Tomato Black bunch F1: reviews + photos

Exotic varieties of vegetable crops have always interested gardeners with their unusual color, shape and taste. You always want to grow something unusual on the site to surprise your family and friends. Among tomato crops, there are also amazing varieties, which, moreover, are distinguished by good yields.

Tomato variety Black bunch with dark purple fruits, just what you need. He meets all the requirements of the exotic, not too whimsical, but the number of fruits on one tomato can amaze even the most sophisticated gardeners.


Tomatoes Black bunch - a product of the Dutch selection. The hybrid is obtained by crossing domestic varieties with wild relatives growing in Chile and the Galapagos Islands.

Scientists have tried to create a tomato variety that contains a large amount of anthocyanins (antioxidants), which have a positive effect on the human body. It is this element that is responsible for the purple color of tomatoes.

The work was carried out for a long time. But the result exceeded all expectations. An amazing variety of tomatoes was obtained, in which a gene was present that disrupts the breakdown of chlorophyll. Therefore, the fruits in technical ripeness acquire a special color. For the information of consumers, this hybrid is not a genetically modified product.

Attention! Black bunch tomatoes immediately found fans, especially since the fruits have a huge number of useful properties.

The benefits of tomatoes

Tomatoes with a dark brown color with a purple tint, which appeared more than 50 years ago, have a lot of useful qualities. With regular use of tomatoes, Black bunch F1:

  • improves the work of the brain and heart muscle;
  • blood vessels are cleared of harmful cholesterol, skin and hair become healthy;
  • the body produces antibodies that prevent the development of atherosclerosis and allergies;
  • slags and toxins are removed from the body.

Tomato variety Black bunch has not yet been entered into the State Register. The seeds are produced by the Russian Garden Company.


Black bunch - an early ripe hybrid, refers to tall plants. The tomato is intended for greenhouse and open field cultivation. Tomato height up to 1 m 50 cm, depending on the place of cultivation. Possesses a powerful root system, thick, curly stem. You can grow 2-3 stems. The technical ripeness of the fruits occurs in 75-90 days.

The tomato has green leaf blades in the form of rhombuses with obvious wrinkles. On a tomato Black bunch, judging by the description and reviews of gardeners, simple carpal inflorescences are formed (bunchy) forms along the entire length of the stem, hence the name. Each cluster has 10 or more ovaries.

The fruits are round with barely visible ribs. First, the tomatoes are green, then they begin to turn pink. In technical ripeness, they turn dark purple, like eggplants, this is clearly visible in the photo. Ripe fruits also soften a little.

Attention! The more sun hits the plant, the richer the color of the fruit.

Glossy tomatoes have a thin and smooth skin. On the cut, the fruits are fleshy, the pulp is rich red, with two chambers. Not only the color of tomatoes is unusual for Russians, but also their taste. Tomatoes are sweet and sour, somewhat similar to dark plums.

Fruits are small in size, within 30-70 grams. But due to the huge number of ovaries, the yield per square meter reaches six kilograms.

The picking of tomatoes must be carried out in a timely manner, without waiting for them to completely turn black.You need to focus on the stalk: as soon as an orange speck appears at the base of the tomato, it's time to harvest. Tomatoes harvested earlier Black bunch can be ripened, but the taste will not be as pronounced.

The opinion of the gardener:

Characteristics of the variety

Without detailed characteristics, only according to the description of the Black bunch tomato variety, it is difficult to imagine the advantages or disadvantages of a hybrid. We will talk about them in order to decide later whether to grow a plant or not.


  1. Appearance. The black-purple color of the fruit attracts attention.
  2. Taste and culinary properties. Many people like sweet and sour fruits fresh and in whole-fruit conservation. But for the preparation of juices, the fleshy fruits of the variety are not suitable.
  3. Productivity. Up to 3 kg of tomatoes are harvested from one bush.
  4. Features of care. The variety is unpretentious, early ripening, amicable on a separate bunch. Since the bunches are formed along the entire length of the stem, the fruiting is stretched, you can collect the fruits before a cold snap.
  5. Storage. The tomato variety has a high keeping quality. Many gardeners note that the last fruits are eaten before the New Year.
  6. Diseases and pests. Plants have good immunity to many diseases and pests of nightshade crops.


