Tomato Pride of Siberia: reviews + photos

In general, tomatoes are a thermophilic culture that came to all continents from South America. The climate of Russia is very far from the conditions in which tomatoes were born, but even here gardeners grow many varieties of this delicious vegetable. The harsh conditions of Siberia are most unsuitable for thermophilic tomatoes: here there are very short summers, limited daylight hours and strong temperature fluctuations. Domestic breeders coped with this task - they bred several particularly resistant varieties, among which the Pride of Siberia tomato occupies a leading place.

This article will tell you in detail about the tomatoes of the Pride of Siberia variety, provide photos, reviews and characteristics of this famous tomato. From here you can also learn how to grow this Siberian tomato variety.

Tomatoes Pride of Siberia: characteristics

First of all, it should be noted that the Pride of Siberia tomato is the largest-fruited of all varieties bred for the northern regions. The weight of one fruit can be about 900 grams, which is a record for Siberian tomatoes.

Attention! Such large tomatoes cannot be salted or pickled, but they are great fresh, as ingredients for salads and sauces.

Of course, Pride of Siberia was bred as a greenhouse tomato, because in a harsh climate tomatoes are grown mainly in greenhouses and under film shelters. However, this variety is quite suitable for growing in other regions of Russia: in milder climates, tomatoes can be planted directly on the beds.

A more detailed description of the variety:

  • bushes of the determinant type, standard;
  • the height of tomatoes often reaches 150 cm;
  • the plants must be tied up, since the weight of the tomatoes is quite large - the branches can break off;
  • early ripe tomato - fruits ripen within 85-90 days after germination;
  • The pride of Siberia is a very resistant variety: the tomato is not afraid of temperature fluctuations, lack of sun, viruses and infections most common for tomatoes;
  • the shape of the fruit is pumpkin-shaped - a ball slightly flattened on top;
  • the color of the peel and pulp is raspberry red, saturated;
  • the average weight of tomatoes is 500-600 grams;
  • taste at Siberian tomato very pleasant, the pulp is juicy and aromatic;
  • fruits tolerate transportation well, are suitable for long-term storage;
  • the yield of a large-fruited tomato is such that a gardener can collect up to 20 kg of fruits from one meter of the greenhouse;
  • it is recommended to plant a tomato according to the scheme of 4-5 bushes per square meter - a large-fruited variety should have enough light and nutrition.

As you can see from the description, the Pride of Siberia variety has a lot of advantages. The gardeners consider the main advantages of this tomato to be high yield, beautiful large fruits, good taste, resistance to external factors and suitability for transportation and storage.

Important! Gardeners also note a small lack of a large-fruited tomato - its trunk and shoots must be tied up, otherwise they will not withstand the weight of the tomatoes. And also, you must not allow the fruit to come into contact with the ground, because the tomatoes will instantly rot.

How to grow

As noted earlier, this tomato is intended for greenhouses. In the open field, the tomato will develop normally only in several regions of the country (Krasnodar Territory, Crimea and the North Caucasus). This means that before buying the seeds of the Pride of Siberia, it is imperative to build a greenhouse (or prepare an existing greenhouse on the site for planting tomatoes).

There are no special differences in growing Siberian tomatoes.Like the rest of the tomatoes, they are grown through seedlings. The sequence of actions of the gardener, in this case, should be as follows:

  1. The seeds are prepared for planting by first disinfecting them in a manganese solution or in hot water. You can then germinate the tomato seeds under a damp cloth in a warm place.
  2. Seedlings of greenhouse tomatoes in Siberia begin to grow at the end of March. It is during this period that you need to sow tomato seeds in the ground.
  3. The seedling soil should be well fertilized, loose and warm. It would be nice to disinfect the soil by spilling it with potassium permanganate or a solution of copper sulfate.
  4. Seeds are spread on the ground at intervals of a couple of centimeters and sprinkled with dry soil. Now you need to sprinkle the soil with warm water and cover the container with tomatoes with foil. Seedlings are still being harvested in a warm (24-26 degrees) and protected from the sun place.
  5. When the greens hatch, the shelter is removed, the tomato seedlings are raised on the windowsill or on the table, provided with light, moisture and heat (20-24 degrees).
  6. At the stage of a pair of real leaves, tomatoes are seated in separate cups or pots - they dive. So the roots of the tomatoes will prepare for the upcoming transplant to the greenhouse, the plants will become hardened and stronger.
  7. Grown up tomatoes need to be fed. It is better to use a special complex fertilizer, consisting of microelements necessary for tomato seedlings.
  8. When the seedlings are 40-45 days old, they begin to harden. Pots and boxes are placed near the open window, then taken out onto the balcony or outside. The hardening time is gradually increased - tomatoes must quickly adapt to the climate of the greenhouse.
  9. When tomatoes grow 6-7 true leaves, they can be transplanted to a permanent place. The greenhouse is also prepared for this in advance: the top layer of the soil is replaced, the walls and all structures are washed with a disinfectant, and the greenhouse is ventilated.
  10. On a square meter of soil, you should not have more than five bushes of the Pride of Siberia variety, since the bushes are quite powerful.
  11. Immediately, at the stage of planting seedlings, a peg is inserted near each plant, to which the tomato will be tied up as it grows.
  12. For the first couple of weeks, the tomatoes are not watered - their roots are now unable to absorb moisture, all the plant's forces are spent on adaptation.

