Peking cabbage varieties resistant to flowering

Peking cabbage has become very popular all over the world. It first appeared in China 5 thousand years ago. It is not known whether she is from Beijing or not, but in our area she is called that way. In other countries, its name is translated as "Chinese salad". Indeed, the leaves of this cabbage are very similar to a salad.

Peking cabbage has long, light green leaves collected in a loose, oblong head of cabbage. It is used in different ways in cooking. It is great for fresh salads, stews and first courses. It should be admitted that it is found on tables much more often than in vegetable gardens. Some are not used to growing such vegetables on their plots. Now we will compare the best varieties of Peking cabbage, and prove that it is not difficult to grow it.

General information

Not every gardener who once planted Peking cabbage in his garden will say that it is an unpretentious vegetable. It is not as easy to grow it outdoors as ordinary white cabbage. She may never form a head of cabbage, but will simply begin to bloom. This may be due to the low soil temperature after planting in open ground. If you plant seedlings in soil that has warmed up to +15 ° C, then there should be no such problems.

Of course, the soil does not warm up quickly in every region. In that case, it is better plant cabbage under cover. In the future, you will also have to monitor the temperature regime. Too high a temperature, like a low one, can lead to the beginning of flowering.

There are other reasons that can lead to the appearance of flowers:

  1. Damaged root system... To prevent this from happening with your seedlings, it is better to plant seeds in special peat containers that are buried in the ground along with the plant.
  2. Temperature jumps... For normal growth and formation of heads of cabbage, the air temperature should be around +20 ° C. With an increase of only 5 degrees, the cabbage will begin to form arrows.
  3. Prolonged sun exposure... Cabbage should be under the sun no more than 12-13 hours a day. Only then will it form a head of cabbage and gain weight.
  4. Dense planting... This applies to planting cabbage with seeds. In this case, you need to plant seeds at a distance sufficient for growth and development. An interval of about 10-15 cm is considered normal. As soon as the cabbage sprouts, it is necessary to remove all small and weak sprouts. At the same time, a distance of about 25-30 cm is left between the cabbage, and about 55-60 cm will be needed between the rows. Due to the dense sowing, the cabbage will begin to reach for the sun and form seeds.
  5. Unfertile soil... The roots of Chinese cabbage are in the top layer of the soil, so it is much more difficult for it to get the moisture it needs. For example, the white cabbage that we are used to has long and thick roots that are able to get nutrients from great depths. So, growing Chinese cabbage, you will have to take care of soil fertilization, as well as regular loosening and watering.

Without knowing these features of Peking cabbage, it is unlikely that you will be able to get a good harvest. But now that you are armed, you can start selecting varieties for growing. Many commercial and hybrid varieties of this vegetable can be found on the market. Most varieties are adapted to our climate and can be kept fresh for a long time.

Universal varieties

The breeders took care and developed varieties that can be grown in different climatic regions, but subject to certain care rules.For example, early cabbage should be grown in greenhouses or under cover. In the middle lane, you can grow any of the varieties listed below, but in the northern regions you will have to darken the plants at night.

Important! White nights have a bad effect on seedlings and will prevent them from forming a head of cabbage.

"Russian size"

A high-yielding hybrid capable of growing even in the most unfavorable conditions. Heads of cabbage ripen for a long time, about 75–80 days from the moment of planting in the ground. The heads are oblong, have beautiful wavy leaves, pale green on the outside and creamy yellow on the inside. Heads of cabbage can weigh from 3 to 4 kg. The variety is not afraid of temperature changes, cabbage normally reacts to cold snaps. Has a high resistance to disease. Contains proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. A photo of this Chinese cabbage is shown below.


The variety belongs to the early maturing Peking cabbage. Has excellent taste and pleasant fresh aroma. Suitable for preparing all kinds of dishes, both fresh and thermally processed. Heads of cabbage are large, long, and have a cylindrical shape. Loose, light green leaves are dense enough. Juicy cabbage, can be used for juicing. From planting seedlings in the ground to full ripening of the first fruits, it takes about 50–55 days.

Important! Can be stored for a long time in a cool place. Taste qualities are preserved for 3 months.


This is an early maturing hybrid variety that is excellent for growing in mid-lane conditions. Both cultivation with seedlings and seeds are practiced. Plants planted by seedlings will bear fruit in 45 days. If the cabbage is grown from seeds, then the harvest will need to wait 7-10 days later. We can say that this variety belongs to the middle "weight category". The largest heads of cabbage will weigh about 2.5–3 kilograms.

"Hydra F1"

The variety belongs to mid-season crops. It takes about 60 days from planting seedlings to maturation of heads of cabbage. The shape of the head of cabbage is oblong. The leaves are dark green, wavy outside. Inside, they are pale and smoother. The head is half-open, lush. It has an excellent taste and is used to prepare fresh salads and other dishes.

Attention! The variety is not suitable for winter storage.

"Orange tangerine"

This is probably the earliest variety. For this reason, it can be planted not only at the end of spring, but throughout the entire summer period. In warm climates and fertile soil matures within 40 days. The mass of the heads of cabbage is small, only 1 kilogram. But this is not scary, because this variety can be planted in several stages, and several cabbage crops can be harvested at once. Suitable for growing in the harsh conditions of Siberia. It tolerates unfavorable weather conditions.


An early variety with high shade tolerance. The ripening period is very short, from planting seedlings to full maturation of the heads of cabbage takes up to 40 days. Cabbage has large, wide leaves. Boasts excellent taste. A head of cabbage can grow up to 1.5 kilograms in weight. Sowing seedlings is carried out from mid-April. Seed planting does not begin until the second week of May.

Important! Sprouts are resistant to flowering.


Mid-season high-yielding variety. Head of cabbage is elongated, with densely packed dark green leaves. The fruits are large, each weighing about 2–2.5 kilograms. The variety is resistant to various diseases, especially necrosis. Sowing for seedlings begins from the second week of April. Heads of cabbage ripen in 70–80 days from the moment of disembarkation of seedlings.


As you can see, Chinese cabbage is an excellent option for growing in a summer cottage. It ripens quite quickly and does not require much care. The main thing is to maintain a stable temperature regime and fertilize the soil.To have fresh cabbage all year round, you can plant both early and late varieties at once.


Valentina Egorovna, 48 years old, Volgograd
Peking cabbage grows in my greenhouse every year. The first time I planted the grown seedlings in open ground, and they did not take root well. Probably just frozen at night. And then, immediately began to bloom, without forming a single head of cabbage. Since then, I have grown it only in a greenhouse. It is very important to regularly loosen the soil so that moisture can easily get to the roots of the plants. But this must be done very carefully so as not to damage the delicate roots.

Maria Viktorovna, 39 years old, Arkhangelsk
For the first time I purchased the seeds of Peking cabbage on the recommendation of my colleague. It's good that she immediately shared all the intricacies of her cultivation. As a result, I got a pretty good harvest. My favorite variety is Victoria Peking cabbage. It keeps well and even tastes better in winter. The leaves are very juicy and make excellent salads. I also add it to the first courses. From experience I know that such cabbage grows better in greenhouses. Although in the open field, you can also achieve good results. After planting the seedlings, cover it with a film, then it will be more likely that the sprouts will not freeze

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