Weeping larch

Larch on a trunk has recently become popular in landscape design. It was created on the basis of a common tree - larch. According to the classification, it belongs to the class of Conifers, the department of gymnosperms.

Description of standard weeping larch

Standard larch is formed in the process of pruning, cutting shoots. The second way of formation is special vaccinations. The result is a plant with a straight tree trunk and a mass of downward-facing branches. Standard larch grows from 1 to 8 m. The sizes depend on the place of grafting. After it, the stem increases in size by 10 or 20 cm.Every year, the crown diameter will increase by 20 cm, the height - by 30 cm.The width of the stem reaches 1.5 m.

In spring, larch forms bunches of needles on the shoots. Soft needles have different shades of green. It depends on the type of trunk. Shoots are thin, uneven. There are many tubercles, processes on them. In adulthood, male and female bumps form. Women are especially beautiful. They are painted in bright colors, like miniature roses... In autumn, the needles turn yellow and fall off.

Advice! Larch does not create much shade. Other ornamental plants look great under its crown.

Weeping larch on a trunk in landscape design

Stamp larch has a universal application in the design of any site. Serves as decoration:

  • alpine slides;
  • arbors;
  • flower beds;
  • hedges;
  • entrance to the house.

Looks great individually. It is used for group plantings with dark coniferous crops. The stem gives a good combination with various ornamental plants.

Larch varieties on the trunk

In horticulture, low-growing varieties of weeping larch are used. They take up little space, attract attention with their appearance. Pendula form varieties are widespread.

Repens - has branches directed downward. Sometimes they spread over the surface of the earth.

Bullets - forms a mass of shoots that descend to the ground. The color of the needles is light green.

Kornik - a low standard plant, forming a crown in the form of a ball of emerald color.

Kreichi - dwarf variety, up to a meter in height. Crohn's wrong, fluffy.

Further, varieties based on Japanese larch.

Gray pearl - has a dense crown. Its shape is spherical. It grows slowly, up to 2 m.

Blue gnome - undersized variety. For 10 years it reaches 60 cm. Shoots are directed in different directions.

Bambino - the smallest variety. It grows by 2 cm annually. It grows up to 20 cm. It is a ball of bluish-green needles.

Wolterdingen - dwarf variety. For 10 years, it gains a height of 50 cm. The needles are painted blue-green.

How to grow larch on a trunk

Specialists are engaged in the cultivation of larch on a trunk. Gardeners purchase a ready-made seedling. Those who like to experiment can form a stem themselves. The rules for its design are simple.

The stem is created by trimming the crown. The seedling is placed on the site, tied to a support. As it grows, all shoots are cut off. When the desired height is reached, its top is cut off. As a result, lateral shoots begin to grow actively. They need to be pinched to form a dense crown.

Weeping larch is obtained by grafting. Choose a stem, on which shoots of a different variety will be grafted. Grown to a certain height, cut off the top. A vertical cut is made with a sharp knife. The lower part of the grafted cutting is cut at an angle. Insert it into the incision of the stem, tied it with a polyethylene tape. The upper part of the cutting is smeared with garden varnish. A month later, the buds of the cuttings will begin to grow. Shoots are periodically pinched to form a dense crown.

Important! Larch is a cold-resistant, light-loving tree. Can be grown in any region.

Planting and caring for larch on a trunk

Larch is an unpretentious plant. Acquiring a standard form, they carry out preparatory work on the site. An ornamental tree is planted in early spring, before the buds bloom. In autumn, planting is carried out before the beginning of leaf fall, in the first half of the season.

Seedling and planting plot preparation

For planting larch on a trunk, a sunny place or partial shade is suitable. Choose an area with light, drained soil. In conditions with heavy acidic soil, drainage and liming are required. On sandy soil, the tree feels bad and may die. Excessive moisture is undesirable for larch. When planting a certain type of tree, the natural conditions of its habitat are taken into account.

Saplings no more than 2 years old are used. They are sold in containers with a closed root system. When planting, it remains to remove the seedling from the container, place it in the prepared planting site.

