Marble quail: maintenance and breeding

The Russians started quailing not so long ago, less than half a century ago. But the eggs of these birds have always been in demand by gourmets. The cost of quail meat and eggs is quite high, therefore raising quail for sale is a profitable business. People always prefer high quality products with dietary properties.

Marble quails also found their place in personal plots and even in apartments... Keeping birds is easy, the main thing is to create a comfortable space for them. Marble quails are usually grown in cages (see photo), so a large area is not required.

Marble quail

Caring for quails of this breed does not create any particular difficulties. You will learn about the basic rules from the article.

Description of appearance, characteristics

Quails of the Marble breed are not found in the natural environment. This is a product of scientists from the All-Russian Institute of the Poultry Processing Industry. The basis was taken japanese quailwith which some work has been done. The testes of Japanese males were irradiated with X-rays. As a result of the mutation, they got the Marble Quail. The next generations retain the qualities of the breed.

When describing a new species, they point to an unusual light gray, with a bluish tint, plumage color. Even from a distance, it can be seen that the feathers, intertwining with each other, create a pattern that is somewhat reminiscent of marble. Hence the name. The color of the quail is clearly visible in this photo.

Marble quail

It is almost impossible to distinguish between the color of the female and the male.

Attention! A specialist can deal with gender, and then only when the marble quails are about two months old.

Feature of Marble Quails:

  1. An adult quail of the Marble breed weighs from 150 to 180 grams, while females, oddly enough, are heavier - from 180 to 200 grams.
  2. Carcass length up to 18 cm.
  3. Marble quails are grown mainly for eggs. The weight of one is up to 18 grams. Females rush almost every day, up to 320 pieces can be obtained per year. To obtain one kilogram of eggs from the Marble Quail, 2.6 kg of feed is enough. Since the price of one egg is high, the costs are well worth it.

The benefits of quail eggs are well presented in the photo table.

Important! Quail eggs, including those of the marble quail, outperform chicken products in almost all components.

Care rules

Feeding features

To get one kilogram of nutritious dietary meat, you will have to feed about 4 kilograms of feed. According to the established rules, Marble Quails must be fed at least 4 times a day.

Dry food is given separately from wet mash in special feeders. In the presence of a large population of Marble Quails, it is better to use automatic devices, in this case, feed losses are sharply reduced.

The same applies to drinkers. The fact is that the Marble Quail, like other home-grown relatives, should consume only clean water. The slightest pollution can cause intestinal diseases. And it is not always possible to change water in an ordinary bowl on time. Drinking bowls from plastic bottles will do, as in the photo.

In summer, quail cages can be displayed outdoors, in winter in a sparrowhawk. The air temperature should not drop below +10 degrees. As for the air humidity, the optimal one is about 55%.

Advice! There should be no drafts in the room where Marble Quails are kept.

Quails are clean birds, they need to arrange a bath. For this, any container is suitable, into which ash and sand are poured.

Video about the correct sparrowhawk device:

How to feed adult birds

Quails of the Marble breed are given grain in crushed form:

  • corn and wheat;
  • millet and oats;
  • rice, barley and pearl barley.

Quail farmers feed their pets with lentils, soybeans, peas. They are pre-steamed. Seeds of hemp, flax, meal and sunflower oil cake are no less valuable when growing Marble Quail.

As a vitamin supplement, you need to feed the quails with various vegetables, herbs, adding them to the mash. Beets and carrots are especially necessary for quails in winter.

If there are no special compound feeds, then in the diet of quails of the Marble breed, as well as its relatives, you need to add bone, fish, blood meal... You can replace it with minced meat from fresh meat or fish. The products are boiled, crushed, and added to the mash.

Dairy products are considered to be easily digestible; it is best to give cottage cheese.

Advice! With regard to pure milk, it should be removed from the drinker immediately after feeding.


Experienced Marble quail breeders know that poultry cannot hatch quail. Therefore, the livestock can be diluted artificially, using an incubator. Today there is no problem with them. There are many modifications designed for different numbers of eggs.

Marble quails have small eggs, so a lot can fit. In large farms, when a large number of young animals are required to replenish the livestock, they use powerful incubators. If the breeding of Marble quails is carried out for private needs, then it is better to breed them in small incubators.

In private households, devices equipped with glass are often used. This is especially important for novice poultry breeders, so as not to miss the moment the quail appears.

Important! Marble breed quail chicks do not always hatch at the same time. Sometimes the process is delayed for a couple of days.

Quail care rules

Marble quail chicks are born, as a rule, on 17-18 days. They are covered with a light fluff, feathers are not yet present. Marble quails weigh from 6 to 8 grams. From the first minute, they begin to actively explore the space. Just admire the newborn quilt in the photo!

Where to plant

Having chosen babies from the incubator, they need to be placed in a cardboard or plywood box. The size will depend on the number of quails. People who breed Marble quail on a large scale use special brooders. The bottom is covered with pure paper. It is changed as it gets dirty.

A grid is laid on top of the paper, the cell should be 5 by 10 ml. Thanks to her, the quail will not develop a specific "twine".

Grown-up quail are transplanted into cages separately from adults.

Conditions of detention

Chicks of Marble Quails, like all babies, need lighting. From the first days to three weeks, the light should be on 24 hours a day. Then from 3 to 6 weeks: hour of light - hour of darkness. Slightly matured chicks are given the following regime: 3 hours of light - 1 hour without it. Late daylight hours are reduced to 12 hours.

This lighting mode allows you to better assimilate food.

In addition, it is required to maintain a certain temperature. It is shown in the table.

Feeding features

From the first minutes of life, Marble Quails begin to actively search for food. You can use the same feed as for adult birds, but in smaller quantities.

Marble quails grow quickly, so the need for protein, vitamins, minerals is great.

From the first day of life, chicks are fed:

  • chopped boiled chicken eggs;
  • cottage cheese, sprinkling with breadcrumbs;
  • greens.

A special compound feed designed for raising hatched chicks of indoor birds, in particular, parrots, is going well. Clean water should always be available.

With the right care of small Marble Quails, they will look like their parents after a couple of weeks. Body weight will increase 14 times.

Let's summarize

Marble quails are kept not only for obtaining healing meat and eggs. Many people are attracted by the amazing color of the birds. Since caring for them is not difficult, they are bred as decorative ones. Quails are not afraid of people, they are not afraid, and most importantly, they never cry. Their pleasant chirping pleases the ear.

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