Barberry Thunberg Rose Glow (Berberis thunbergii Rose Glow)

Barberry Rose Glow is a bright accent in the flower garden, perfectly combined with many plants. Among the numerous varieties of Thunberg barberry, this one is distinguished by its special decorative effect. The amazing pink color of the foliage from a distance gives the impression of an exuberant flowering.

Description of barberry Rose Glow

There are more than 500 wild species of barberry alone in nature, and there are also many cultivated varieties created by breeders on their basis. Among them, most of all are Thunberg barberries; Rose Glow is also included in this large group. In growth, he overtakes many of its representatives. Good care will allow it to reach a height of 1.5 m in 10 years. The spherical crown is even wider - up to 2 m.Every year, the branches grow by 15 cm.

Adult ovoid leaves of this variety of barberry are purple in color, slightly diluted with dark pink specks. But the main beauty is given to Rose Glow by young growths, they, like the leaves, are painted in a deep pink color. This alone would be enough to plant a plant in the garden. But nature was generous and painted them with spots and stripes of white-pink and bronze-red. In the bright sun, they appear silvery.

A good shrub and in bloom. At the very end of May or early June, each shoot is decorated with yellow flowers with reddish outer petals. They can hang from the axils of the leaves one by one or 2-3. When the foliage, which has become orange by autumn, falls off, the bush will be hung for a long time with bright corals of oblong rather large, up to 1 cm, berries. Like most ornamental barberries, they are inedible, although not poisonous. At this time, long spines are also clearly visible, sitting one by one in the nodes of lignified gray shoots.

A description of the Thunberg barberry Rose Glow would be incomplete if not to mention its other characteristics:

  • frost resistance;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • undemanding to growing conditions;
  • drought resistance;
  • resistance to diseases and pests;
  • the ability to endure a haircut and the poor environmental conditions of a big city.

You can list the merits of the Rose Glow barberry for a long time, but the photo will say more about it:

Barberry Rose Glow in landscape design

Rose Glow barberry will make a wonderful tapeworm, a very beautiful shrub in the company of its fellow barberries, but with less bright foliage, they will be a wonderful background for him. Of the perennial shrubs, spiraea is most suitable as a companion - birch-leaved or Grafsheim: a waterfall of white flowers against a pink background looks very elegant.

You can plant a panicle hydrangea next to it, for example, Vanilla Fries or Limelight. Initially, white, and then pinking inflorescences will create an excellent color ensemble with a rich color of Rose Glow foliage. It looks great next to conifers: junipers, thujas, Konik spruce or low firs. Rose Glow has a good haircut, suitable for a natural hedge or a neat border.

Advice! You can use this variety of barberry to create topiary.

Rose Glow barberry bushes will look good on the edge of tall trees, but you cannot combine it with poplars, acacias or elderberries. Due to the phytoncides secreted by these plants, it will be depressed and may completely die. It is not worth planting summer men next to him. The superficial root system of the barberry is easily damaged by digging.

Planting and caring for barberry Thunberg Rose Glow

It is not difficult to carry them out due to the unpretentiousness of the shrub, but there are still some features. Rose Glow has certain preferences when choosing a landing site and nuances in care. If you follow them, the decorativeness of the plant will always be at its best.

Seedling and planting plot preparation

Like all variegated barberries, Rose Glow can demonstrate its peak of decorativeness only with sufficient lighting. It will grow well in partial shade, but the color of the leaves will fade. There are other requirements for the Rose Glow habitat and soil preparation:

  • it grows best on loam or sandy loam, on which nothing has been planted before;
  • soil fertility should be at an average level, you do not need to actively fertilize the bush;
  • the soil reaction may differ slightly, but not too much from neutral in one direction or another;
  • drainage is a prerequisite for the successful growth of Rose Glow;
  • despite the drought resistance of barberry, when planting, the site should be sufficiently moistened.
Important! Barberry is one of the few ornamental plants that can tolerate rocky soils.

In addition to good lighting, Rose Glow also needs protection from strong winds. Where it will grow, moisture should not stagnate in spring or during prolonged rains. Groundwater should be low.

If a barberry seedling with a closed root system is purchased, it does not need special preparation. You may need to soak the pot in water for 20 minutes if the soil is very dry.

Rose Glow barberry plants with open roots will require more thorough preparation:

  • revision of the root system, cutting out all dried and damaged roots;
  • soak them in water to which any root formation stimulant is added (diluted according to the instructions) for 3 hours.

Landing rules

First you need to decide for what purposes this variety of barberry is planted:

  • as a tapeworm, it will need a lot of space so that when Rose Glow grows it does not become crowded, closely growing tall plants can close the view;
  • when planting in a group of several bushes, at least 1.5 m must be left between them;
  • when constructing a hedge for its density, the distance between plants is 50 cm.

Both autumn and spring planting of Rose Glow barberry is possible. An indispensable condition is the presence of the plant in the resting phase. Why are experienced gardeners so insistent on this? The fragile roots of the barberry will not be able to properly nourish an already awakened plant. At best, it will hurt for a long time, at worst, it will die.

The only exception is container seedlings. Their intact root system starts growing immediately. This barberry takes root well throughout the growing season.

Landing Algorithm:

  • In Rose Glow, the roots grow in width, and not in depth, so he does not need a large pit for planting: for 2-3 year old seedlings - 25 cm deep, for older ones - up to 50 cm, the main reference point is the size of the root system, it is the pit should be spacious.
  • If you plan to build a Rose Glow barberry hedge, it is easier to dig a ditch, its size: width - 40 cm, the depth is the same, and the length is determined by the need, taking into account that the seedlings will be located in it every 50 cm.
  • Drainage is required when planting barberry plants of any age.
  • A planting mixture is prepared to fill the pit by mixing equal amounts of garden soil, humus and sand.
  • A glass of ash and 100 g of phosphorus fertilizers are added to each hole.
  • Pour in a bucket of water.
  • Spread the roots of barberry, without shaking off the earth from them.
  • Fall asleep with the planting mixture, compacting it, and watered again.
Important! It is only necessary to deepen the barberry a little when planting if you are going to divide the bush in a few years.

