Preparing a budley for winter in the Moscow region

Planting and caring for budley in the Moscow region differs from the agricultural technology in the southern regions. The plant enters the flowering phase in the fall, retains its decorative effect until the first frost. In warm climates, preparatory work for winter is minimal. To preserve the root system in a temperate climate, the culture needs a number of additional measures.

Budley varieties for the Moscow region

Originally from South Africa, the plant is thermophilic and does not tolerate low ambient temperatures. Thanks to hybridization, new varieties of budlei were bred, which, according to gardeners, became possible to grow in the Moscow region. The culture is used in the design of sites. In temperate climates, Budleya David with spike-shaped sultans and its breeding varieties are widespread. Hybrids differ in color of flowers and height of shrubs, their agricultural technology is the same.

The most popular varieties of David's budley for the Moscow region:

  1. Budlea Flower Power or Bicolor - hybrid with double color of flowers. They are divided into orange and dark purple. The bush grows up to 2 m, the crown is spreading, with stems drooping at the ends.
  2. Budlea the Black Knight (Black Knight) is a medium-sized shrub (up to 1.5 m) with silvery foliage, compact, the ends of the branches are lowered. Inflorescences are 30 cm long, consist of dark purple flowers with a lemon core.
  3. Boudley Blue Chip (Blue Chip) is a low-growing shrub with a height of 45 cm, a crown diameter of 85 cm. It has a long flowering period - from July to October. Spike-shaped inflorescences of bright blue color with a purple core.
  4. Budleya David Alba - medium-sized shrub (1.3 m in height), spreading with drooping branches, large, white inflorescences.

The main Budleia varieties are less frost-resistant than hybrids. They are planted in the Moscow region with spherical budley with orange rounded inflorescences and alternate-leaved budley, the culture is valued for its decorative appearance, but it requires more thorough preparation for winter.

Important! Frozen stems will quickly recover in spring, the main task is to preserve the root system.

Planting and caring for David's budley in the Moscow region

According to the designers, planting a buddley in the Moscow region and subsequent care for it will not be difficult if the requirements of agricultural technology are met and frost-resistant varieties are selected. Budlea manages to bloom before the onset of frost, and there is enough time to prepare the plant for wintering.

Terms of planting works

The plant is planted in the spring, when the soil has warmed up to +180 C, roughly late May or early June. In the spring, a seedling breeding method is recommended. Seeds are sown at the end of April, one month before placement in open ground.

Planting budlei in the fall in the Moscow region is undesirable, the plant can leave in winter with a fragile root system. There is a great risk that Budleya will not overwinter. If necessary, an autumn planting, a well-rooted cutting or layering is taken, as an option, a seedling is purchased in a nursery. Work is carried out a month before frost, if the root system of the planting material is well developed, it will successfully take root and overwinter.

Site selection and soil preparation

The plant is light-loving, it is much easier to tolerate an excess of ultraviolet radiation than its deficiency.The site is chosen open, protected from the north wind. The composition of the soil is chosen without excess moisture, loose, neutral, fertile. If the soil is clay, sand is added, and the sand is mixed with humus, the acidic composition is neutralized with lime or dolomite flour. The site is dug up, the roots are removed weeds... Work is carried out 14 days before planting the seedling.

Planting algorithm

A successful wintering of a buddley in the Moscow region depends on a properly carried out planting:

  1. Dig a landing hole with the expectation that it is 15-20 cm wider than the root, deepened by 50 cm.
  2. A drainage layer is placed on the bottom; for this purpose, pebbles, crushed stone or expanded clay are used, the layer is about 10 cm.
  3. Sod land is mixed with superphosphate - for 8 kg of soil 50 g of the product, poured onto the drainage.
  4. A budley seedling is placed in the center, the roots are distributed so that there is no interlacing, they are covered with earth.
  5. The soil is compacted, watered and mulched with peat or straw.
Attention! The root collar should be on the surface.

If the planting is group, the interval between the budleia bushes is 1 m.

