Cherry Tyutchevka

Cherry Tyutchevka is one of the best options for growing in the middle zone of the country. Winter-hardy variety with low susceptibility to fungi - causative agents of characteristic diseases of sweet cherry. Due to its properties, Tyutchevka is becoming popular among gardeners.

Breeding history of the variety

MV Kanshina, a successful breeder from the All-Russian Research Institute of Lupine in Bryansk, bred Tyutchevka cherry on the basis of seedling 3–36 and the well-known variety Red Dam. After testing, cherries have been included in the State Register since 2001.

Description of cherry Tyutchevka

It is recommended to grow this variety in the central regions.

A compact tree of the Tyutchevka variety grows quickly, rises to medium size. The natural crown is spreading, rounded, without thickening. Short, strong shoots are covered with a characteristic warm brown bark. Fruit buds are ovoid, and vegetative buds are in the form of a pointed cone. The large leaves of the Tyutchevka cherry are oval-elongated, pointed towards the top, serrated at the edges, folded in a boat. Attached to thick short petioles. The top of the leaf blade is shiny, dark green, not rough.

On the bouquet branches of the Tyutchevka variety, inflorescences of 4 flowers with a white saucer-shaped corolla are formed. This placement of fruits gives up to 86% of the yield per tree. The rest of the inflorescences are created on the shoots.

Rounded large fruits weigh on average 5.3 g, reach 7.4 g, hang on strong short stalks. The top is rounded, the funnel is medium, the height of the Tyutchevka berry is 2.2 cm, the width is 2.3 cm. The dense, but thin skin of the fruit is dark red, with dark integumentary specks. The cartilaginous dense cherry flesh is also intensely red and juicy. When the berry breaks, a light red juice is released. The oval bone weighs 6% of the mass of Tyutchevka berries - 0.3 g, it is not quite freely separated from the pulp.

The fruit of the variety has a special cherry aroma and a pleasant sweet taste. The berries of the Tyutchevka cherry were rated very high by the tasters - 4.9 points.

The consumer properties of the fruits of the variety are determined by their composition:

  • 11.1-13% sugars;
  • 18-20% dry matter;
  • 0.4% acids;
  • 13-13.6 mg of ascorbic acid per 100 g.
Important! Berries of the Tyutchevka variety, when harvested, easily break off from the stalks, remain dry, without cracks, and painlessly endure transportation.

Variety characteristics

The qualities of wood and fruit suggest where to grow cherries.

Frost resistance of the cherry variety Tyutchevka

During the field trials and the experience of gardeners, the good winter hardiness of the Tyutchevka variety was determined in the Central Region: it tolerates up to 25 degrees of frost. Open branches freeze at -35 ° C, but regenerate in spring. In the case of winters with severe frosts, tree damage was 0.8 points. Of the total number of kidneys, 20% died. But with recurrent frosts down to -5 ° C, 72% of the pistils suffered during the flowering period.

Cherry pollinators Tyutchevka

The variety begins to bloom mid-late, in May. Cherry Tyutchevka is partially self-fertile. A bountiful harvest is harvested if there are such varieties in the garden or in neighboring areas:

  • Ovstuzhenka;
  • Bryansk pink;
  • Bryanochka;
  • Jealous;
  • Lena;
  • Raditsa;
  • Iput.

Other cherries will help in increasing the yield of Tyutchevka, you just need to know the period of their flowering. Cherries and neighboring cherries have a good effect on productivity, although there is no cross-pollination between the species.

Ripe berries of the Tyutchevka variety begin to be harvested at the end of July - in August.

Warning! In a rainy summer, the skins of ripe berries may crack.

Productivity and fruiting

Cherry Tyutchevka bears its first fruits from the fifth year of growth. After another five years, the tree bears fruit fully, producing up to 16 kg of berries annually. In large farms, 97 centners are harvested per hectare of this variety. The maximum yield of Tyutchevka reaches 40 kg per tree, or more than 270 kg / ha. The tree bears fruit for 20 years.

Scope of berries

The fruits of the Tyutchevka variety are universal. They make delicious jams, compotes, confitures. This is a wonderful vitamin dessert even in winter if the berries are frozen.

Disease and pest resistance

During selection, preference was given to seedlings most resistant to infection with diseases. As a result, the cherry Tyutchevka is not very susceptible to moniliosis, and the tree has an average susceptibility to clasterosporium and coccomycosis. If you follow typical gardening recommendations in spring and fall, the tree will not be harmed by pests either.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Like all new varieties, Tyutchevka has a number of advantages:

  • high and stable yield;
  • excellent consumer performance;
  • transportability;
  • frost resistance;
  • high resistance to fungal diseases.

