Treatment of bloody diarrhea in chickens

Many villagers are engaged in raising chickens. On the one hand, this is a profitable activity, and the birds are always in front of your eyes, you can see the changes taking place with them. But on the other hand, private owners do not have enough knowledge and experience if the chickens start to get sick.

There are many diseases in poultry. Some of them are associated with non-compliance with the rules of detention, the cause of other diseases is various infections, such as, for example, bloody diarrhea in chickens... The symptoms of the disease, prevention and treatment methods will be discussed in our article.

Effects of diarrhea in chickens

Diarrhea is a serious condition that can upset the digestive system of young chickens. The cause of diarrhea and the severity of the course can be bacteria and viruses, as well as intestinal parasites or other causes.

As a rule, with prolonged diarrhea, serious disorders occur in the body of chickens. People who raise farm birds at home are well aware that it is difficult for such a small, not yet matured creature to resist the disease. After all, the immunity of babies is very low.

Even a slight diarrhea weakens the chick, it loses its appetite, its weight drops sharply, and leads to dehydration. As a result, the bird dies. And if the cause of diarrhea, including with the release of blood cells, is an infection, then you can lose not only young animals, but also adult chickens.

Important! Having seen a similar ailment in chickens, owners should find out the cause of the disease and immediately begin treatment.

How to recognize bloody diarrhea

Unfortunately, bloody diarrhea does not start immediately. At first, the stool may be brown in color, with mucus, but no blood clots. But already at this stage we can say that chickens develop eimeriosis or coccidiosis due to the fact that the simplest microorganisms, representatives of the coccidia family, have settled in their body.

Most often, the disease begins in the warm season. Coccidia enter the body of poultry through dirty dishes, damp bedding.

Symptoms of the disease to prevent further development and infection of the herd:

  1. Chickens drink a lot, but at the same time refuse to eat. The beaks are constantly open.
  2. The birds are lethargic, the edges of the wings are lowered to the ground, the feathers are ruffled.
  3. In brown stool, which is constantly excreted, mucus and blood clots begin to appear.
  4. The chickens lose weight dramatically, stop moving, sit ruffled.
  5. The scallops turn pale as anemia begins.
  6. The ass is constantly wet.

Sometimes chickens become so weak that they cannot even drink on their own. In these cases, the medicine is not poured into a water bowl, but drunk from a pipette. Most often, veterinarians recommend giving chickens Oxy-Doxy for bloody diarrhea.

Unfortunately, it is not so easy to recognize the development of coccidiosis (bloody diarrhea in chickens) at first, it is not easy to do even for an experienced poultry breeder, not to mention beginners.

Comment! The cause of bloody diarrhea can be not only microorganisms, but also trauma to the cloaca or colon.

Chickens with bloody diarrhea symptoms should be treated immediately, at the first discomfort. Diarrhea must be nipped in the bud, otherwise you can be left without chicken.

Ways to combat coccidiosis and bloody diarrhea

The spread of the disease is rapid, so you must not miss the first symptoms and act decisively.First of all, birds that look suspicious must be transferred to another room. Secondly, a comprehensive disinfection of the chicken coop... Thirdly, you need to go to the veterinarian and start treating coccidiosis so that diarrhea with bloody discharge does not start.

Preventive measures

As you know, treating any disease is more difficult and costly than preventing it. In order for the chicks to grow up healthy, a number of preventive measures must be taken regarding the hygiene and arrangement of the chicken coop.

Sanitary requirements for the premises

  1. Every day, you need to clean the floors of chicken droppings and change the litter. The fact is that dirt and dampness are the first and main sources of reproduction of various harmful microorganisms.
  2. If chickens are bred, then the area should be large, because crowding leads to close contacts of birds. Small chickens and adult birds should be kept separate.
  3. There should be no draft in the hen house, but uninterrupted ventilation is required.
  4. As a preventive measure, even if all pets are healthy, the walls are whitewashed with slaked lime. If the chickens are sick, then similar actions are repeated.

Treatment of the chicken coop with drugs

In addition to the usual activities, if the chickens have bloody diarrhea, you have to use veterinary drugs. One of them is lactic acid, with which the air is disinfected. One cubic meter of chicken coop needs 15 or 20 ml.

Often veterinarians offer to treat the room with creolin. 5% water emulsion, heated to 60 degrees, whitens the walls, ceiling and sheds the floor.

In addition, chickens need to be vaccinated at an early age, only in this case healthy chickens and males will grow. But if you saw that at least one chicken had bloody diarrhea. You need to seek help from your veterinarian for a diagnosis.

In the event that the disease does appear among your chickens, it is necessary to carry out a major disinfection. After treatment with special preparations, in order to get rid of coccidiosis, the walls and all surfaces of the chicken coop are burned. Otherwise, the disease may recur.

Treatment features

If bloody diarrhea is not a consequence of an infection, the cause of its appearance is associated with injuries, then the veterinarian will prescribe a course of treatment with probiotics or enzyme agents.

To normalize the intestines, and, most importantly, restore the microflora, chickens who have bloody diarrhea need to be fed with fermented milk products and given rice water. Babies at this time do not need to be given plain water, it is better to use a pink solution of potassium permanganate or warm water with a decoction of chamomile.

Comment! Treatment should be started immediately as soon as the first symptoms appear.

As a prophylactic agent, mineral and vitamin supplements are introduced into young animals' feed. And also it is necessary to carry out deworming monthly.

For the treatment of bloody diarrhea in chickens, they use a complex:

  • Sulfa drugs;
  • Levomycetin;
  • Polymexin;
  • Biseptol, Flosan;
  • Tetracycline.

When using chloramphenicol, the tablet is diluted in 100 ml of warm water and the solution is drunk several times a day.

When treating bloody diarrhea with probiotics, enzymes and antibiotics, you need to maintain a course of 5-8 days. It is not recommended to skip the procedure if you do not want to get a relapse. Tablets are crushed into powder, added to water or feed.

Bloody diarrhea is also treated by Baytril and Avatev. Do not exceed the dosage, otherwise, instead of treatment, you can poison the chickens.

Important! All of these drugs are excellent remedies for poultry from coccidiosis, which causes bloody diarrhea.

Prevention of diarrhea:


Cure chickens from diarrheacaused by coccidiosis is not easy. But if you start to act in a comprehensive manner at the first symptoms, then you can save the bird population.As you can see, raising chickens is not only an interesting and profitable business, but also quite troublesome.

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