Swirling kudonia: description and photo

Name:Swirling kudonia
Latin name:Cudonia circinans
A type: Inedible
  • Group: ascomycetes
  • Color: yellow
  • Department: Ascomycota (Ascomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Pezizomycotina
  • Class: Leotiomycetes (Leocyomycetes)
  • Subclass: Leotiomycetidae
  • Order: Rhytismatales
  • Family: Cudoniaceae
  • Genus: Cudonia (Kudonia)
  • Species: Cudonia circinans

Swirling kudonia is an inedible representative of the Kudoniev family. It grows from July to September in spruce, less often in deciduous forests. The species got its name because of its growth in swirling heap groups. Since the mushroom is not eaten, in order not to make a mistake during mushroom hunting and not to harm your body, you need to familiarize yourself with the external characteristics, view photos and videos.

What swirling kudonia look like

This forest dweller has a convex or prostrate-depressed cap with edges curled inward. The surface is small, no more than 3 cm in diameter. The lumpy-wrinkled skin is dry, matte, uneven, covered with mucus in wet weather and shines in the sun. The hat is colored coffee-pink, red-cream in color, sometimes numerous small red-coffee spots appear on the surface. The creamy spore layer is uneven, rough, wrinkled closer to the stem.

The hollow leg extending to the top, flattened and curved, reaches a length of 5-8 cm. The surface is covered with a thin skin, which is colored in the color of the cap; closer to the ground, the color changes to a darker color. The pulp is fibrous, odorless and tasteless.

Where swirling kudonia grow

This representative of the mushroom kingdom densely settles on a coniferous needle bed or in moss. They are located in spiral groups or form "witch circles". It can be found throughout Russia; it begins to bear fruit from July to September. Reproduction occurs by microscopic spores, which are located in a creamy powder.

Is it possible to eat curled kudonia

Due to the lack of taste, smell and unsightly appearance, the mushroom is considered inedible. But there is no exact information about the toxicity, so experienced mushroom pickers recommend passing by unknown specimens. This species does not have edible counterparts, but there are brothers that are similar in appearance:

  1. Dubious - an inedible specimen. It can be recognized by its small, uneven, lumpy cap. Light lemon, cream or reddish skin is sometimes covered with dark spots. The surface is dull, but on a rainy day it becomes shiny and covered with a mucous layer. The curved leg is flattened, up to 5 cm long. The fibrous pulp exudes an almond aroma. It grows on a coniferous substrate, bears fruit from July to the first frost. The species is rare, rarely found in Russian forests.

  1. Leotia gelatinous - a small, inedible representative of the forest kingdom. The species grows in small families in coniferous forests, on a needle-like substrate. You can recognize the mushroom by its external description: a dark yellow, slimy cap with a diameter of up to 2 cm, when infected with parasites, the skin changes color to bright green. The rounded-bumpy surface is covered with mucus, the gelatinous pulp is yellow-green in color, the smell and aroma are absent. The leg is covered with light numerous scales, it grows throughout the warm period.


Swirling kudonia is an inedible forest dweller who prefers to grow on a coniferous substrate or in moss. Begins fruiting from July to September. The fungus has not yet been fully studied, so the degree of toxicity is unknown.But experts recommend that if unknown specimens come across during a mushroom hunt, it is better to pass by so as not to harm yourself and your loved ones.

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