That's the whole planting of tomatoes Pride of Siberia. The gardener can further simplify his task if he acquires ready-made tomato seedlings and immediately plants them in the greenhouse.

Advice! In the central part of the country, you can use a film or polycarbonate cover, which is removed from tomatoes in mid-late June.

How to care

Reviews of gardeners about this tomato are mostly positive. The variety is very unpretentious, in the sense that tomatoes rarely get sick, they are not attacked by pests. But of course, it is necessary to care for a large-fruited tomato, otherwise the gardener will not see beautiful and large fruits.

In order for the tomatoes to grow as in the photo, special care is needed for them:

  1. Although the bush is determinant, it is absolutely necessary shape... It is recommended to grow the pride of Siberia in one or two stems, otherwise the fruits will be much smaller, and their number will noticeably suffer. Therefore, the gardener must pinch all other shoots until they grow more than three centimeters.
  2. It is constantly necessary to monitor the condition of the bushes and tie up fragile shoots, fruit brushes, stems.
  3. To water Pride is needed often and abundantly - this tomato loves water very much. Water for irrigation must be warm. It is better to irrigate tomato beds in Siberia in the morning, before the sun's rays become scorching.
  4. Necessarily required feeding... In the greenhouse, rotted manure or mullein dissolved in water, bird droppings are used. Mineral complexes help well. At the stage of fruit formation, it is recommended to feed the tomatoes with potassium and phosphorus, this will improve the quality and taste of the tomatoes.
  5. To prevent rot and late blight, the greenhouse is regularly ventilated... Do not allow waterlogged air and condensation accumulation on the walls of the greenhouse.
  6. If the fruits begin to crack, you need to stop watering and feed the tomato bushes with saltpeter.
  7. In greenhouses, the common whitefly becomes a common enemy of tomatoes, so prophylaxis should be carried out using chemical preparations against this pest (for example, "Confidor").
  8. The ripening period of the Pride of Siberia variety is very early, so the ripe fruits are picked when they turn red and become soft. Store the crop in a cool and dry place by stacking the tomatoes in wooden or clean plastic boxes.

Attention! In the open field, a variety of Siberian selection can suffer from wireworm attacks, so it is not recommended to plant tomatoes next to potatoes.


Natalia, 56 years old, Kemerovo
In the Siberian climate, this tomato is indeed one of the best. We have never seen such large red fruits in our greenhouse, although we have been dealing with tomatoes for 10 years. Usually, due to the short summer, the crop has to be harvested immature, at the stage of the so-called technical maturity. And the Pride of Siberia ripens very quickly - about 90 days from the moment of planting the seeds. My bushes turned out to be high - about 170 cm, each of them set from 12 to 15 fruits. The size of the tomatoes pleased us - the largest one weighed 1 kg, and the smallest one turned out to be more than 700 grams. Their taste is excellent, the pulp is sweet, juicy. Next year, I will definitely sow the seeds of this variety for seedlings again!


The pride of Siberia is an excellent variety for those gardeners who know how to grow tomatoes in greenhouses. This tomato has a lot of advantages, the main of which are yield and beautiful large fruits, but growing a large-fruited variety has its own nuances. The owner of the site must devote enough time to his own beds, otherwise he will not see a good harvest.

Comments (1)
  1. I accidentally bought the seeds of this tomato and now I am not overjoyed - of the large-fruited, only the noble variety is equal to it. very happy with the variety! I will not look for other varieties anymore!

    10.09.2018 at 08:09
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