In all the rest, the root collar should be level with the soil or a couple of cm higher.

The final touch is mulching with humus or peat. They should not be neglected - moisture in the soil will be better retained, Rose Glow is more likely to start growing.

Watering and feeding

Regular, once a week, moisture is required only for newly planted plants. Already rooted barberries need watering only in case of severe drought or at high air temperatures. Cold water will not work; it needs to be heated in the sun.

They feed barberry from the second year of life:

  • for the early regrowth of young shoots in the spring, they give fertilizers, rich in nitrogen - dissolve Art. a spoonful of urea in a bucket of water and poured under an adult bush, for babies, divide this amount in half or into 3 parts, depending on age;
  • on the eve of flowering, you will need a mineral fertilizer containing the entire set of nutrients, including trace elements in the amount of st. spoon on a bush, they are scattered, mixed with the soil by shallow loosening and watering is carried out;
  • at the beginning of autumn, 15 g of superphosphate and 10 g of dry potassium sulfate are introduced under each adult Rose Glow barberry bush and closed by loosening.

Organic barberry is fed every 3 years. Slurry is suitable - 1.5 liters per bucket of water or 1 liter of bird droppings for the same amount of water. Watering with clean water is required after that.


This is a rather traumatic operation, given the thorns.

Advice! It is better to use garden shears rather than pruning shears for cutting Rose Glow barberry.

The types of pruning depend on the role that Rose Glow plays in the garden:

  • in a tapeworm, it is enough to form a spherical crown, cutting off excess branches once a season in spring;
  • cutting the barberry border is carried out more often - in early June and early August, using a special long ruler or wooden plank to obtain the same level of plant crown;
    Important! The next year after planting the Rose Glow barberry as a hedge, the shoots are cut at least in half for better branching.
  • Natural hedges require only sanitary pruning to remove dry, frozen, broken, or improperly growing branches.

If the bush is very bare at the bottom, you will need anti-aging pruning on the stump. Barberry will quickly recover and will be decorative again.

Preparing for winter

Barberry Thunberg comes from warm regions - Japan and China. Its varieties, including Rose Glow, have higher frost resistance. But young plants still need shelter in the first few seasons. You don't need to be very zealous with it - just wrap a barberry bush in one layer of non-woven material 60 microns thick. Excessive shelter of the barberry will create another problem - the damping off of the shoots. It will not be superfluous to insulate its root system by pouring a bucket of humus under the bush.


Varietal barberries, including Rose Glow, are pointless to propagate by seeds - the seedlings will not repeat their parents. The only way out is vegetative propagation: by dividing the bush and grafting. The latter method is especially good if you need a large number of barberry plants to arrange a hedge.

Cutting rules

  • the best survival rate in green barberry cuttings cut in June;
  • for cuttings, the growth of this year is chosen, the middle part of the shoot with 4 leaves and one internode, about 10 cm long and half a centimeter thick;
  • cut obliquely at the bottom, horizontally at the top;
  • after removing the lower leaves and cutting in half the 2 upper ones, the barberry stalk is dipped in the lower part in the powder of the root formation stimulator;
  • it is better to root the cuttings in a mini-plate, the soil is light, from a mixture of sand and peat with the addition of vermicult;
  • there should be a layer of sand on top, 4 cm thick, into which they land with a slope to the south and a depth of 1 cm;
  • the feeding area for each cutting is 5x7 cm;
  • soil moisture is constant, and air moisture is 85%, which is achieved by frequent spraying.
Advice! Artificial fog will increase the number of rooted barberry plants.

The first and sometimes the second wintering is at the rooting site; young Rose Glow barberries are moved to the garden after 1-2 years.

By the time of division, the Rose Glow barberry bush should already be 3 years old. The best time for the procedure is spring, before the kidneys wake up.The dug out barberry plants are divided into parts with a sharp pruner, each of which must have roots and stems. The cut site is treated with charcoal powder and cuttings are planted.

Diseases and pests

Most often, Rose Glow is affected by diseases of a fungal nature, they are especially rampant in the summer with heavy rains.

  1. Powdery mildew - a clearly visible bloom on the leaves of white barberry. Removing the affected parts of the plant and dusting with colloidal sulfur will help.

    Advice! If the weather is damp for a long time, it is better not to wait for the development of the disease, but to carry out preventive spraying of barberry bushes with a copper-containing fungicide.
  2. Rust - orange spots on the leaves. The control measures are the same.
  3. Spotting - spots on the leaves, which soon dry up. Treatment of barberry with a solution of copper oxychloride will help.
  4. Shrinkage of stems and necrosis of the bark. Both diseases have a similar nature - fungal, manifestation - drying out of large trunks or twigs and control measures: cut off damaged parts, capturing up to 15 cm of healthy tissue and treat barberry plants with a solution of copper sulfate.
  5. Bacteriosis - dark spots that can appear on any part of the plant. We'll have to remove diseased tissue, and if the lesion is at the base of the trunk, then the whole bush.

Among the pests of Rose Glow, the most common are the larvae of the barberry sawfly and the flower moth. To destroy them, use a 2% solution of Karbofos. Barberry aphids are effectively dealt with with a soapy solution. Bioinsecticides are also suitable, for example, Fitoverm.


Barberry Rose Glow will decorate the garden plot, give it new, fresh colors, without requiring special care.

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