Eggplant Big Lump

Not every gardener decides to grow eggplants on his site. This vegetable crop from the nightshade family has very firmly secured the title of "the main southern capricious". But eggplant has another side - it is extremely healthy and has the best taste characteristics among all southern vegetables. There are many varieties of eggplant on the market today. In this article, we will focus on the Big Uvalen variety.

Big goof

Variety characteristics

Eggplant Big lump belongs to the varieties of Siberian selection. Therefore, despite its love for light and warmth, it grows well in our latitudes. Its bushes are medium-sized with a negligible amount of foliage. They can grow in height from 60 to 80 cm.

Important! Siberian breeders have endowed it with excellent resistance to unfavorable growing conditions.

This makes the Big Hulk one of the best outdoor cultivars. At the same time, the maximum yield can be achieved only when grown in greenhouses and film shelters.

Its eggplants differ significantly from other varieties in their shape and size. The fruits of this variety are spherical. Their average weight will be about 700 grams. The largest eggplants of the Big Hump can reach a diameter of 20 cm and a weight of 1850 grams.

Big goof

Under the deep purple skin of the Big Hulk, there is a snow-white flesh. It is dense in texture and incredibly tasty. A distinctive feature of this variety is the small amount of seeds in the pulp of its fruits. Eggplant Large lump is perfect for cooking and various homemade preparations.

This type of eggplant reaches its technical maturity in 120 - 130 days from the moment the first shoots appear. It has good resistance to many diseases of this culture. In addition, the Big Hump is distinguished by a fairly high yield - about 7 kg per square meter.

Growing recommendations

A large lump can be grown both by sowing seeds directly into the ground, and through seedlings. It should be borne in mind that it should be planted with seeds only in the southern regions. For the rest of the regions, it is better to stick to the seedling method. The video will tell you more about growing seedlings of this culture:

Eggplants are quite demanding on soil and maintenance. They will show good growth, and most importantly, fruiting only on light loam or rich black soil. If the soil on the site is clayey, then it is necessary to add sawdust, ash, peat and river sand to it. Since autumn, eggplant beds must be fertilized with organic or mineral fertilizers.

It is advisable to plant this variety after onions, carrots, pumpkins and legumes. You can remain without a harvest of eggplant when planting after tomatoes, peppers and potatoes. During their growth, these crops will suck out all the nutrients from the ground, leaving nothing for the eggplant plants.

Important! On soil with a high level of groundwater, the Big Lump will not be able to grow.

Caring for plants of this variety includes:

  • Regular watering... The soil in the beds of this culture should be moderately moistened. Eggplants will not tolerate drought and abundant watering. In addition, they should be watered only with warm water and only under the base of the bush. Watering is recommended in the evening with water heated during the day. The frequency of watering depends on the weather conditions and the composition of the soil on the site, but at least once every 2 days.
  • Providing temperature conditions from 25 to 30 degrees... Eggplant plants Big lump stop their growth at temperatures below 15 degrees, and prolonged exposure to temperatures above 32 degrees can lead to yellowing of their leaves and shedding of ovaries.
  • Fertilization up to 5 times per season... The big lump responds well to the introduction of organic matter, as well as to mineral fertilizers with a high content of phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen.
  • Bush formation... In order for the plants not to grow green mass instead of fruits, all lower leaves must be removed before the first fork in the trunk. Each bush of the Big Hump should have no more than 5 shoots and no more than 7 ovaries. The rest of the shoots and ovaries must be carefully cut off.
Advice! Young plants that have reached 30 cm in height need to pinch the crown. This will increase the rate of their growth.

If all the recommendations are followed, the plants of this variety will bear fruit abundantly until the end of September.


Tamara, 49 years old, Balashov
I plant eggplants in the greenhouse every year. This time I planted the Big Lump variety. He has very unusual fruits - they are round like balls and quite large. They have great taste and juicy flesh. I recommend.
Anna, 27 years old, Podolsk
I like this variety very much. It has spherical tasty fruits. The big lump is resistant to sores and pests. This is not the first time we are planting and we will plant more.
Olga, 31 years old, Donskoy
All neighbors, noticing its round fruits, ask what kind of variety it is. In order for its harvest to be good, no more than 7 flowers should be left on the bushes. If there is more, then the fruits will not be able to develop normally. The variety is excellent.
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