The best varieties of gherkin cucumbers

It is difficult to imagine a vegetable garden in which there would be no cucumber beds. To date, many varieties have been bred, both for direct consumption and for pickling. Gherkins are especially popular for pickling. You can also remove small fruits from salad species. However, the gherkins themselves are tastier, and they look more appetizing in the jar.

How gherkins differ from other cucumbers

Gherkin varieties are distinguished by elastic, crispy fruits without voids inside. They are oblong in shape, without bulges, the length of the cucumbers is about 5-10 cm. Even overgrown gherkins will not be large. Breeders have developed varieties that ripen quickly, have a pleasant taste, give a large yield and are resistant to common diseases.

Attention! In gherkins, the content of minerals is higher than in salad cucumbers.

The best varieties have specific characteristics. The following groups are represented:

  • for greenhouses;
  • for open ground;
  • for film coatings;
  • bee-pollinated;
  • self-pollinated;
  • parthenocarpic (no pollination).

Having tried different varieties of miniature cucumbers, most gardeners choose the best ones for themselves and grow these gherkins.

The most common varieties

Gardeners who are just starting to grow gherkins should pay attention to the best and most common varieties.

"Parisian gherkin"

Parisian gherkin

Suitable for growing outdoors or under a film cover. Perhaps these are the best gherkins for canning. Cucumbers are from 5 to 10 cm long, they have a bright taste and crunchy appetizing. Dark green gherkins with large tubercles.



This variety can be planted even on windowsill or on the balcony. Gherkins are fast ripening and high yielding. The length of ripe cucumbers is within 9.5-11 cm, the color is green, the shape is oblong.

"Funny company"

Funny company

Such fruits can be planted in an open bed or in a greenhouse. They are characterized by resistance to many diseases and root rot. The variety of cucumbers is self-pollinating, early maturing. The size of the fruits is about 7-9 cm, they are cylindrical and covered with large tubercles.

"Moravian gherkin F1"

Moravian gherkin F1

Gherkins are intended for growing outdoors, bee-pollinated. The fruits are universal in use, have a short length, and are covered with medium-sized tubercles. These cucumbers resist many diseases.

The above varieties generally require the same care as salad cucumbers. It is preferable to collect gherkins every day. Then they will retain their beautiful shape. In addition, if ripe fruits are regularly removed, the growth of new cucumbers is stimulated.

Mini version of gherkins

You can often hear about mini-gherkins, the size of which does not exceed 6 cm.After a couple of days, real, ready-to-harvest fruits appear, only very small ones. Crispy cucumbers, ideal for preforms.

The best varieties in this group are listed below.

"Marinade F1"

Marinade F1

The gherkins of this variety have a pleasant sweet taste and a dark green color. The fruits are covered with small tubercles. These early maturing cucumbers can be grown outdoors or in a greenhouse. They tolerate temperature extremes and are resistant to disease.

"Filippok F1"

Filippok F1

This type of gherkins is mid-season, bee-pollinated.The fruits retain their density and taste for a long time. It is characterized by a high yield, from a square meter you can get 10 kg of cucumbers or more. Resists many diseases.

"Moth F1"

Moth F1

Such gherkins are suitable both for pickles and for direct consumption. The fruits are sweet, without a bitter taste. They belong to the mid-season types of cucumbers. Planted in open ground, these gherkins can withstand temperature extremes and are disease-resistant. Fruits are elongated, dense, without voids inside, the color is pale green.

"Son of the F1 Regiment"

Son of the F1 Regiment

This is a bee-pollinated variety, it can be grown both in the open field and under a coating in the form of a film. Fruits are light green in color with large tubercles. 40-45 days pass before the beginning of fruiting. It is characterized by abundant productivity.

Also, lovers of mini-gherkins can try the "Children's F1" variety, which is distinguished by small leaves. For growing at home (on balconies, window sills), the varieties "Favorite son-in-law", "Nastya F1" are suitable. Small fruits will give "Self-assembled tablecloth" and "Red mullet F1".

What cucumbers are suitable for a greenhouse

Greenhouse varieties have several characteristics. They are early ripening, without pollination, the ovaries are arranged in bunches. "Friendly family", "Paratunka F1" are the best varieties for growing in a greenhouse.

A little about the "Friendly family"

"Friendly family" refers to medium early varieties, begins to bear fruit in 43-48 days after germination of seeds. The fruits are oblong, the length does not exceed 12 cm. The gherkins are harvested when they reach a length of 4-6 cm. They have a pleasant taste without a bitter tinge. The main shoot gives 2-4 ovaries, the lateral ones - 6-8 each.

The Druzhnaya Semeyka variety is characterized by high fertility. From a square meter of a bed of these gherkins, you can collect up to 20 kg of fruit. They look very neat, suitable for both canning and slicing or salad.

If the greenhouse is heated, the cucumbers can be sown directly into the ground. Then you can not wait for the due date, thus getting an early harvest.

You can start by growing seedlings. They are placed in a suitable environment where all conditions are met: temperature, availability of light. The seedlings need to be regularly fed, watered, and picked. They are planted under suitable weather conditions, and according to the calendar, this should be done in mid-April.

In general, the Druzhnaya Semeyka variety does not require complex care. It is enough to systematically water them, feed the soil. When the bushes have already grown stronger, and fruiting has not begun, they are stepchildren and pinched.

Great taste - "Sweet crunch"

Sweet crunch

Another variety recommended for the greenhouse is Sweet Crunch. The fruits of the correct shape are light green in color, so they are easy to find on the bush. The skin is covered with thorns and large tubercles. Suitable for both canning and fresh consumption. They have excellent taste, the weight of the fruit reaches 60-70 g.


Gherkins look appetizing in a jar, they are good fresh too. Due to the rapid ripening, the fruits can be removed daily, while the formation of new ovaries is ensured throughout the entire fruiting period. For growing outdoors and in greenhouses, there are different varieties of gherkins. You can try different types and choose the most delicious and productive one.

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