Landing rules

When landing, adhere to the rules:

  1. A hole is prepared for planting a stem. Its dimensions make it 2 times larger than an earthen coma.
  2. Peat, humus or compost are added to the soil removed from the planting pit. For 1 part of the soil, take 1 part of peat and 2 parts of humus. If there is a lot of clay, sand is added.
  3. A little prepared soil is poured into the pit, the root system is placed along with a lump of earth.
  4. Fill a hole with a seedling with a prepared soil mixture, tamp the surface. Watering.
  5. The root system is buried 80 cm.
  6. When planting several plants, the distance between the boles is up to 2-3 m.

Further care of the larch on the trunk is not difficult.

Watering and feeding

The seedling needs regular moisture. In dry weather, larch needs up to 2 buckets of water 2 times a week. There is no need to water during the rains. Seasonal rainfall is sufficient for adult plants.

Larch growth is activated after the application of potash and phosphorus fertilizers. The tree responds well to compost. Top dressing is done in the first years of growth. Nutrient mixtures are applied in the spring. It is recommended to use a special composition of "Kemir". In June, fertilizing with urea is carried out. Use 10 g per bucket of water. The stores sell special fertilizers for conifers.

Mulching and loosening

The trunk circle is mulched after planting and watering. This protects the soil from moisture loss. Pine bark, peat, humus are used for these purposes. When using humus, mulching and feeding are combined.

The soil around the larch seedling is weeded. Prevents sod formation. The soil is loosened. Shallow loosening is carried out within 2 years - up to 20 cm.

Important! Larch is going through a hard transplant. You should immediately place it in the right place.

Trimming and shaping

Caring for weeping larch involves annual pruning and crown formation. There are 3 types of pruning:

  1. Forming. Pruning is carried out in the spring. Remove unnecessary branches, prune growth points. As a result, the tree becomes bushier. Such pruning is necessary for young plants.
  2. Anti-aging. Pruning is carried out in the spring or early autumn. All weak shoots are removed. Mature branches are shortened by a third. Young shoots will appear on them.
  3. Sanitary. Trim as needed.The reason is the damage to the tree by pests and diseases. Remove dead branches.

Larch does not lend itself to forming. Cropping in order to get a shape will not work. Weeping larch shoots are thinned out so that the sun penetrates to each shoot. Thin ones are removed, the rest are cut to half.

Preparing for winter

Young larch is prepared for winter. They make a fence, cover with non-woven or other material. Pre-remove dried branches.


Larch seedlings on a trunk for their site are bought in specialized stores or nurseries. They are also engaged in independent tree propagation. Use the following methods:

  • cuttings;
  • reproduction by seeds;
  • vaccinations.

The first method is used by specialists in nurseries. It is labor intensive. Cuttings take root and can be used to grow larch.

When propagated by seeds, mature cones are taken. The seeds are soaked for 2 weeks. Sow in a mixture of sand and sawdust. They moisturize well. Observe the temperature regime. After the emergence of seedlings, they are seated in spacious containers. A year later, they are planted in open ground.

Reproduction by grafting guarantees the preservation of the purity of the variety. A vertical cut is made on the seedling, a stalk with buds is placed in it, and bandaged.

Diseases and pests

Larch is resistant to diseases and pests. For preventive purposes, it is treated with a solution of copper sulfate.

Sometimes in the summer season the needles begin to turn yellow and fall off. Aphids may be the culprit. She feeds on the sap of the plant. Its larvae overwinter on larch. With the onset of warmth, the females begin to reproduce. Numerous eggs are laid. The larvae developing from eggs feed on needles. The presence of female aphids can be easily identified by their white coloration. For the destruction of hibernating larvae, drugs are used, which include paraffin oil.

The moth also lays larvae in the needles. As a result, shoots grow slowly, the needles turn yellow and fall off. They destroy the pest with insecticides.

Fungal infection of schütte. Yellow and brown spots appear on the needles. The needles fall off. Spreads on wood during high humidity. The diseased branches are removed and burned. Larch is treated with fungicides.


Larch on a trunk retains its decorative properties, subject to all agrotechnical measures. The young stem requires more attention. Adult plants are unpretentious. With proper care, they grow for a long time.

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