When to plant garlic in autumn

Garlic is a cultivated plant of the onion family. They began to grow it a long time ago, and garlic appeared in Central Asia. This culture is eaten in almost all countries, and they eat not only heads, but also stems, leaves, flowers. In Russia, it is customary to season dishes only with chives. This culture is completely unpretentious, but in order to get a good harvest, you need to know how to plant and how to care for the plant.

From this article you can learn how to plant garlic correctly in the fall, when it is best to do it and what fertilizers for garlic to apply in the fall in the ground.

When to plant garlic

This crop can be grown both in the spring method and in the winter. Usually, bulbs are planted in the spring, but before winter, the culture is often grown with teeth.

Bulbules are plant seeds that ripen in arrows and flowers. If garlic bulbs are planted in the spring, then in the fall the gardener will be able to collect single-toothed young heads. Such heads are not yet full-fledged, they will have to be planted again, it will be possible to harvest a real crop only next season.

Important! When planting, any variety of garlic is recommended to be updated, that is, every 3-5 years, plant the crop with seeds. This will keep the yield at a high level and increase the size of the heads.

Basically, garlic is planted before winter, thereby ensuring stable and high yields. This culture is frost-resistant, capable of withstanding even the most severe frosts, but the planting of garlic in the fall must be carried out correctly.

To properly plant garlic in the fall, you first need to determine the planting date. A winter plant should be planted 2-3 weeks before the onset of real frosts. In the middle zone of the country, this period falls on the end of September; under favorable weather conditions, planting can be postponed until mid-October.

Attention! There are times when the gardener "missed" a suitable planting date. It is allowed to plant the cloves in early November, but in this case it will be necessary to deepen the planting material more into the ground in order to protect it from freezing.

Before the first frost, the garlic should acquire about ten centimeter roots, but there should be no greenery on it at all. If the teeth are planted too early, they will germinate - such plantings will inevitably freeze out.

Planting winter garlic too late can also lead to its freezing, because in this case the cloves will not have time to root well, the plant will be weakened.

Planting garlic with seeds (bulbs) is usually done in April. In spring, planting begins only after severe frosts have passed, and the ground has thawed.

Where to plant winter garlic in autumn

Garlic is an unpretentious crop, it does not have to be watered often and fertilized repeatedly during the growing season, bulbous plants rarely get sick, they are not damaged by insects and other pests. But still, to get a good harvest, you need to grow your plants correctly.

The site for the autumn planting is chosen taking into account the following facts about the culture:

  1. The culture must be planted on rested soil.... After harvesting the previous crop, at least 1.5-2 months should pass, so they choose a place that will remain free at the end of July.
  2. Winter garlic, as well as spring garlic, loves loose, light soils with neutral acidity. If the land on the site is too dense, during frosts it will push out the teeth, and the plantings will freeze out.In too light soils, the seeds can go too deep - the cloves will fall into the ground under the pressure of the snow, after the water melts, and so on.
  3. For culture, when planting, choose a place well-lit by the sun.located on a hill or on a flat area. Low-lying areas are often flooded in spring, there is a greater likelihood of freezing of onion plants, their infection with fungal infections. If it didn't work out to find a fully lit area for planting garlic, they stop in partial shade. In this case, it is better to increase the distance between landings.
  4. It is important to consider after which you can plant garlic... To grow a decent harvest, crop rotation should be observed - this rule also applies to garlic. It is recommended to plant the winter variety in those places where cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, zucchini, pumpkins, berry bushes grew in the previous season. Garlic does not like the neighborhood of root crops, because they, like the onion culture itself, need potassium. Soils after potatoes, carrots or beets, for example, are too depleted, they are unsuitable for planting onion crops. Also, do not grow a crop after onions or the same garlic (in the same area, you can plant a crop after 3-5 years).
  5. You can not grow garlic in manured soil, because of this, the culture grinds, the heads will be loose and unstable. Onion crops thrive best in soil that has been fertilized with manure for previous plants. At the same time, garlic needs some fertilization, therefore, during planting of cloves in autumn, the soil is additionally nourished.