The disadvantages of the Tyutchevka variety are insignificant, rather, these are general specific features:

  • the need to plant a pollinator for a good harvest;
  • possible cracking of berries during the rainy period during ripening.

Planting and caring for cherries Tyutchevka

Growing the variety is no different from caring for other cherries.

Recommended timing

In the central regions Tyutchevka is planted in spring, when a seedling with open roots takes root more easily. Trees in containers are moved at any time of the warm season, but spring and early summer are still preferable to autumn.

Choosing the right place

Selected sweet berries ripen on a tree that grows in an area fully illuminated by the sun and protected from the prickly northerly winds by buildings, a high fence or a garden massif. They retreat from such protection no less than 2-3 m. The soil should be well-drained, with neutral acidity, fertile and loose.

What crops can and cannot be planted nearby

  • The best neighbors of cherry Tyutchevka are other varieties for pollination or cherries, which have a beneficial effect on fruiting.
  • Berry bushes are also placed nearby, controlling the spread of the shoots.
  • Solanaceous crops should not be placed near young cherries.
Comment! The optimum spacing between trees is 4–5 m.

Selection and preparation of planting material

Carefully choose 1-year-old or 2-3-year-old seedlings, which have already begun to form a crown in the nursery:

  • the stems are firm, the buds and roots are fresh;
  • bark without scratches and signs of disease;
  • roots are strong, with 3-4 powerful shoots 20-25 cm.

A seedling with open roots is placed in a clay mixture for 6-8 hours before planting. The tree is also soaked in a container, placing it in a large container so that the earthen lump comes out freely and the roots spread out.

Landing algorithm

  1. Pits 60–80 by 80 cm in size are dug in advance, having prepared a thick layer of drainage and a substrate so that it cakes.
  2. A peg supporting the seedling is installed near the center of the pit.
  3. The roots of the seedling are spread on a mound from the planting substrate and covered with prepared soil.
  4. The root collar protrudes 5 cm above the ground.
  5. The soil is trampled down, a groove is made around the perimeter of the pit for irrigation.
  6. 10-15 liters of water are poured into the trunk circle and the earth is mulched.
  7. The necessary pruning is carried out.
Attention! When buying cherries, you can distinguish cherries from cherries by the shade of the bark: cherry - gray-brown, and cherry - with a warmer reddish tint.

Cherry follow-up care

Growing a fruit tree without much difficulty. The trunk circle is cleaned of weeds, loosen the soil after watering, if there is not enough natural precipitation. It is especially important to moisten the soil under the cherries in the bud and ovary phase, in the fall - in preparation for winter. But in the case of heavy rains during the ripening period, the soil under the tree is covered with a film to protect the berries from excessive moisture.

They are fed with convenient complex preparations and organics. Damaged branches are removed in early spring and autumn. Young trees are protected from rodents and frost with a net and a thick layer of paper or agrotextile.

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention

Tyutchevka is a special variety that resists infection with those fungi that cause significant damage. Enough autumn harvesting of leaves, stripping the bark and digging the site.

In early spring and after flowering, preventive spraying with fungicides is carried out.

Prevent the appearance of pests by proper garden care, apply trapping belts. If a high number of insects is noticed, insecticides are used.


Cherry Tyutchevka is the pride of domestic selection. An unpretentious fruitful variety created for the conditions of the middle zone, resistant to stone fruit diseases. Its acquisition will delight the gardener with regular fruiting and delicious berries.

Reviews of summer residents about Tyutchevka cherry

Zoya Andreevna Maslova, 46 years old, Oboyan
We have planted 3 sweet cherries of different ripening dates, they bloom at approximately the same time. Around, near neighbors, cherries also grow, pollination is good. And the harvest is excellent. Tyutchevka late, we leave half for blanks. But I like the berries to taste, it's just that there are many other temptations in the garden in August. We have been enjoying the berries of this variety for 4 years now. The first flowering was interrupted by frost, there are very few fruits left to taste. In other years, the harvest increases.
Anastasia Viktorovna Ozernova, 31, Ramon
And I like Tyutchevka: berries can be consumed almost the entire season. The moth bothers, like the cherry fly and the weevil, but I don't want to use chemicals. We collect leaves in the garden, for the winter we remove the branches damaged over the summer, we loosen the soil. We examine whether the bark is damaged after winter. In the case of frostbites, clean up the wound. We tie trapping belts. Since Tyutchevka is not very susceptible to moniliosis, it is quite possible to do without fungicides.
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