Tomato Alpha: characteristics and description of the variety

Tomato Alfa is a variety of Russian selection. It has been registered in the State Register of Breeding Achievements since 2004. It is intended for cultivation in private garden plots and in small farms. Suitable for regions with different climates, including areas of risky farming.

Description of the tomato variety Alpha

Tomato variety Alpha is intended for growing in open ground with the possibility of a film cover, as well as for greenhouses. Alpha tomatoes can be grown in a seedless and seedling way. Ripening period - early, 90 days pass from emergence to ripeness.

Tomato variety Alpha forms a compact bush with powerful stems. Growth type - determinant, standard. Such a plant is stunted, does not reach 50 cm in height. It does not require special shaping, which simplifies maintenance and is suitable for beginner gardeners.

Attention! The Alpha tomato can grow without a garter, but under the weight of the fruit, the stems lodge.

The leaves are medium in size, dark green, similar to potato leaves. Average leafiness. The inflorescence is simple, the first appears above the 5-6 leaves, and then forms without separation by the leaf. Tomato Alpha forms a few stepsons, they can not be removed even from the lower part of the trunk.

Description of fruits

The fruits of the Alpha tomato are rounded with a slight flattening, aligned in size, smooth. Number of nests - from 4 pcs. The weight of each fruit is 60-80 g. Reviews and photos of Alpha tomatoes show that unripe fruits are light green in color, and ripe ones are red, glossy. Taste characteristics are good, the pulp is juicy. Appointment - salad.

Main characteristics

A determinant variety, a tomato independently completes its growth at a height of 40-45 cm. Due to its compactness, including the root system, it is possible to plant 7-9 Alfa tomato bushes per 1 sq. m. Productivity from one bush under favorable growing conditions - 6 kg.

Tomato variety Alpha is resistant to temperature extremes, suitable for growing by direct sowing in the ground. Growing this way produces a strong, hardened plant that is resistant to disease and pest attacks. Due to early ripeness, the bushes are not affected by late blight.

Advantages and disadvantages

In the description of the Alpha tomato variety, the possibility of growing it in regions with different climates is declared. Rapid ripening allows for early vitamin production. Tomatoes ripen on the bush almost at the same time. The Alpha tomato variety has a number of other advantages.

Pros of the variety:

  • tasty, even fruits;
  • high yield, despite the compact size of the bush;
  • friendly return of fruits;
  • the possibility of growing in a seedless way;
  • suitable for open ground;
  • does not require shaping;
  • simple agricultural technology;
  • immunity against late blight.

A disadvantage or feature of an early ripe, undersized variety is the use of fruits only for fresh consumption. As well as poor keeping quality and average transport qualities.

Planting and care rules

Growing tomatoes of the Alpha variety by direct sowing in open ground is advisable only in the southern regions or when planting in heated greenhouses.

According to reviews and photos of the Alpha tomato variety, it is clear that in order to get an early return of fruits in other regions, the culture is grown through seedlings.

Growing seedlings

For standard tomatoes, the time for growing seedlings is 40-45 days.The sowing date is calculated depending on the moment of transplanting seedlings into open ground, according to the growing region. You should not start growing earlier than this time, although the seedlings of low-growing tomatoes do not stretch out and do not outgrow. An overgrown root system will not have enough nutrition from a small planting area.

Growing scheme:

  1. Before sowing, to accelerate growth and identify the percentage of viable seeds, they are soaked and germinated in a damp tissue. This takes 3-4 days.
  2. For cultivation, they take fertile, loose soil.
  3. Holes are made at the bottom of the planting containers and a drainage layer 1-2 cm high is poured, then a soil layer is introduced and lightly pressed.
  4. The soil is spilled the day before planting with disinfectants, for example, "Fitosporin".
  5. Sprouted seeds are planted separately in a small container, for example, plastic cups or common seedling containers, with a distance of 2 cm.
  6. The deepening for planting is made 1 cm in size, the soil is watered before planting.
  7. After sowing, the soil is moistened by spraying from a spray bottle.
  8. The containers are covered with a bag or foil and placed in a warm place, such as a bathroom, but not on top of heating appliances.
  9. Every day, the crops are checked, and as soon as the first loops appear, the seedlings are immediately exposed in a bright place, with a temperature of up to + 18 ° C. Reducing the temperature immediately after germination allows the seedlings to start developing their root system.
  10. Seedlings in the first days need round-the-clock supplementary lighting for further cultivation, lighting for 14-16 hours with a break in the dark for plant rest.