In the reviews of gardeners, there were no special flaws in the variety. It can be attributed to negative qualities, except that the difficulty of determining the ripeness of the fruits during the first cultivation of the Black bunch of F1 hybrid.


For an early harvest, the tomato variety is obtained through seedlings.

Growing seedlings

We will tell you about the rules for obtaining strong seedlings in stages:

  1. Sowing is carried out in the last days of February, then the fruits can be obtained two weeks earlier than other varieties.
  2. Seeds etched in potassium permanganate are sown dry or pre-germinated, as you like, in a pre-prepared soil. You can compose the soil yourself or use the store option.
  3. The seed is placed at a depth of no more than 1 cm in steps of about 3 cm. Thickened plantings will make the seedlings weak.
  4. The seeds will sprout in five days if the temperature is maintained at 22-24 degrees.
  5. After sprouting for three days, the temperature is reduced by 4-5 degrees so that the sprouts do not stretch out.
  6. Adequate light is essential for strong, stocky Black Cluster tomato seedlings. If there is not enough light, you need to install a backlight.
  7. In the phase of 2-3 true leaves, the seedlings dive into separate cups. Although it is possible to grow seedlings without diving. In this case, the seeds are sown directly into peat pots, tablets or paper cups.
  8. Seedling care is reduced to regular moderate watering, surface loosening of the soil.
  9. At the stage of growing seedlings, black bunch tomatoes are recommended to be fed with an extract of wood ash. This is necessary not only to maintain nutritional balance, but also to prevent one of the nightshade diseases - black leg.

By the time of planting in a permanent place, the seedlings of the variety "turn" 60-65 days. Before planting, the plants are hardened for two weeks so that they have time to adapt to new living conditions.

Landing and care

Tomatoes are planted in a greenhouse or open ground, respectively, in May or early June, when the threat of frost return disappears. The time is chosen depending on the climatic conditions of the growing region.

No more than four plants are placed on one square meter. In the future, agricultural technology is not much different from caring for plantings of other varieties of tomatoes:

  • watering;
  • loosening;
  • deletion weeds;
  • disease prevention;
  • top dressing with organic or mineral fertilizers.

Grow tomato Black bunch of 2-3 stems. The rest of the stepsons are removed as they grow. The leaves under the formed brushes need to be torn off so that they do not pull off nutrients.

Since the tomatoes are tall and plentifully fruiting, pegs are installed immediately upon planting for tying. Moreover, not only the stems, but also the brushes are subjected to such an operation.


Based on the description and characteristics, the tomato Black bunch F1 has good immunity to many diseases, in particular, late blight. But since less resistant tomato plants always grow nearby, preventive measures should not be neglected.

Spraying tomatoes with solutions of boric acid, iodine, potassium permanganate, ash extract helps to get rid of diseases. It is a good idea to spray with special antifungal or antiviral drugs in accordance with the instructions.

Gardeners' opinion

Anastasia, 33 years old, Volgograd
The Black Bunch tomatoes were a favorite for my family. On the very last tassels, at a height of 160 cm, the tomatoes were very small, slightly larger than large-fruited currants, but this did not change the taste. Children eat the tomatoes on the vine. In the first year of cultivation, she collected her seeds. The next season I received exactly the same tomatoes. It turns out that this is not a hybrid, but a variety?
Svetlana, 45 years old, Moscow region
The year before last, she planted a Black bunch for the first time. Several tomatoes fell to the ground, we did not pick them up. As a result, seedlings grew by self-seeding next summer. Several were transplanted. As a result, the Black bunch tomatoes have grown. They corresponded to the description and characteristics. Now I will collect my seeds of delicious small-fruited tomatoes, which are stored for a long time.
Vladislav, 30 years old, Ryazan
I bought a bag of seeds because the description indicated an unusual color and taste of the fruit. The result was disappointed. The harvest, of course, is not bad, but there was no question of any early ripening. Maybe I did something wrong, but I will no longer take up space in the greenhouse.
Comments (1)
  1. And I grow such undersized tomatoes. Dwarf striped are called. Very tasty. Varietal

    05/15/2020 at 03:05
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