White-legged Hericium (smooth): photo and description

Name:White-legged Hericium
Latin name:Sarcodon leucopus
A type: Inedible
Synonyms:Hericium smooth, Hydnum leucopus, Fungus atrospinosus, Hydnum occidentale, Hydnum colossum
  • Department: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Agaricomycotina
  • Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Subclass: Incertae sedis (undefined)
  • Order: Thelephorales
  • Family: Bankeraceae (Banker)
  • Genus: Sarcodon
  • Species: Sarcodon leucopus (White-legged Hericium)

White-footed or smooth Hericium is known in mycological reference books as Sarcodon leucopus. The name has several synonyms:

  • Hydnum occidentale;
  • Hydnum colossum;
  • Hydnum leucopus;
  • Fungus atrospinosus.

A species from the Banker family, genus Sarkodon.

The color of the fruit bodies is not monotonous, the white-legged herringbones of the same shape and color are not found

What does the white-legged hedgehog look like?

Mushrooms are large, stocky, consist of a wide cap and a disproportionately short thick stem. The type of hymenophore is prickly. The color of the fruiting body is white at the bottom, light or dark brown with brown-lilac areas at the top.

Spikes are wide, up to 1 mm in diameter

Description of the hat

The mushrooms are densely packed, so the cap is often of an irregular deformed shape. At the beginning of the growing season, it is convex with concave edges, over time it becomes prostrate, takes on various forms. Edges are wavy or straight.

External characteristic:

  • diameter in adult specimens reaches 20 cm;
  • the surface of young fruits is smooth with a shallow edge, velvety;
  • the central part with a slight depression, the color is darker than at the edges;
  • the protective film is dry, in adult mushrooms, often with chaotically located wide and narrow cracks;
  • areas finely scaly in the middle, smooth to the edges;
  • the spore-bearing layer is prickly, white at the beginning of the growing season, consists of large, up to 1.5 mm long, sparsely located conical thorns;
  • the hymenophore is descending, near the pedicle with smaller and shorter spines;
  • in adult specimens, the lower part of the cap is brown with a lilac tint.

The pulp is thick, dense, creamy or with a pinkish tinge. On the cut, it changes color to gray, in overripe specimens it may be greenish.

Important! A distinctive feature of the species is a pronounced unpleasant odor, vaguely reminiscent of apricot kernels.

A pungent aroma is present in both young and overripe dried up smooth barnacles.

In places of rupture, the flesh is white or slightly grayish

Leg description

The location of the leg is eccentric, less often central. The shape is cylindrical, wider in the middle. Diameter - 3-4 cm, length - up to 8 cm. The structure is dense, the inner part is solid. The surface is finely scaly on top, fleecy at the base. White filaments of mycelium are visible on the surface near the ground. The color of the leg in young hedgehogs is white, in older ones it is light brown at the bottom with greenish areas.

The legs near the substrate of several mushrooms may be accrete

Where and how it grows

White-legged Hericium is distributed throughout the territory of Russia, where coniferous trees accumulate. The main distribution area is Western Siberia. Less commonly, the species is found in the Urals and in the southern regions. Autumn fruiting - from August to October. The white-legged black-legged hedgehog grows in compact small groups or singly on a substrate, a coniferous litter near pines and spruces.

Is the mushroom edible or not

There is no information on the toxicity of the white-legged barnacle. The taste of the fruiting bodies is bitter or pungent.Bitterness is present even after heat treatment. In mycological reference books, the species is included in the category of inedible mushrooms.

Doubles and their differences

Outwardly, a smooth hairy mane looks like a rough hairy mane. Differs in a dark brown color of the surface of the cap with large, pressed scales. The taste of the species is bitter, the smell is weak. A twin from the group of inedible mushrooms.

In the center, the scaly coating is larger and darker


White-legged Hericium is a mushroom that grows close to conifers. Differs in autumn fruiting. A special feature is a pungent unpleasant odor and bitter taste. Apparently because of these features, the white-legged barnacle is included in the group of inedible species.

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