Hydrangea Magic Mont Blanc: reviews, planting and care

The snow-white hydrangea Magical Mont Blanc is a perennial plant with magnificent fluffy inflorescences forming a cone with a greenish top. This variety is preferred by gardeners around the world, since the plant perfectly adapts to any, even harsh, conditions. Hydrangea blooms profusely all summer, being the main decoration of the suburban area. The Medzhical Mont Blanc variety is characterized by increased winter hardiness, the bush can be left for the winter in the garden or taken home to the loggia, balcony or greenhouse.

Snow-white hydrangea will decorate a personal plot of any size

Description of hydrangea Magical Mont Blanc

Hydrangea paniculata Magical Mont Blanc is an ornamental shrub with small green leaves of regular shape and large fluffy inflorescences of snow-white color with a light green crown. The compact and even bush reaches a height of about 120 cm, all shoots are of the same length, the inflorescences are pyramidal in shape.

Hydrangea paniculata Mont Blanc in landscape design

Gardeners plant shrubs near high walls, fences and large trees to keep the plant out of drafts. Airy inflorescences of snow-white color adorn the flower bed, giving a bright accent - both during flowering and in autumn, when the leaves of the ornamental shrub acquire bright red shades.

Lush flowers are planted next to spring shrubs - lilacs, spirea, chubushnik. The Medical Mont Blanc replaces wilted flowers and provides a beautiful looking flower bed for the rest of the season.

Inflorescences of paniculate Medical Mont Blanc are cone-shaped

Winter hardiness of hydrangea Magical Mont Blanc

This variety of perennial hydrangea is characterized by increased winter hardiness. The shrub is successfully grown even by gardeners of Western Siberia and the Far East. In the European part of Russia, hydrangea can be found even more often. Medical Mont Blanc perfectly tolerates even the most severe winters, provided that the shrubs are properly cared for and sheltered in time.

Planting and caring for Mont Blanc panicle hydrangea

You can buy high-quality hydrangea seedlings in autumn or spring. After the purchase, it is important to take into account all the nuances of planting and proper care of the plant in order to admire the chic pyramidal inflorescences of snow-white color all summer long.

The abundance of flowering depends on the correct planting in open ground.

Selection and preparation of the landing site

Panicle hydrangea loves exceptionally fertile soils, neutral, without traces of lime and alkali. In appearance, a small shrub has a powerful root system, the rhizomes go far from the trunk of the plant, so bulbous flowers should not be planted next to hydrangeas. Frequent digging of soil for replanting tulips, hyacinths, crocuses or gladioli can damage the roots of the Medical Mont Blanc panicle hydrangea.

Sawdust, brown peat or pine needles will help neutralize the increased acidity of the soil. Do not plant your shrub in sand or clay. The illumination of the site should be moderate, the plant loves light, but grows well in partial shade. Lack of sunlight can affect the abundance of flowering.

Landing rules

The Medjical Mont Blanc is planted in spring or fall. For the shrub, it is necessary to prepare a place with well-drained loamy soil. Dig a wide hole, cover with water and leave for a day. Next, fill the pit with humus, peat, fertile soil with a share of sand, add 30 g of urea, superphosphate and potassium sulfate for feeding, mix with loose earth and let it brew a little.

Before planting, prune the roots of the shrub, lower the seedling into the ground, straighten the root system. Sprinkle with water, mulch with humus, pine needles or sour peat. At first, it is recommended to protect the plant from direct sunlight.

Saplings planted in spring are likely to bloom this year. Autumn planting requires careful insulation of the root zone of the plant.

Lush inflorescences adorn the flower bed and look good when cut

Watering and feeding

In the hot season, gardeners need to take care of regular watering of the Medjical Mont Blanc panicle hydrangea. The shrub is very fond of water, suffers from drying out of the soil. Water the ground abundantly once a week and mulch around the trunk in any way.

