruits will not give much juice.
  • The Casanova tomato is well stored and can be transported over long distances. At the same time, the commercial qualities are not lost.
Attention! When certain conditions are created: low temperature - 5-12 degrees and air humidity - 80%, Casanova tomatoes can last until the New Year. But they need to be removed in milk ripeness.

In order for the description and characteristics of the tomato of the Casanova variety to be complete, the most important thing must be said: it has an excellent yield. With good care, it reaches 12 kg per sq. m. The bushes are literally hung with large beautiful fruits.

To get the harvest declared by the manufacturer, you need to follow all the rules of agricultural technology and, first of all, grow strong high-quality seedlings.

How to grow seedlings

At the time of planting in the greenhouse, it should be about 2 months old. The timing of sowing seeds is adjusted taking into account the onset of stable heat.In the middle lane, this is the beginning or mid-March; in other regions, the dates may differ.

Secrets of strong seedlings:

  • We select only large seeds.
  • We treat them with a dressing agent and a growth stimulant. As the first, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, aloe juice, phytosporin are used. As the second, Immunocytophyte, Zircon, Epin, Ash solution are suitable. Well awakens tomato seeds and melt water gives them strength. It can be easily obtained by freezing it in the refrigerator. Do not forget to drain the unfrozen residue. The healing properties and special structure of water are preserved for 12 hours after thawing.
  • We sow the seeds of a Casanova tomato in a loose, well-aerated and moisture-absorbing soil that needs to be frozen.
  • We provide crops with a greenhouse regime under a plastic bag.
  • The first shoots loops are a signal that the container needs to be transferred to a cool, light windowsill.
  • Adequate lighting is essential for stocky, strong seedlings. The greater the distance between the leaves on the stem, the fewer brushes a Casanova tomato can tie. To get the maximum yield, the seedlings should not be pulled out.
  • Seedlings need an optimal temperature regime: about 18 degrees at night and about 22 degrees during the day.
  • Watering will be required, but without excess moisture. Pour warm water as the topsoil dries out.
  • Timely picking of a Casanova tomato in the phase of 2 true leaves into separate containers with a volume of at least 0.5 liters is required. The less the root system is damaged during the pick, the faster the Casanova tomatoes will start growing.
  • The cut seedlings need to be fed. We do this 3 times. The first feeding is carried out with fertilizer with a predominance of nitrogen at the stage of the appearance of the third true leaf. Agricola # 3 is good for her. The second feeding - 12-15 days after the pick, the third - after another 2 weeks. For them we dissolve Art. a spoonful of complex fertilizer without top for 5 liters of water. For one plant, it is enough to spend 0.1 l of solution.
  • Hardening tomato seedlings Casanova starts 2 weeks before moving to the greenhouse. We carry it out gradually, protecting at first the tomatoes from the wind and bright sun. The easiest way is to cover the plants with a covering material.
Warning! Pampered, unhardened tomato seedlings take root much worse after planting.

But it is not enough to grow high-quality seedlings. You need to plant it on time and properly care for the tomatoes.

Disembarkation and leaving

Tomatoes are planted in a greenhouse earlier than in open ground, since the soil in it warms up faster. Sometimes this is possible as early as early May. The beds for planting should be prepared in the fall, and the greenhouse itself and the soil should be disinfected. Since autumn, phosphorus and potash fertilizers are applied at 30 g per sq. m, and in the spring - nitrogen - 15 g for the same area. If you do not open the greenhouse for the winter, all fertilizers can be applied in the fall.

Attention! With the annual cultivation of tomatoes, the soil in the greenhouse is quickly depleted, and pathogens accumulate in it.

Experienced gardeners advise changing the top layer of soil at least for a shovel bayonet every 3 years.

From organic fertilizers, you need to add humus - up to 8 kg per sq. m or 300 g of vermicompost for the same area. Ash can be a good source of potassium, especially if the soil reaction is acidic. It also contains trace elements. The source of calcium is crushed eggshells. On sandy loam soils, there is a lack of magnesium. It can be replenished by applying the fertilizer Mag-bor, which at the same time will enrich the land with boron.

Warning! Many gardeners apply fertilizer only locally - in the planting holes, without caring about the rest of the soil.

But this is only a starting food. In the future, the roots of tomatoes will occupy the entire area of ​​the garden, and they will not have enough food.

Casanova tomato seedlings are planted in prepared and watered holes. Planting pattern: 40 cm between bushes and 60 cm between rows. Overgrown tomato seedlings The casanova is planted in the grooves by removing the lower leaves with the apex orientation to the north.

Landings must be mulched with straw or mown grass, which must be pre-dried. Last year's hay will do as well. The next watering can be done in about a week. But if the plants signal the lack of moisture by withering the leaves, you need to produce it earlier.

What else do Casanova tomatoes need for a good harvest:

  • Timely watering. There is no rain in the greenhouse, so the lack of moisture will be on the conscience of the gardener. The soil moisture level is maintained at about 80%, and the air level at about 50%. This is achieved by weekly watering at the root. Water is poured so much to soak the ground by 50 cm. It is better to water it early in the morning, but the water must always be warm. Casanova tomatoes will be grateful for drip irrigation. In this case, the supply of moisture to the plants will be optimal.
  • The Casanova tomato responds very well to feeding. They are carried out every decade, starting 12 days after the seedlings have taken root. The best choice is special fertilizers intended for feeding nightshade crops.
  • In order for the Casanova tomato to spend all its energy on the formation of the crop, and not on growing the stepsons, they are regularly cut off, leaving a stump of 1 cm. For the Casanova tomato, the best form of cultivation is 2 stalks.

In addition, you can watch the video about the rules for growing tomatoes in a greenhouse:

To comply with all the rules of planting and growing, Casanova tomatoes will respond to the gardener with a generous harvest of original and tasty fruits. This amazing embodiment of breeders' imagination will delight not only you, but also your guests.


Alexander, Vologda
It is not easy to grow tomatoes in our north. They lack both sun and warmth. Therefore, I built a large greenhouse under polycarbonate. The soil there warms up faster, and to further speed up the process, I make warm beds in the greenhouse. I love tomatoes with original colors or fruit shapes. When I saw the picture with Casanova tomatoes, I laughed a little, but decided to plant it. I was attracted not only by the original shape, but also by the good yield. I was pleased with the result. The wife handled many cans of pickled tomatoes. The canned food is excellent. And there was no limit to the jokes of the guests who ate them.

Inga, Vologda
When buying tomato seeds for sowing, I always pay attention to new items. I love the company Siberian Garden. They have many good varieties. Sowed them this year Golden Konigsberg and Casanova. I liked both varieties and taste and yield. Collected seeds, however, Casanova had very few of them. But enough for next year's landing.

Comments (1)
  1. I planted the Casanova variety in 2018. The yield is extraordinary! The tomatoes were hanging in clusters and of a very unusual shape. But the taste disappointed ... Slightly overexposed on the bush and it becomes tasteless. Canned are good, but only if not overripe. And the immature ones have a large green spot at the stalk .. And what is very bad - even immature ones easily crumble. I took seeds from them and this year I planted only 4 bushes in the greenhouse.

    07/30/2019 at 03:07
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