Seedlings grown in fertile soil do not require additional feeding until they are planted in open ground. Seed germination temperature - + 20 ° С… + 25 ° С.

Advice! For soaking seeds and watering seedlings from the moment of sowing to planting, use melt or rain water, warmed up to room temperature.

Seedlings of tomatoes of the Alpha variety grows compact, which allows them to dive not into separate containers, but into a more spacious general container. The dive is carried out after the beginning of the appearance of the third true leaf. The first two cotyledon leaves are not taken into account.

Before transferring seedlings to open ground, it is necessary to harden. For this, the temperature in the place where the plants are kept is gradually reduced during the week. They also accustom plants to more air and light by transferring them to the street or balconies with open windows. When hardening seedlings, it is important not to allow them to stay at low temperatures.

Transplanting seedlings

The description of Alpha tomatoes indicates their good survival rate when transplanted. Plants are planted at a distance of 40 to 50 cm. The seedlings are transferred to open ground when positive temperatures are set above + 10 ° C.

Planting seedlings in the open field is best done in a film tunnel. Thanks to the shelter, it becomes possible to control precipitation and adverse weather manifestations in the form of strong winds or hail, as well as to provide insurance against sudden changes in air temperature. Temporary shelter in the form of a film tunnel allows you to plant Alfa tomato seedlings several weeks earlier.

When transferring seedlings to a greenhouse, the expected location of all tomato bushes should be taken into account. Low-growing tomatoes are compacted with tall ones or they are planted separately from one edge, but so that all plants have enough light.

For planting, the site is prepared in advance, the soil is cleared of weeds, apply fertilizers and loosen. Water is poured into the hole and, mixing it with the earth, they form a slurry, into which the seedlings are planted along with an earthen clod.

Follow-up care

Caring for Alpha tomatoes is simple. When planting in fertile soil, several organic dressings will be required per season. For this, herbal and ash infusions are used.Watering for a plant with close roots requires moderate watering. If the season or area of ​​cultivation is rainy, then the bottom of the stem is left clean of stepchildren and leaves.

Advice! Tomatoes are watered only on the soil, the leaf mass must remain dry.

When grown outdoors, frequent weeding is required. Bushes are tied up without overtightening. For this, stakes are installed or a string is pulled through the ridge. Tying with a string does not interfere with tomato growth, and the brushes can be supported from different directions.


Tomato Alpha is one of the best standard varieties. Suitable for outdoor cultivation in various climatic zones. Does not require special shaping of the bush. Due to early maturation, it does not have time to be affected by late blight. Shows good yields on a small bush. The fruits are sweet and ripen at the same time.

Reviews of tomato Alpha

Elena Volzheskova, 37 years old, Perm
I grow Tomato Alpha because of its short ripening period and unpretentiousness. Tomatoes ripen on a bush, round, without ribbing, sweet, small in weight. I get a little of them from one plant, but the bush is compact, you can plant it often. Tomato of the Alpha variety is suitable for direct sowing in open ground, but to get an early harvest, I plant through seedlings and in a greenhouse. Tomatoes are not for preparation, multi-chamber, for fresh salads.
Elizaveta Grubina, 43 years old, Smolensk
I know the Alpha tomato not so long ago, but I plant it regularly. Unlike tall varieties, which need to be constantly monitored, the Alpha tomato grows on its own. The plant can, in general, not be formed and not pinched, no diseases were found on it. In the open field and watering infrequently. Tomatoes of the variety are even, identical, tasty. But they are not suitable for salting, they are recommended only for fresh consumption, which is characteristic of a rapidly maturing variety.
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