Carrot Yaroslavna

The variety grower, having named one of the carrot varieties "Yaroslavna", as if in advance endowed it with strictly defined qualities. And I was not mistaken - yes, she is exactly what the real Yaroslavna was, the wife of Prince Igor of Novgorod.


She is slender, beautiful, thin-skinned and extremely desirable. Those who have dealt with the Yaroslavna carrot variety are convinced that it is difficult to think of the best carrot variety for Russian conditions.

Carrots for the princely table

There are many different varieties. Each of them has its own variety type with specific characteristics and consumer qualities. "Yaroslavna" is intended for real gourmets and exquisite tables.

Carrot "Yaroslavna" belongs to the Nantes cultivar and has inherited all its best characteristics:

  • carrots of this variety belong to the varieties of the average growing season. It takes only 100 days from germination to full maturity;
  • like the entire Nantes cultivar, it has even, strictly cylindrical, blunt-nosed roots;
  • the length of such a fruit can reach 220 mm;
  • "Yaroslavna" has an excellent taste of tender and juicy pulp of a pleasant, reddish-orange color;
  • the yield of Yaroslavna carrots reaches 3700 g / m2;


Important! This carrot is a real gourmet, as it should be true representatives of the princely family. She does not tolerate heavy clay and even loamy soils.

She likes light loam or sandy loam soil, well filled with humus. Such soil should contain a lot of humus and be permeable to water.

What kind is such and care

Heavy loamy soils, when dry, form a surface crust. Such a crust by all means prevents not only the germination of seeds, but the development of the entire plant. Root crops in such a bed lose their natural beauty and varietal qualities. They become twisted and branched. Carrots "Yaroslavna" also have a very negative attitude to podzolic soils with high acidity. Although her water requirements are too low, it is very difficult to endure any drying out of her native garden. Watering and feeding is required for her regularly.


  • this variety of carrots, although not very resistant to disease, is extremely resistant to cracking;
  • when sowing in mid-May - the harvest can be expected by mid-September, while planting should be done according to the 300 * 50 mm scheme;
  • yield with proper agricultural technology can reach more than 3 kg / m2... This is not the greatest harvest, but multiplied by excellent quality, it will not leave a chance for another harvest;
  • high content of carotene and versatility of application will not leave indifferent people to this truly princely variety.

Important! When planting in May, when the carrot fly is angry in the gardens, it is necessary to use all means of protection against it.

Reviews of gardeners

Olga, 49 years old, Tambov
I have been planting Yaroslavna's carrots for the third year already. I practically don't use it in blanks. For this, there are varieties with a large yield. Yaroslavna is eaten all by children and her husband. I have never met a carrot variety tastier, although I regularly purchase seeds of new varieties.
Nikolay Ivanovich, 67 years old, Kazan
The seeds of the Yaroslavna variety, last year, were bought by my granddaughter at a sale. I bought it because it was inexpensive. How did she guess. I'm not particularly chasing after a big harvest - I don't need it. But Yaroslavna made me happy. The wife even made jam from it. But the fly spoiled the crop a little - I didn't keep track of it. I recommend it to all gardeners.
Maria, 38, Novgorod
I have been growing Yaroslavna carrots for three years. I liked the variety both with its harvest - it harvested almost 3 kg from a meter-long garden, and with its taste. The carrots are juicy and very sweet. Children are delighted - you gape a little, they will thin out everything.In my garden practice, this is the best variety. I advised all the neighbors.
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