Tomato French bunch: characteristics and description of the variety

With the modern variety of varieties, the appearance of a tomato has long since departed from the image of a rounded giant familiar from childhood with a slightly flattened shape of bright red color. At the moment, there are tomatoes of almost all shades, except perhaps blue, even purple and even then can be found. And how diverse are the shapes and sizes of tomato fruits? In this sense, tomatoes are interesting, which in their appearance more resemble other vegetable crops, for example, eggplants or cucumbers. Such varieties of tomatoes have become very popular in recent years, and the French bunch has become one of the brightest representatives of tomatoes with an original fruit shape.

Even the name of this tomato variety can attract an inexperienced summer resident, since bushes hung with bunches of tomatoes immediately appear to a rich imagination, in the manner of a lady's finger grapes. By the way, in this respect, the name of the variety is more or less consistent with reality, since the bushes of ripening tomatoes do somewhat resemble grape vines. But the word "French" was added solely for the beauty of the image, since the tomato has nothing to do with France.

Comment! The variety of this tomato was bred in the depths of Russia by Siberian breeders relatively recently, and at the moment is not even included in the State Register of Russia.

Nevertheless, the French bunch tomato has already gained quite a lot of popularity among gardeners and summer residents, reviews of whose yield, and photos, are evidence of this.

Description of the variety

Tomato variety French bunch of flowers is the brainchild of specialists from the Siberian Garden company. Tomato bushes of this variety have great vigor and are able to form a large bush.

Interestingly, in the description and characteristics of the French grape variety, it is positioned as determinant. Indeed, in the open field, it rarely grows more than one meter. But in good greenhouse conditions, this tomato can grow up to 1.8 meters or even more.

Manufacturers also assure that the bush must be tied up, but at the same time it does not need pinching and shaping. This issue has always been quite controversial among gardeners. The fact is that it is really better not to pinch ordinary determinant varieties - in this case, they are able to show much better yield results, especially when grown in greenhouses. But here it is necessary to take into account the fact that overgrown bushes require increased nutrition and watering, and this must not be forgotten. In addition, they must be planted at a considerable distance from each other so that all shoots with tomatoes can receive a sufficient amount of sunlight.

Therefore, if in the southern regions, even in open ground, it is really not customary to pinch many determinant varieties of tomatoes, then in more northern regions they may not have enough light to ripen all the fruits.

Attention! The lack of pinching slows down the ripening of tomatoes, since the bush spends additional time developing the green mass of shoots.

And for varieties of medium and late ripening times, this can be very noticeable, especially in northern latitudes, where most of the tomatoes simply do not have time to ripen. Therefore, each gardener must decide the issue of pruning and pinching tomatoes individually, based on their specific climatic conditions.

Moreover, in terms of ripening, this variety belongs to mid-ripening tomatoes, the harvest can be obtained no earlier than 120 days from the moment of emergence. But in greenhouse conditions, he is able to bear fruit until the onset of the first frost.

The yield of the variety is directly dependent on the conditions of care and the ability to grow it without pinching. According to gardeners' reviews, when grown in greenhouses and keeping it in 4-5 trunks, the yield can reach 5-6 kg per bush, but on average, about 2 kg of tomatoes can be obtained from one bush.

A valuable advantage of the French Grape variety is its resistance to all major diseases that tomatoes are usually susceptible to, and its general unpretentiousness in care. This allows even novice gardeners to grow it.

Characteristics of tomatoes

Tomatoes of the French bunchy variety are distinguished by the following characteristics:

  • The shape of the tomatoes is very original - they are somewhat elongated, slightly resembling fingers with some thickening near the stalk and a prominent spout.
  • Fruit color is standard, red when fully ripe.
  • Tomatoes have a very smooth and dense skin, thanks to which they are not at all prone to cracking.
  • The size of tomatoes is small, their average weight is 85-100 grams. On the bush, the fruits grow in large clusters of 8 to 14 pieces each. On average, one bush can have 3-4 such clusters.
  • Naturally, the more shoots are left on a tomato bush, the more bunches, with proper care, can form and ripen on it. Hence the secrets of a possible high yield. But in this case, caring for the tomato should be very intensive.
  • The taste of tomatoes is good, experts assess it as a solid four, but because of the dense skin, it is more suitable not for salads, but for pickling.
  • An ideal pickling variety, because it is suitable for any size, even a small jar, does not crack and looks very beautiful when canned with whole fruit.
  • Tomatoes of the French bunchy variety are very well stored, they can lie in a cool place for several months. They also perfectly tolerate long-term transportation, therefore they are suitable for industrial cultivation.

Reviews of gardeners

The reviews of those who grew this tomato variety are mostly positive. Tomatoes delight with their unpretentiousness and productivity. As for taste, opinions differ here, since this parameter is already very subjective.

Elena, 34 years old, Novosibirsk city
I grew French grapevine last year in the open field under film shelters and in raised, warm beds. The bushes shook me with their power. True, on ordinary beds, but under the film it grew no more than 1 meter in height. And on warm ridges it was almost one and a half times higher. I had to pinch all the bushes first, otherwise nothing would have ripened - only greenery. But on a warm garden bed in June, she had already ceased to stepchild. I was quite happy with the yield. On a warm bed, each stem produced 5-6 bunches, and each had from 7 to 12 tomatoes. On ordinary beds, of course, I also left smaller brushes and stems only 2-3 per bush. But still, at the end of summer, I was already tired of even picking tomatoes from both beds. What I also liked about this variety is its resistance to all kinds of sores. I did not process anything practically for the entire season, and there were no problems with it. Will be planting again next season.
Galina, 47 years old, Smolensk
I grew this variety of tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse. Still, she did a little pinch, because otherwise the bush would overgrow very much, and the tomatoes might not have time to ripen. All the bushes were covered with tomatoes, it looked very beautiful. It's a pity that they ripened for a long time, but I managed to collect most of them reddened. After a small frost in September, she did not risk it and collected all the fruits in a row.The taste of tomatoes is not great, they are much tastier, but for pickling and pickling - what you need. By the way, the sauce from them also turned out quite good. And since there were a lot of tomatoes, I made many different blanks from them.
Olga, 29 years old, Kirov
Yes, the bushes are medium in height. I planted my seedlings in a greenhouse after the May holidays. Didn't stepchild at all. It bloomed in early June, and took off the first tomatoes with two brushes at the very beginning of August. The fruits are cute, pear-shaped. I, however, did not really like the fact that there were voids inside the tomatoes. But they were kept very well. She took the last fruits at the end of August, some of them lasted until the end of October. I took about 40 tomatoes from one bush - I specially counted. This was fine for me, since it is not at all easy to grow good tomatoes in our area.
Zinaida, 56 years old, Yaroslavl
I don't have a permanent greenhouse, but since our climate is very unstable, I try to grow tomatoes under temporary shelters on arches. And this year she planted several of her favorite varieties, including French bunch. We didn't have summer this year, one might say. Of all the varieties of tomatoes, only a small harvest was given by the French bunch. The rest were all sick, and there was no harvest from them at all.


Tomato French bunchy is an unpretentious and fruitful modern variety, ideal for a variety of twists for the winter. Due to its disease resistance, it will delight you with the harvest even in conditions when the rest of the tomatoes will not ripen.

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