Rules for growing buddleya in the Moscow region

The agricultural technology of the buddleya in the Moscow region does not differ from the care of the culture in the southern regions, with the exception of autumn preparation. To preserve the decorativeness of the plant, it must be fed, watered, and weeds removed from the site.

Budleya is drought-resistant, can do without watering for a long time. But it reacts badly to dry air, flowers and leaves turn yellow, then dry, frequent sprinkling is necessary. Watering is required for a young seedling to a greater extent. Activities are determined by seasonal precipitation. If it rained 2 times a week, this is enough for the seedling, but in dry weather the moisture deficit is supplemented by watering.

For an adult plant, one watering every 14 days is enough, the root system of a buddleia is superficial, a constantly moistened root circle can cause the development of a fungal infection. The climatic conditions in the Moscow region are unstable, a sharp change in temperature at night and during the day has a bad effect on the weekday if the soil is constantly wet.

Loosening the crop as weeds appear. Loosening is carried out in a thin layer so as not to damage the root. Top dressing is applied in the spring, using superphosphate ("Kemira Universal"). Fertilize in autumn before preparing for wintering.

Pruning of the budleia is carried out in the fall, the crown is cut off completely, if conditions allow covering the budleia for the winter and not subjecting it to cardinal pruning. In the spring, frozen, weak branches are removed, the length of the shoots is shortened at will. Mulch budley immediately after planting and without fail in the fall.

How to prepare a budley for winter in the Moscow region

The buddleya of David hibernates in the Moscow region only in a sheltered state. Even on a pre-warmed plant, frozen shoots are found in the spring. It's not scary, the stems will grow back in the spring. But if the root is frozen, it will not be able to restore the missing fragments of the budley. There is a great risk that the plant will gradually die. In the fall, they take care not only of the shelter, but also pay attention to the preparatory work.

Preparing David's budley for winter in the Moscow region:

  1. 2 weeks before the onset of frost, the plant is fed with phosphorus fertilizer.
  2. A week after feeding, water charging is carried out. If the summer has been rainy, this event is not necessary.
  3. In the southern regions, the crop is pruned in the spring; in the Moscow region, pruning budley for the winter is a mandatory procedure. Leave the stems 20 cm from the ground, cut off the entire crown.
  4. Without fail, the plant is spud, mulched with peat, straw or dry leaves with a layer of 15-20 cm. Wood sawdust for covering the root circle is not recommended, they are able to accumulate moisture and create a favorable microclimate for fungi and bacteria.

Then cover the budley bush in any convenient way.

How to cover a budley for the winter in the Moscow region

Shelter for the winter in the Moscow region can be carried out only in late autumn, when the plant is at rest.Early measures can lead to steaming and then rotting of the stems. If the young budleia seedlings look weak, it is better to dig them up for the winter and transfer them together with the soil clod to a dark room.

An adult, circumcised budley is covered in the following way:

  1. After the foliage falls off, the buds are covered with soil until the 4th bud.
  2. From above, they are covered with a wooden structure in the form of a quadrangle, the sides of the improvised box should be higher or at the level of the cuts.
  3. The budley is covered with boards or slate, roofing material is placed on top.
  4. In winter, the structure is covered with a thick layer of snow.

Instead of a box, you can use arcs with lutrasil stretched over them. The structure is obtained with a height of about 30 cm. After installing the arches, the budley in the Moscow region is completely covered with dry leaves, only then the covering material is pulled. You can put spruce branches on top or cover the mini-greenhouse with snow.

A video with step-by-step instructions on how to cover a budley for the winter in the Moscow region will help to carry out the preparatory work correctly, and the plant will overwinter safely.

Warming for adult budlea bushes is no less important than for young ones. Over time, budlea loses its frost resistance and can die even with slight frosts.


Planting and caring for budley in the Moscow region will be successful if the variety is correctly selected and planting dates are met. An important role in the successful vegetation of the plant is played by the correctly chosen place and composition of the soil. In a temperate climate, the culture will not overwinter without preliminary measures. The budley is pruned, mulched and covered.

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