The plant needs regular feeding. Usually it is necessary to fertilize panicle hydrangea in early spring, at the time of awakening. Organic fertilizers based on mullein or bird droppings are applied to the soil. The next stage of fertilization is carried out in the summer - during the period of budding and active flowering of hydrangeas. A solution of potassium sulfate, urea and superphosphate is poured into the root zone. For 10 liters of water, approximately 25-30 g of each substance. The last feeding of the plant for the year is done before the beginning of winter, when the plant is prepared for hibernation. You can buy a special fertilizer for hydrangeas that does not contain nitrogenous compounds.

Ready fertilizers for abundant flowering must be applied on schedule

Pruning hydrangea paniculata Magic Mont Blanc

This is one of the mandatory stages, ensuring the abundant flowering of the shrub. At the end of March, with the help of pruning, they form an ideal hydrangea bush. Gardeners leave 7-10 healthy shoots with 3-5 buds. Old plants are subject to compulsory pruning, places of cuts usually give young shoots after a year.

Preparing for winter

The Medical Mont Blanc panicle hydrangea does not need to be covered for the winter. The varieties of this type of ornamental shrub can withstand frosts down to -35 degrees. Only a young hydrangea planted in autumn can suffer from severe weather. Many gardeners prefer not even to cut off dried inflorescences, making all the manipulations with the plant only in early spring.


The most traditional breeding method for the Medjical Mont Blanc panicle hydrangea is cuttings. After pruning, the cuttings are not thrown away, but placed in a root solution for several days. Later they are instilled so that 2-3 buds are in the ground. When the first leaves appear, young shoots should be protected from the sun. The panicle hydrangea bush will be ready for transplantation to a permanent place in 4-5 years.

Diseases and pests

Panicle hydrangea is able to withstand many diseases and various pests, but prevention is necessary. The main hazards for the Medical Mont Blanc variety are:

  • aphid;
  • snails;
  • spider mite;
  • whitening or gray rot;
  • ring spot virus;
  • septoria;
  • powdery mildew;
  • root knot nematodes;
  • oversporosis;
  • chlorosis.

Acoricidal preparations - acarina, aktare, actellika help to fight pests and diseases. But there is also a folk way of fighting, for example, gardeners often use garlic to get rid of aphids. It is necessary to fill in 250-300 g of cloves with a bucket of water, add 50 g of grated laundry soap in a day. The bush is processed from all sides, trying to evenly distribute the solution over the surface of the trunk. Fundazol effectively fights powdery mildew, a common disease of paniculate hydrangeas.

A diseased plant loses its attractiveness


Hydrangea Medical Mont Blanc is a rather unpretentious plant. Suitable for both an experienced gardener and a beginner in the cultivation of ornamental shrubs. Snow-white inflorescences look spectacular when cut, they are often made the accent of a wedding celebration and a bride's bouquet.

Reviews of hydrangea Mont Blanc

Elena, 42 years old, Chekhov.
I bought this variety last year. The bush wintered well, bloomed well until autumn. The inflorescences attract attention - fluffy, large, with a pleasant creamy shade. Mont Blanc does not require special care, only timely preventive treatment against pests and ensuring a sufficient amount of moisture.
Mikhail, 39 years old, Voronezh.
Many types of hydrangeas grow in the country and this variety is one of the best. Unpretentious to care for, effective, with good decorative properties. I didn’t cover it for the winter, but there was no severe cold yet. Treated with foundation for the prevention of powdery mildew. In early summer, I saw signs of aphids on the bushes, sprayed it with a special preparation to combat this nuisance. Hydrangea blooms profusely and for a long time throughout the summer. In the fall, I cut off wilted inflorescences, and the bush continues to delight with its decorative effect.
Tatiana, 33 years old, Bobrov.
An excellent variety of panicle hydrangea! Such a beautiful transition of the inflorescence from snow-white to cream, on top of the pyramid a green tip. If the bush is cut in the spring, it will bloom more abundantly until autumn.
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