Advice! If the gardener does not have the opportunity to often change the place of planting garlic, it is necessary to use green manure. For example, immediately after harvesting the previous crop in July, sow vetch (green manure of the legume family) on the plot, in September dig up the soil along with the grass and plant the cloves there.

How to plant garlic in autumn

Garlic planted before winter pleases with disease resistance, hardening and high yield.

It is important to observe onion planting technology:

  • land needs to be prepared... Immediately after harvesting the previous crop, the soil should be dug up, and, if necessary, fertilized. Fertilizer should be applied no later than 1.5-2 weeks before the intended planting of the cloves. If the soil is depleted, compost, humus, or wood ash can be used. These dressings are applied to the soil, after which they dig up the earth on the bayonet of the shovel. The culture necessarily needs components such as potassium and phosphorus, so it is worth diversifying fertilizers with superphosphate and potassium salt. A solution of copper sulfate will help to disinfect the soil (a teaspoon of this substance is diluted in a bucket of water).
  • Planting material preparation. The heads of garlic harvested this season must be sorted out, examined, and diseased, damaged or infected specimens must be identified. The largest and absolutely healthy teeth should be planted! It is imperative to remove the mother base before planting, otherwise it will interfere with root growth. The teeth must be intact and must not be peeled off. Before planting garlic in the fall before winter, you should spend disinfection of material... You can do this in several ways: soak for several minutes in a strong solution of salt (3 tablespoons of table salt is dissolved in five liters of water), immerse the seeds in a solution of copper sulfate for a minute (a teaspoon in a bucket of water), soak in a strong solution of potassium permanganate (about twelve hours ). A more affordable alternative to these products is an alkaline solution of wood ash. It is prepared like this: 0.4 kg of ash is dissolved in two liters of water, mixed and put on fire, the mixture should boil for 30 minutes. The teeth are soaked in the solution only when it has completely cooled down.
Attention! If the soil on the site is not loose enough, it is recommended to add peat to the soil and dig it up before planting the garlic.

Garlic planting scheme

It is difficult for beginner gardeners to decide at what depth to plant garlic, how much space to leave in the aisles and between the cloves themselves. The answers can be found below:

  • large teeth are planted in grooves, the depth of which is about 20 cm.The distance between the teeth is 12-15 cm.
  • Small teeth are deepened by 10-15 cm, at least 8 cm should remain between adjacent teeth.
  • Sprinkle the garlic on top with dry soil, its layer should be about 2-3 cm.
  • There should be at least 25-30 cm between the rows. It is more convenient to work with garlic, which is planted with an interval of one meter.
  • To prevent cloves from rotting in the ground, it is recommended to pour coarse river sand into the furrows, in a layer of about 1.5 cm.
  • It is not necessary to press the teeth to the bottom of the furrow, this can compact the soil, it will become difficult for the roots to break through it.
  • If the land on the site is too dry, you can water it. But they do this before planting the garlic, and not after it.
  • On top of the planting, it is imperative to mulch to prevent premature germination of the teeth and protect them from freezing. Sawdust, peat, humus, autumn leaves, spruce branches and more can be used as mulch. The mulch layer is about two centimeters.

Important! If snowless winters prevail in the region, winter garlic should be covered with roofing material or foil. When it snows, the shelter is removed.

Winter planting care

Taking care of onion crops is very simple:

  • in the spring they remove the shelter and remove the mulch from the beds;
  • fertilize plantings with nitrogen fertilizers when the first greens appear on the beds;
  • it is necessary to water the culture in the active phase abundantly, when the heads are growing, the amount of water is significantly reduced;
  • at the end of June, the arrows should be removed until they are longer than ten centimeters;
  • when the lower leaves turn yellow, the crop is harvested. Usually, the winter variety is harvested at the end of July or the beginning of August.

We plant onion crops correctly, and we get a good harvest of irreplaceable spices!

Details on how to plant garlic in the fall video instruction:

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